const frappe = require('frappe'); const Database = require('./database'); class SqliteDatabase extends Database { constructor({ dbPath }) { super(); this.dbPath = dbPath; this.connectionParams = { client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: this.dbPath, }, pool: { afterCreate(conn, done) {'PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON'); done(); }, }, useNullAsDefault: true, asyncStackTraces: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', }; } async addForeignKeys(doctype, newForeignKeys) { await this.sql('PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF'); await this.sql('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); const tempName = 'TEMP' + doctype; // create temp table await this.createTable(doctype, tempName); try { // copy from old to new table await this.knex(tempName).insert(; } catch (err) { await this.sql('ROLLBACK'); await this.sql('PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON'); const rows = await; await this.prestigeTheTable(doctype, rows); return; } // drop old table await this.knex.schema.dropTable(doctype); // rename new table await this.knex.schema.renameTable(tempName, doctype); await this.sql('COMMIT'); await this.sql('PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON'); } removeColumns() { // pass } async getTableColumns(doctype) { return (await this.sql(`PRAGMA table_info(${doctype})`)).map((d) =>; } async getForeignKeys(doctype) { return (await this.sql(`PRAGMA foreign_key_list(${doctype})`)).map( (d) => d.from ); } initTypeMap() { // prettier-ignore this.typeMap = { 'AutoComplete': 'text', 'Currency': 'text', 'Int': 'integer', 'Float': 'float', 'Percent': 'float', 'Check': 'integer', 'Small Text': 'text', 'Long Text': 'text', 'Code': 'text', 'Text Editor': 'text', 'Date': 'text', 'Datetime': 'text', 'Time': 'text', 'Text': 'text', 'Data': 'text', 'Link': 'text', 'DynamicLink': 'text', 'Password': 'text', 'Select': 'text', 'Read Only': 'text', 'File': 'text', 'Attach': 'text', 'AttachImage': 'text', 'Signature': 'text', 'Color': 'text', 'Barcode': 'text', 'Geolocation': 'text' }; } getError(err) { let errorType = frappe.errors.DatabaseError; if (err.message.includes('FOREIGN KEY')) { errorType = frappe.errors.LinkValidationError; } if (err.message.includes('SQLITE_ERROR: cannot commit')) { errorType = frappe.errors.CannotCommitError; } if (err.message.includes('SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: UNIQUE constraint failed:')) { errorType = frappe.errors.DuplicateEntryError; } return errorType; } async prestigeTheTable(tableName, tableRows) { const max = 200; // Alter table hacx for sqlite in case of schema change. const tempName = `__${tableName}`; await this.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(tempName); await this.knex.raw('PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF'); await this.createTable(tableName, tempName); if (tableRows.length > 200) { const fi = Math.floor(tableRows.length / max); for (let i = 0; i <= fi; i++) { const rowSlice = tableRows.slice(i * max, i + 1 * max); if (rowSlice.length === 0) { break; } await this.knex.batchInsert(tempName, rowSlice); } } else { await this.knex.batchInsert(tempName, tableRows); } await this.knex.schema.dropTable(tableName); await this.knex.schema.renameTable(tempName, tableName); await this.knex.raw('PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON'); } } module.exports = SqliteDatabase;