${0} ${1} already exists.,${0} ${1} 已经存在。 ${0} ${1} has been modified after loading,${0} ${1} 加载后已修改 ${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.,${0} ${1} 与现有记录相关联。 ${0} already exists.,${0} 已经存在。 ${0} filters applied,${0} 已应用过滤器 ${0} rows,${0} 行 * required fields,* 必填字段 0%,0% 03-23-2022,03-23-2022 03/23/2022,03/23/2022 1 filter applied,已应用 1 个过滤器 2022/3/23,2022/3/23 "23 Mar, 2022","23 Mar, 2022" 23-03-2022,23-03-2022 23/03/2022,23/03/2022 9888900000,9888900000 Account,帐户 Account Entries,帐户条目 Account Name,帐户名称 Account Type,帐户类型 Accounting Ledger Entry,会计分类帐输入 Accounting Settings,会计设置 Accounts,账户 Accounts Payable,应付账款 Accounts Receivable,应收账款 Accumulated Depreciation,累计折旧 Add Account,添加帐户 Add Customers,添加客户 Add Group,添加组 Add Items,添加项目 Add Row,添加行 Add Suppliers,添加供应商 Add Taxes,加税 Add a few customers to create your first invoice,添加一些客户来创建您的第一个发票 Add a few suppliers to create your first bill,添加一些供应商来创建您的第一个账单 Add a filter,添加过滤器 Add a remark,添加备注 Add invoice terms,添加发票条款 Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers,添加您从供应商处购买的产品或服务 Add products or services that you sell to your customers,添加您向客户销售的产品或服务 Address,地址 Address Display,地址显示 Address Line 1,地址第 1 行 Address Line 2,地址第 2 行 Administrative Expenses,行政开支 All,全部 Amount,总计 Amount (Company Currency),金额(公司货币) Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.,金额:${0} 和注销:${1} 少于分配给参考的总金额:${2}。 Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.,金额:${0} 小于分配给参考的总金额:${1}。 An error occurred.,发生错误。 Application of Funds (Assets),资金(资产)应用 Arial,Arial Ascending Order,升序 Asset,资产 Assign Imported Labels,分配导入的标签 Back,后退 Bad import data.,导入数据错误。 Balance,平衡 Balance Sheet,资产负债表 Bank,银行 Bank Accounts,银行账户 Bank Entry,银行条目 Bank Name,银行名称 Bank Overdraft Account,银行透支账户 Based On,基于 Basic,基础 Basic I,基础 I Basic II,基础 II Bill,账单 Bill Created,账单已创建 Bill No,帐单编号 Black,黑色 Blue,蓝色 Both,两者 Buildings,建筑物 Business,商业 Cancel,取消 Cancel ${0} ${1}?,取消 ${0} ${1}? Cancelled,取消 Capital Equipments,资本设备 Capital Stock,资本存量 Cash,现金 Cash Entry,现金入账 Cash In Hand,手头现金 Cashflow,现金周转 Central Tax,中央税收 Change File,更改文件 Change Ref Type,更改引用类型 Chargeable,收费 Chart Of Accounts Reviewed,已审核的会计科目表 Chart of Accounts,会计科目表 Check for Updates,检查更新 Checking for updates,查询更新 Cheque,检查 City / Town,城市/城镇 Clear,清除 Clearance Date,清仓日期 Click to create,点击创建 Close,关闭 Closing,正在关闭 Closing (Cr),正在关闭 (贷方) Closing (Dr),正在关闭 (借方) Color,颜色 Commission on Sales,销售佣金 Common,常用 Common Items,常用物品 Company Address,公司地址 Company Logo,公司标志 Company Name,公司名称 Company Settings,公司设置 Company Setup,公司设置 Completed,已完成 Condition,条件 Consolidate Columns,合并列 Contains,包含 Contra Entry,反对进入 Cost of Goods Sold,商品销售成本 Could not import ${0} ${1}.,无法导入 ${0} ${1}。 Could not select file.,无法选择文件。 Country,国家 Country Code,国家代码 Country code used to initialize regional settings.,用于初始化区域设置的国家/地区代码。 