import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo'; import { Converter } from 'fyo/core/converter'; import { DocValueMap } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { isNameAutoSet } from 'fyo/model/naming'; import { Noun, Verb } from 'fyo/telemetry/types'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { Field, FieldType, FieldTypeEnum, OptionField, SelectOption, TargetField, } from 'schemas/types'; import { getDefaultMapFromList, getMapFromList, getValueMapFromList, } from 'utils'; import { generateCSV, parseCSV } from '../utils/csvParser'; export const importable = [ ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice, ModelNameEnum.Payment, ModelNameEnum.Party, ModelNameEnum.Item, ModelNameEnum.JournalEntry, ]; type Status = { success: boolean; message: string; names: string[]; }; type Exclusion = Record; type LoadingStatusCallback = ( isMakingEntries: boolean, entriesMade: number, totalEntries: number ) => void; interface TemplateField { label: string; fieldname: string; required: boolean; schemaName: string; options?: SelectOption[]; fieldtype: FieldType; parentField: string; } const exclusion: Exclusion = { Item: ['image'], Party: ['address', 'outstandingAmount', 'image'], }; function getFilteredDocFields( df: string | string[], fyo: Fyo ): [TemplateField[], string[][]] { let schemaName = df[0]; let parentField = df[1] ?? ''; if (typeof df === 'string') { schemaName = df; parentField = ''; } const primaryFields: Field[] = fyo.schemaMap[schemaName]!.fields; const fields: TemplateField[] = []; const tableTypes: string[][] = []; const exclusionFields: string[] = exclusion[schemaName] ?? []; for (const field of primaryFields) { const { label, fieldtype, fieldname, required } = field; if (shouldSkip(field, exclusionFields, parentField)) { continue; } if (fieldtype === FieldTypeEnum.Table) { const { target } = field as TargetField; tableTypes.push([target, fieldname]); continue; } const options: SelectOption[] = (field as OptionField).options ?? []; fields.push({ label, fieldname, schemaName, options, fieldtype, parentField, required: required ?? false, }); } return [fields, tableTypes]; } function shouldSkip( field: Field, exclusionFields: string[], parentField: string ): boolean { if (field.meta) { return true; } if (field.fieldname === 'name' && parentField) { return true; } if (field.required) { return false; } if (exclusionFields.includes(field.fieldname)) { return true; } if (field.hidden || field.readOnly) { return true; } return false; } function getTemplateFields(schemaName: string, fyo: Fyo): TemplateField[] { const fields: TemplateField[] = []; if (!schemaName) { return []; } const schemaNames: string[][] = [[schemaName]]; while (schemaNames.length > 0) { const sn = schemaNames.pop(); if (!sn) { break; } const [templateFields, tableTypes] = getFilteredDocFields(sn, fyo); fields.push(...templateFields); schemaNames.push(...tableTypes); } return fields; } export class Importer { schemaName: string; templateFields: TemplateField[]; labelTemplateFieldMap: Record = {}; template: string; indices: number[] = []; parsedLabels: string[] = []; parsedValues: string[][] = []; assignedMap: Record = {}; // target: import requiredMap: Record = {}; shouldSubmit: boolean = false; labelIndex: number = -1; csv: string[][] = []; fyo: Fyo; constructor(schemaName: string, fyo: Fyo) { this.schemaName = schemaName; this.fyo = fyo; this.templateFields = getTemplateFields(schemaName, this.fyo); this.template = generateCSV([ => t.label)]); this.labelTemplateFieldMap = getMapFromList(this.templateFields, 'label'); this.assignedMap = getDefaultMapFromList(this.templateFields, '', 'label'); this.requiredMap = getValueMapFromList( this.templateFields, 'label', 'required' ) as Record; } get assignableLabels() { const req: string[] = []; const nreq: string[] = []; for (const label in this.labelTemplateFieldMap) { if (this.requiredMap[label]) { req.push(label); continue; } nreq.push(label); } return [req, nreq].flat(); } get unassignedLabels() { const assigned = Object.keys(this.assignedMap).map( (k) => this.assignedMap[k] ); return this.parsedLabels.filter((l) => !assigned.includes(l)); } get columnLabels() { const req: string[] = []; const nreq: string[] = []; this.assignableLabels.forEach((k) => { if (!this.assignedMap[k]) { return; } if (this.requiredMap[k]) { req.push(k); return; } nreq.push(k); }); return [...req, ...nreq]; } get assignedMatrix() { this.indices = this.columnLabels .map((k) => this.assignedMap[k]) .filter(Boolean) .map((k) => this.parsedLabels.indexOf(k as string)); const rows = this.parsedValues.length; const cols = this.columnLabels.length; const matrix = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) { const row = []; for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) { const ix = this.indices[j]; const value = this.parsedValues[i][ix] ?? ''; row.push(value); } matrix.push(row); } return matrix; } dropRow(i: number) { this.parsedValues = this.parsedValues.filter((_, ix) => i !== ix); } updateValue(value: string, i: number, j: number) { this.parsedValues[i][this.indices[j]] = value ?? ''; } selectFile(text: string): boolean { this.csv = parseCSV(text); try { this.initialize(0, true); } catch (err) { return false; } return true; } initialize(labelIndex: number, force: boolean) { if ( (typeof labelIndex !== 'number' && !labelIndex) || (labelIndex === this.labelIndex && !force) ) { return; } const source = => [...row]); this.labelIndex = labelIndex; this.parsedLabels = source[labelIndex]; this.parsedValues = source.slice(labelIndex + 1); this.setAssigned(); } setAssigned() { const labels = [...this.parsedLabels]; for (const k of Object.keys(this.assignedMap)) { const l = this.assignedMap[k] as string; if (!labels.includes(l)) { this.assignedMap[k] = ''; } } labels.forEach((l) => { if (this.assignedMap[l] !== '') { return; } this.assignedMap[l] = l; }); } getDocs(): DocValueMap[] { const fields = => this.labelTemplateFieldMap[k]); const nameIndex = fields.findIndex(({ fieldname }) => fieldname === 'name'); const docMap: Record = {}; const assignedMatrix = this.assignedMatrix; for (let r = 0; r < assignedMatrix.length; r++) { const row = assignedMatrix[r]; const cts: Record = {}; const name = row[nameIndex]; docMap[name] ??= {}; for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { const field = fields[f]; const value = Converter.toDocValue(row[f], field, this.fyo); if (field.parentField) { cts[field.parentField] ??= {}; cts[field.parentField][field.fieldname] = value; continue; } docMap[name][field.fieldname] = value; } for (const k of Object.keys(cts)) { docMap[name][k] ??= []; (docMap[name][k] as DocValueMap[]).push(cts[k]); } } return Object.keys(docMap).map((k) => docMap[k]); } async importData(setLoadingStatus: LoadingStatusCallback): Promise { const status: Status = { success: false, names: [], message: '' }; const shouldDeleteName = isNameAutoSet(this.schemaName, this.fyo); const docObjs = this.getDocs(); let entriesMade = 0; setLoadingStatus(true, 0, docObjs.length); for (const docObj of docObjs) { if (shouldDeleteName) { delete; } for (const key in docObj) { if (docObj[key] !== '') { continue; } delete docObj[key]; } const doc: Doc = this.fyo.doc.getNewDoc(this.schemaName, {}, false); try { await this.makeEntry(doc, docObj); entriesMade += 1; setLoadingStatus(true, entriesMade, docObjs.length); } catch (err) { setLoadingStatus(false, entriesMade, docObjs.length); this.fyo.telemetry.log(Verb.Imported, this.schemaName as Noun, { success: false, count: entriesMade, }); return this.handleError(doc, err as Error, status); } status.names.push(!); } setLoadingStatus(false, entriesMade, docObjs.length); status.success = true; this.fyo.telemetry.log(Verb.Imported, this.schemaName as Noun, { success: true, count: entriesMade, }); return status; } addRow() { const emptyRow = Array(this.columnLabels.length).fill(''); this.parsedValues.push(emptyRow); } async makeEntry(doc: Doc, docObj: DocValueMap) { await doc.setAndSync(docObj); if (this.shouldSubmit) { await doc.submit(); } } handleError(doc: Doc, err: Error, status: Status): Status { const messages = [t`Could not import ${this.schemaName} ${!}.`]; const message = err.message; if (message?.includes('UNIQUE constraint failed')) { messages.push(t`${!} already exists.`); } else if (message) { messages.push(message); } if (status.names.length) { messages.push( t`The following ${ status.names.length } entries were created: ${status.names.join(', ')}` ); } status.message = messages.join(' '); return status; } }