'use strict'; import { app, BrowserWindow, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, protocol, } from 'electron'; import Store from 'electron-store'; import { autoUpdater } from 'electron-updater'; import path from 'path'; import { createProtocol } from 'vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/lib'; import registerAppLifecycleListeners from './main/registerAppLifecycleListeners'; import registerAutoUpdaterListeners from './main/registerAutoUpdaterListeners'; import registerIpcMainActionListeners from './main/registerIpcMainActionListeners'; import registerIpcMainMessageListeners from './main/registerIpcMainMessageListeners'; import registerProcessListeners from './main/registerProcessListeners'; import { IPC_CHANNELS } from './utils/messages'; export class Main { title: string = 'Frappe Books'; icon: string; winURL: string = ''; isWebpackUrl: boolean = false; checkedForUpdate = false; mainWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null; WIDTH = 1200; HEIGHT = 900; constructor() { this.icon = this.isDevelopment ? path.resolve('./build/icon.png') : path.join(__dirname, 'icons', '512x512.png'); protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged([ { scheme: 'app', privileges: { secure: true, standard: true } }, ]); if (this.isDevelopment) { autoUpdater.logger = console; } Store.initRenderer(); this.registerListeners(); if (this.isMac && this.isDevelopment) { app.dock.setIcon(this.icon); } } get isDevelopment() { return process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; } get isMac() { return process.platform === 'darwin'; } get isLinux() { return process.platform === 'linux'; } registerListeners() { registerIpcMainMessageListeners(this); registerIpcMainActionListeners(this); registerAutoUpdaterListeners(this); registerAppLifecycleListeners(this); registerProcessListeners(this); } getOptions(): BrowserWindowConstructorOptions { const options: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = { width: this.WIDTH, height: this.HEIGHT, minWidth: this.WIDTH, minHeight: this.HEIGHT, title: this.title, titleBarStyle: 'hidden', trafficLightPosition: { x: 16, y: 16 }, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: false, // TODO: Switch this off nodeIntegration: true, }, frame: this.isLinux, resizable: true, }; if (this.isDevelopment || this.isLinux) { Object.assign(options, { icon: this.icon }); } if (this.isLinux) { Object.assign(options, { icon: path.join(__dirname, '/icons/512x512.png'), }); } return options; } createWindow() { const options = this.getOptions(); this.mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(options); this.isWebpackUrl = !!process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL; if (this.isWebpackUrl) { this.loadWebpackDevServerURL(); } else { this.loadAppUrl(); } this.setMainWindowListeners(); } loadWebpackDevServerURL() { // Load the url of the dev server if in development mode this.winURL = process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL as string; this.mainWindow!.loadURL(this.winURL); if (!process.env.IS_TEST) { this.mainWindow!.webContents.openDevTools(); } } loadAppUrl() { createProtocol('app'); // Load the index.html when not in development this.winURL = 'app://./index.html'; this.mainWindow!.loadURL(this.winURL); } setMainWindowListeners() { if (this.mainWindow === null) { return; } this.mainWindow.on('closed', () => { this.mainWindow = null; }); this.mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { if (this.mainWindow === null) { return; } this.mainWindow.webContents.send(IPC_CHANNELS.STORE_ON_WINDOW, { isDevelopment: this.isDevelopment, }); }); } } export default new Main();