import path from 'path'; import { _electron } from 'playwright'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import test from 'tape'; const dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const root = path.join(dirname, '..'); const appSourcePath = path.join(root, 'dist_electron', 'build', 'main.js'); (async function run() { const electronApp = await _electron.launch({ args: [appSourcePath] }); const window = await electronApp.firstWindow(); window.setDefaultTimeout(60_000); test('load app', async (t) => { t.equal(await window.title(), 'Frappe Books', 'title matches'); await new Promise((r) => window.once('load', () => r())); t.ok(true, 'window has loaded'); }); test('navigate to database selector', async (t) => { /** * When running on local, Frappe Books will open * the last selected database. */ const changeDb = window.getByTestId('change-db'); const createNew = window.getByTestId('create-new-file'); const changeDbPromise = changeDb .waitFor({ state: 'visible' }) .then(() => 'change-db'); const createNewPromise = createNew .waitFor({ state: 'visible' }) .then(() => 'create-new-file'); const el = await Promise.race([changeDbPromise, createNewPromise]); if (el === 'change-db') { await; await createNewPromise; } t.ok(await createNew.isVisible(), 'create new is visible'); }); test('fill setup form', async (t) => { await window.getByTestId('create-new-file').click(); await window.getByTestId('submit-button').waitFor(); t.equal( await window.getByTestId('submit-button').isDisabled(), true, 'submit button is disabled before form fill' ); await window.getByPlaceholder('Company Name').fill('Test Company'); await window.getByPlaceholder('John Doe').fill('Test Owner'); await window.getByPlaceholder('').fill(''); await window.getByPlaceholder('Select Country').fill('India'); await window.getByPlaceholder('Select Country').blur(); await window.getByPlaceholder('Prime Bank').fill('Test Bank'); await window.getByPlaceholder('Prime Bank').blur(); t.equal( await window.getByTestId('submit-button').isDisabled(), false, 'submit button enabled after form fill' ); }); test('create new instance', async (t) => { await window.getByTestId('submit-button').click(); t.equal( await window.getByTestId('company-name').innerText(), 'Test Company', 'new instance created, company name found in sidebar' ); }); test('close app', async (t) => { await electronApp.close(); t.ok(true, 'app closed without errors'); }); })();