Courier,快递 Cr.,贷方 Create,创建 Create Bill,创建账单 Create Demo,创建演示 Create Invoice,创建发票 Create Purchase,创建采购 Create Sale,创建销售 Create a new file and store it in your computer.,创建一个新文件并将其存储在您的计算机中。 Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer,创建一个新文件或从您的计算机中选择一个现有文件 Create your first bill and mail it to your supplier,创建您的第一个账单并将其邮寄给您的供应商 Create your first invoice and mail it to your customer,创建您的第一张发票并将其邮寄给您的客户 Created,已创建 Created By,创建者 Creating Items and Parties,创建物品和派对 Creating Journal Entries,创建日记帐分录 Creating Purchase Invoices,创建采购发票 Credit,信用 Credit Card Entry,信用卡入口 Credit Note,信用票据 Creditors,债权人 Currency,货币 Currency Name,货币名称 Current,当前 Current Assets,当前资产 Current Liabilities,流动负债 Custom Hex,自定义十六进制 Customer,客户 Customer Created,客户创建 Customer Currency,客户货币 Customers,客户 Customise,自定义 Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details,通过添加徽标和地址详细信息自定义您的发票 Dashboard,仪表板 Data Import,数据导入 Database file: ${0},数据库文件:${0} Date,日期 Date Format,日期格式 Day,天 Debit,借记 Debit Note,借记单 Debtors,债务人 Default Account,默认帐户 Delete,删除 Delete ${0} ${1}?,删除 ${0} ${1}? Delete ${0}?,删除 ${0}? Depreciation,折旧 Depreciation Entry,折旧条目 Description,描述 Details,详细信息 Direct Expenses,直接开支 Direct Income,直接收入 Display Logo in Invoice,在发票上显示标志 Display Precision,显示精度 Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.,显示精度应具有介于 0 和 9 之间的值。 Dividends Paid,已支付股息 Docs,文档 Documentation,文档 Does Not Contain,不包含 Download Update,下载更新 Downloading update,下载更新 Dr.,借方 Draft,草稿 Duplicate,重复 Duplicate ${0} ${1}?,重复 ${0} ${1}? Duties and Taxes,关税和税收 Earnest Money,定金 Edit,编辑 Electronic Equipments,电子设备 Email,电子邮件 Email Address,电子邮件地址 Empty,空的 Enter Country to load States,输入国家以加载状态 Enter State,输入状态 Entertainment Expenses,业务招待费 Entry No,输入编号 Entry Type,输入类型 Equity,股权 Error,错误 Exchange Gain/Loss,汇兑收益/亏损 Exchange Rate,汇率 Excise Entry,消费税条目 Existing File,现有文件 Expense,费用 Expense Account,费用账户 Expenses,花费 Expenses Included In Valuation,计价费用 Export,导出 Export Failed,导出失败 Export Successful,导出成功 Fax,传真 Field,字段 Fieldname,字段名称 File selection failed.,文件选择失败。 Filter,过滤器 Fiscal Year,财政年度 Fiscal Year End Date,财政年度结束日期 Fiscal Year Start Date,财政年度开始日期 Fixed Asset,固定资产 Fixed Assets,固定资产 Font,字体 For,对于 Fraction,分数 Fraction Units,分数单位 Freight and Forwarding Charges,运费和转运费用 From Account,从帐户 From Date,从日期 From Year,从年份 Full Name,全名 Furnitures and Fixtures,家具和固定设备 GSTIN No.,GSTIN 编号 GSTR1,GSTR1 GSTR2,GSTR2 Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal,资产处置损益 General,常规 General Ledger,总帐 Get Started,开始使用 Gram,克 Grand Total,总计 Grand Total (Company Currency),总计(公司货币) Greater Than,大于 Green,绿色 Group By,按分组 HSN/SAC,HSN/SAC HSN/SAC Code,HSN/SAC 代码 Half Yearly,每半年 Half Years,半年后 Hex Value,十六进制值 Hide Get Started,隐藏入门 Hide Group Amounts,隐藏组金额 Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.,从边栏中隐藏“入门”部分。 