import BaseGSTR from './BaseGSTR'; class GSTR1 extends BaseGSTR { async run(params) { if (!Object.keys(params).length) return []; let filters = {}; filters.cancelled = 0; if (params.toDate || params.fromDate) { = []; if (params.toDate)'<=', params.toDate); if (params.fromDate)'>=', params.fromDate); } const data = await this.getCompleteReport('GSTR-1', filters); const conditions = { 'B2B': row => row.gstin, 'B2C-Large': row => !row.gstin && !row.inState && row.invAmt >= 250000, 'B2C-Small': row => !row.gstin && (row.inState || (row.inState && row.invAmt < 250000)), 'Nil Rated, Exempted and Non GST supplies': row => (row.rate === 0), // this takes care of both nil rated, exempted goods }; if (!params.transferType) return data; return data.filter(row => conditions[params.transferType](row)); } } export default GSTR1;