import Doc from 'frappe/model/doc'; import { DocMap, ModelMap } from 'frappe/model/types'; import { getRandomString } from 'frappe/utils'; import Observable from 'frappe/utils/observable'; import { Frappe } from '..'; import { DocValue, DocValueMap } from './types'; export class DocHandler { frappe: Frappe; singles: DocMap = {}; docs: Observable = new Observable(); models: ModelMap = {}; constructor(frappe: Frappe) { this.frappe = frappe; } init() { this.models = {}; = new Observable(); } registerModels(models: ModelMap) { for (const schemaName in models) { this.models[schemaName] = models[schemaName]; } } /** * Cache operations */ addToCache(doc: Doc) { if (! { return; } // add to `docs` cache const name =; const schemaName = doc.schemaName; if (!name) { return; } if (![schemaName]) {[schemaName] = {}; } ([schemaName] as DocMap)[name] = doc; // singles available as first level objects too if (schemaName === {[name] = doc; } // propagate change to `docs` doc.on('change', (params: unknown) => {!.trigger('change', params); }); } removeFromCache(schemaName: string, name: string) { const docMap =[schemaName] as DocMap | undefined; delete docMap?.[name]; } getFromCache(schemaName: string, name: string): Doc | undefined { const docMap =[schemaName] as DocMap | undefined; return docMap?.[name]; } getCachedValue( schemaName: string, name: string, fieldname: string ): DocValue | Doc[] | undefined { const docMap =[schemaName] as DocMap; const doc = docMap[name]; if (doc === undefined) { return; } return doc.get(fieldname); } isDirty(schemaName: string, name: string): boolean { const doc = ([schemaName] as DocMap)?.[name]; if (doc === undefined) { return false; } return doc.dirty; } /** * Doc Operations */ async getDoc( schemaName: string, name: string, options = { skipDocumentCache: false } ) { let doc: Doc | undefined; if (!options?.skipDocumentCache) { doc = this.getFromCache(schemaName, name); } if (doc) { return doc; } doc = this.getNewDoc(schemaName, { name }); await doc.load(); this.addToCache(doc); return doc; } getModel(schemaName: string): typeof Doc { const Model = this.models[schemaName]; if (Model === undefined) { return Doc; } return Model; } async getSingle(schemaName: string) { return await this.getDoc(schemaName, schemaName); } async getDuplicate(doc: Doc): Promise { const newDoc = await doc.duplicate(false); delete; return newDoc; } getEmptyDoc(schemaName: string, cacheDoc: boolean = true): Doc { const doc = this.getNewDoc(schemaName); = getRandomString(); if (cacheDoc) { this.addToCache(doc); } return doc; } getNewDoc(schemaName: string, data: DocValueMap = {}): Doc { const Model = this.getModel(schemaName); const schema = this.frappe.schemaMap[schemaName]; if (schema === undefined) { throw new Error(`Schema not found for ${schemaName}`); } const doc = new Model(schema, data); doc.setDefaults(); return doc; } async syncDoc(schemaName: string, data: DocValueMap) { const name = as string | undefined; if (name === undefined) { return; } const docExists = await this.frappe.db.exists(schemaName, name); if (!docExists) { const doc = this.getNewDoc(schemaName, data); await doc.insert; return; } const doc = await this.getDoc(schemaName, name); await doc.setMultiple(data); await doc.update(); } }