更改将在重新启动或刷新应用程序时可见。 Hour,小时 How to Use Data Import,如何使用数据导入 I can't find my language.,我无法找到我的语言。 INR,INR Image,图像 Import Data,导入数据 Import Failed,导入失败 Import More,导入更多 Import Success,导入成功 Import Type,导入类型 Importer Settings,导入设置 Include Cancelled,包括已取消 Income,收入 Income Account,收入账户 Indigo,靛蓝 Indirect Expenses,间接开支 Indirect Income,间接收入 Inflow,流入 Install Update,安装更新 Instance Id,实例 ID Intergrated Tax,综合所得税 Internal Precision,内部精度 Invalid value ${0} for ${1},${1} 的值 ${0} 无效 Investments,投资 Invoice,发票 Invoice Created,已创建发票 Invoice Date,发票日期 Invoice No,发票号码 Invoice No.,发票号码 Invoice Setup,发票设置 Invoice Value,发票面额 Invoices,发票 Is,是 Is Empty,是空的 Is Group,是组 Is Not,不是 Is Not Empty,不为空 Item,项目 Item Description,项目描述 Item Name,项目名称 Items,项目 John Doe,John Doe Journal Entries,日记帐分录 Journal Entry,日记帐分录 Journal Entry Account,日记帐分录帐户 Kg,千克 Label Index,标签索引 Language,语言 Ledger Entries,分类帐条目 Left Index,左索引 Legal Expenses,法律开支 Less Than,少于 Liability,负债 List,列表 Load an existing .db file from your computer.,从您的计算机加载现有的 .db 文件。 Loading Report...,正在加载报告... Loading...,正在加载... Loans (Liabilities),贷款(负债) Loans and Advances (Assets),贷款和垫款(资产) Locale,区域设置 Logo,徽标 Make Entry,进行条目 Make Payment,进行支付 23-Mar-22,23-Mar-22 Marketing Expenses,营销费用 Merriweather,Merriweather Meter,米 Minimal,最小 Miscellaneous Expenses,杂项费用 Modern,现代 Modified,已修改 Modified By,修改者 Monthly,每月一次 Months,月份 Montserrat,Montserrat Name,名称 Navigate,导航 Net Total,净总值 Net Total (Company Currency),净总额(公司货币) New ${0},新建 ${0} New Account,新建账户 New File,新建文件 New Journal Entry,新建日记帐分录 New Purchase,新建购买 New Purchase Invoice,新建采购发票 New Sale,新建销售 New Sales Invoice,新建销售发票 New version available,新版本可用 Next,下一步 No,否 No Data to Import,无数据可导入 No Values to be Displayed,无值显示 No entries found,没有发现记录 No expenses in this period,这期间没有任何费用 No filters selected,没有选择过滤器 No labels have been assigned.,没有标签。 No results found,没有找到结果 No transactions yet,没有交易 No updates available,没有可用的更新 None,无 Notes,笔记 Number Series,系列号 Number of ${0},${0} 的数量 Office Equipments,办公设备 Office Maintenance Expenses,办公室维修费用 Office Rent,办公室租金 Onboarding Complete,入职完成 Open Folder,打开文件夹 Open Sans,Open Sans Opening (Cr),正在打开 (贷方) Opening (Dr),正在打开 (借方) Opening Balance Equity,期初余额权益 Opening Balances,期初余额 Opening Entry,打开条目 Orange,橙色 Organisation,机构 Outflow,流出 Outstanding Amount,未结金额 Oxygen,Oxygen Pad Zeros,填充零 Page,页面 Paid,有偿 Parent,父母 Parent Account,父帐户 Party,聚会 Patch Run,修补程序运行 Pay,支付 Payable,应付 Payment,支付 Payment For,付款方式 Payment Method,付款方式 Payment No,付款号 Payment Reference,付款凭据 Payment Type,付款方式 Payment amount cannot be ${0}.,付款金额不能为 ${0}。 Payment amount cannot be less than zero.,付款金额不能小于零。 Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.,付款金额不能超过 ${0}。 Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.,付款金额:${0} 应大于 0。 Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.,付款金额:${0} 应小于未结金额:${1}。 Payments,付款 Payroll Payable,应付工资 Periodicity,周期性 Phone,电话 Pink,粉红色 Place,场所 Place of supply,供应地 Plants and Machineries,设备和机械 Please Wait,请稍等 Please assign the following fields ${0},请分配以下字段 ${0} Please fill all values,请填写所有值 Please select a file with data to import.,请选择一个包含要导入数据的文件。 Please select a valid reference type.,请选择有效的引用类型。 Postal Code,邮政编码 Postal Expenses,邮政费用 Posting Date,发布日期 Prefix,前缀 Prime Bank,主要银行 Print,打印 Print Settings,打印设置 Print and Stationery,打印和文具 Product,产品 Profit And Loss,收益与损失 Profit and Loss,收益与损失 Purchase,采购 Purchase Invoice,采购发票 Purchase Invoice Item,采购发票项目 Purchase Invoices,采购发票 Purchase Item Created,已创建采购项目 Purchase Items,采购项目 Purchase Payments,采购款项 Purchases,采购 Purple,紫色 Quantity,数量 Quarterly,每季 Quarters,四分之一 Rate,费率 Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.,费率 (${0}) 不能小于零。 Rate (Company Currency),费率(公司货币) Rate can't be negative.,费率不能为负。 Receivable,应收账款 Receive,收到 Recent Invoices,近期发票 Red,红色 Ref Name,引用名称 Ref Type,引用类型 Ref. / Cheque No.,引用 /检查号码 Ref. Date,引用日期 Ref. Name,引用姓名 Ref. Type,引用类型 Reference,引用 Reference Date,引用日期 Reference Number,引用编号 Reference Type,引用类型 Reload App,重新加载应用程序 Report,报告 Report Error,报告错误 Report Issue,报告问题 Reports,报告 Required Fields not Assigned,未分配必填字段 Reset,重置 Retained Earnings,保留收益 Reverse Chrg.,反向征收机制 Reverted,已恢复 Reverts,恢复 Review Accounts,审核帐户 "Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",查看您的科目表,根据需要添加任何科目或税目 Right Index,右索引 Role,角色 Root Type,根类型 Round Off,四舍五入 Round Off Account,四舍五入帐户 Salary,薪水 Sales,销售额 Sales Expenses,销售费用 Sales Invoice,销售发票 Sales Invoice Item,销售发票项目 Sales Invoice Settings,销售发票设置 Sales Invoices,销售发票 Sales Invoice,销售发票 Sales Item Created,已创建销售项目 Sales Items,销售项目 Sales Payments,销售付款 Save,保存 Save Template,保存模板 Save as PDF,另存为 PDF Save as PDF Successful,另存为 PDF 成功 Saving,保存 Search,搜索 Secured Loans,担保贷款 Securities and Deposits,证券和存款 Select,选择 Select CoA,选择 CoA Select Color,选择颜色 Select Country,选择国家 Select File,选择文件 Select Folder,选择文件夹 Select Image,选择图片 Select Logo,选择徽标 Select a file for import,选择要导入的文件 Select file,选择文件 Select folder,选择文件夹 Select your language,选择您的语言 Selected file,所选文件 Service,服务 Set an Import Type,设置导入类型 Set the display language.,设置显示语言。 Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.,设置本地代码。 这用于数字格式。 Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.,设置小数点后显示的位数。 Sets the app-wide date display format.,设置应用范围的日期显示格式。 Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.,设置用于货币计算的内部精度。 对于大多数货币来说,6 以上应该足够了。 