import { Fyo } from 'fyo'; import { StockQueue } from 'models/inventory/stockQueue'; import { ValuationMethod } from 'models/inventory/types'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { safeParseFloat, safeParseInt } from 'utils/index'; import { ComputedStockLedgerEntry, RawStockLedgerEntry, StockBalanceEntry, } from './types'; type Item = string; type Location = string; type Batch = string; export async function getRawStockLedgerEntries(fyo: Fyo) { const fieldnames = [ 'name', 'date', 'item', 'batch', 'serialNumber', 'rate', 'quantity', 'location', 'referenceName', 'referenceType', ]; return (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.StockLedgerEntry, { fields: fieldnames, orderBy: ['date', 'created', 'name'], order: 'asc', })) as RawStockLedgerEntry[]; } export function getStockLedgerEntries( rawSLEs: RawStockLedgerEntry[], valuationMethod: ValuationMethod ): ComputedStockLedgerEntry[] { const computedSLEs: ComputedStockLedgerEntry[] = []; const stockQueues: Record< Item, Record> > = {}; for (const sle of rawSLEs) { const name = safeParseInt(; const date = new Date(; const rate = safeParseFloat(sle.rate); const { item, location, quantity, referenceName, referenceType } = sle; const batch = sle.batch ?? ''; const serialNumber = sle.serialNumber ?? ''; if (quantity === 0) { continue; } stockQueues[item] ??= {}; stockQueues[item][location] ??= {}; stockQueues[item][location][batch] ??= new StockQueue(); const q = stockQueues[item][location][batch]; const initialValue = q.value; let incomingRate: number | null; if (quantity > 0) { incomingRate = q.inward(rate, quantity); } else { incomingRate = q.outward(-quantity); } if (incomingRate === null) { continue; } const balanceQuantity = q.quantity; let valuationRate = q.fifo; if (valuationMethod === ValuationMethod.MovingAverage) { valuationRate = q.movingAverage; } const balanceValue = q.value; const valueChange = balanceValue - initialValue; const csle: ComputedStockLedgerEntry = { name, date, item, location, batch, serialNumber, quantity, balanceQuantity, incomingRate, valuationRate, balanceValue, valueChange, referenceName, referenceType, }; computedSLEs.push(csle); } return computedSLEs; } export function getStockBalanceEntries( computedSLEs: ComputedStockLedgerEntry[], filters: { item?: string; location?: string; fromDate?: string; toDate?: string; batch?: string; } ): StockBalanceEntry[] { const sbeMap: Record< Item, Record> > = {}; const fromDate = filters.fromDate ? Date.parse(filters.fromDate) : null; const toDate = filters.toDate ? Date.parse(filters.toDate) : null; for (const sle of computedSLEs) { if (filters.item && sle.item !== filters.item) { continue; } if (filters.location && sle.location !== filters.location) { continue; } if (filters.batch && sle.batch !== filters.batch) { continue; } const batch = sle.batch || ''; sbeMap[sle.item] ??= {}; sbeMap[sle.item][sle.location] ??= {}; sbeMap[sle.item][sle.location][batch] ??= getSBE( sle.item, sle.location, batch ); const date =; if (fromDate && date < fromDate) { const sbe = sbeMap[sle.item][sle.location][batch]; updateOpeningBalances(sbe, sle); continue; } if (toDate && date > toDate) { continue; } const sbe = sbeMap[sle.item][sle.location][batch]; updateCurrentBalances(sbe, sle); } return Object.values(sbeMap) .map((sbeBatched) => Object.values(sbeBatched).map((sbes) => Object.values(sbes)) ) .flat(2); } function getSBE( item: string, location: string, batch: string ): StockBalanceEntry { return { name: 0, item, location, batch, balanceQuantity: 0, balanceValue: 0, openingQuantity: 0, openingValue: 0, incomingQuantity: 0, incomingValue: 0, outgoingQuantity: 0, outgoingValue: 0, valuationRate: 0, }; } function updateOpeningBalances( sbe: StockBalanceEntry, sle: ComputedStockLedgerEntry ) { sbe.openingQuantity += sle.quantity; sbe.openingValue += sle.valueChange; sbe.balanceQuantity += sle.quantity; sbe.balanceValue += sle.valueChange; } function updateCurrentBalances( sbe: StockBalanceEntry, sle: ComputedStockLedgerEntry ) { sbe.balanceQuantity += sle.quantity; sbe.balanceValue += sle.valueChange; if (sle.quantity > 0) { sbe.incomingQuantity += sle.quantity; sbe.incomingValue += sle.valueChange; } else { sbe.outgoingQuantity -= sle.quantity; sbe.outgoingValue -= sle.valueChange; } sbe.valuationRate = sle.valuationRate; }