Setting Up Instance,设置实例 Setting Up...,配置... Settings,设置 Settings changes will be visible on reload,设置更改将在重新加载时可见 Setup,设置 Setup Complete,设置完成 Setup Wizard,安装向导 Set Up Your Workspace,设置您的工作区 Setup system defaults like date format and display precision,设置系统默认值,如日期格式和显示精度 "Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year",设置您的公司信息、电子邮件、国家和财政年度 Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries,在执行任何会计分录之前设置您的期初余额 Set up your organization,设置您的组织 Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions,为您的销售或采购交易设置税务模板 Show Me,给我看看 Single Value,单值 Smallest Currency Fraction Value,最小货币分数值 Softwares,软件 Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.,发生了严重的错误。 请检查控制台并提出问题。 Source of Funds (Liabilities),资金来源(负债) Standard Chart of Accounts,标准会计科目表 Start,开始 State,状态 State Tax,国家税收 Status,状态 Stock,股票 Stock Adjustment,股票调整 Stock Assets,股票资产 Stock Expenses,股票费用 Stock In Hand,现有股票 Stock Liabilities,股票负债 Stock Received But Not Billed,股票已收到但未开票 Submit,提交 Submit Journal Entry?,提交日记帐分录? Submit Purchase Invoice?,提交采购发票? Submit Sales Invoice?,提交销售发票? Submit on Import,导入时提交 Submitted,已提交 Submitting,提交 Subtotal,小计 Successfully created the following ${0} entries:,成功创建了以下 ${0} 条目: Supplier,供应商 Supplier Created,供应商创建 Supplier Currency,供应商货币 Suppliers,供应商 Symbol,符号 System,系统 System Settings,系统设置 System Setup,系统设置 Tax,税收 Tax Account,税务账户 Tax Assets,税收资产 Tax Detail,税务详细信息 Tax ID,税号 Tax Summary,税务摘要 Taxable Value,应税值 Taxes,税收 Teal,蓝绿色 Telephone Expenses,电话费 Template,模板 Temporary,暂时 Temporary Accounts,临时账户 Temporary Opening,临时开放 Terms,条款 The following ${0} entries were created: ${1},创建了以下 ${0} 个条目:${1} Theme Color,主题颜色 This Month,本月 This Quarter,本季度 This Year,今年 This action is permanent,此操作是永久性的 This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.,此操作是永久性的,并将删除相关的分类帐条目。 This action is permanent.,此操作是永久性的。 Times New Roman,Times New Roman To Account,到账 To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0},到账户和从帐户不能相同:${0} To Date,到日期 To Year,到年 Top Expenses,最高费用 Total,共计 Total Asset (Debit),总资产(借方) Total Credit,贷方总额 Total Debit,借方总额 Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1},总借方:${0} 必须等于总贷方:${1} Total Equity (Credit),总权益(信用) Total Expense (Debit),总费用(借方) Total Income (Credit),总收入(贷方) Total Liability (Credit),总负债(贷方) Total Profit,总利润 Total Spending,总支出 Transfer,转移 Transfer Type,转移类型 Travel Expenses,旅行开支 Trial Balance,试算平衡表 Type,类型 Type to search...,输入搜索... Unit,单元 Unit Type,单位类型 Unpaid,未付 Unsecured Loans,无抵押贷款 Until Date,截止日期 Update downloaded,已下载更新 User Remark,用户备注 Utility Expenses,水电费 Value,值 Value missing for ${0},${0} 的值缺失 Verify Imported Data,${0} 的值缺失 Version,版本 Version ${0} available,版本 ${0} 可用 View Purchases,查看采购 View Sales,查看销售 Welcome to Frappe Books,欢迎使用 Frappe Books Write Off,注销 Write Off Account,注销账户 Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings,未设置注销帐户。 请在通用设置中设置注销账户 Write Off Entry,注销条目 Yearly,每年 Years,年 Yellow,黄色 Yes,是 Your Name,您的名字 john@doe.com,john@doe.com reports,报告 setup,设置 verify the imported data and click on,验证导入的数据并点击