mirror of https://github.com/frappe/erpnext.git synced 2024-06-11 22:52:41 +00:00
Anand Baburajan 988d755906
refactor!: removing loan management module (#35522)
* chore: resolving conflicts

* refactor: bank_clearance and add hook for get_payment_entries_for_bank_clearance

* refactor: bank_reconciliation_tool and add hook for get_matching_vouchers_for_bank_reconciliation

* fix: remove sales invoice from bank_reconciliation_doctypes and use hook for voucher clearance

* refactor: remove loan tests from test_bank_transaction

* refactor: bank_clearance_summary and add hook for get_entries_for_bank_clearance_summary

* refactor: removed test_bank_reconciliation_statement

* refactor: bank_reconciliation_statement and add hook for get_amounts_not_reflected_in_system_for_bank_reconciliation_statement

* refactor: add missing hook and patches for module removal and deprecation warning

* refactor: remove loan management translations

* chore: add erpnext tests dependent on lending
2023-06-30 11:02:49 +05:30

249 lines
6.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import flt, getdate
from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_balance_on
def execute(filters=None):
if not filters:
filters = {}
columns = get_columns()
if not filters.get("account"):
return columns, []
account_currency = frappe.get_cached_value("Account", filters.account, "account_currency")
data = get_entries(filters)
balance_as_per_system = get_balance_on(filters["account"], filters["report_date"])
total_debit, total_credit = 0, 0
for d in data:
total_debit += flt(d.debit)
total_credit += flt(d.credit)
amounts_not_reflected_in_system = get_amounts_not_reflected_in_system(filters)
bank_bal = (
- flt(total_debit)
+ flt(total_credit)
+ amounts_not_reflected_in_system
data += [
_("Bank Statement balance as per General Ledger"), balance_as_per_system, account_currency
"payment_entry": _("Outstanding Cheques and Deposits to clear"),
"debit": total_debit,
"credit": total_credit,
"account_currency": account_currency,
_("Cheques and Deposits incorrectly cleared"), amounts_not_reflected_in_system, account_currency
get_balance_row(_("Calculated Bank Statement balance"), bank_bal, account_currency),
return columns, data
def get_columns():
return [
{"fieldname": "posting_date", "label": _("Posting Date"), "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 90},
"fieldname": "payment_document",
"label": _("Payment Document Type"),
"fieldtype": "Data",
"width": 220,
"fieldname": "payment_entry",
"label": _("Payment Document"),
"fieldtype": "Dynamic Link",
"options": "payment_document",
"width": 220,
"fieldname": "debit",
"label": _("Debit"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "account_currency",
"width": 120,
"fieldname": "credit",
"label": _("Credit"),
"fieldtype": "Currency",
"options": "account_currency",
"width": 120,
"fieldname": "against_account",
"label": _("Against Account"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Account",
"width": 200,
{"fieldname": "reference_no", "label": _("Reference"), "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 100},
{"fieldname": "ref_date", "label": _("Ref Date"), "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 110},
{"fieldname": "clearance_date", "label": _("Clearance Date"), "fieldtype": "Date", "width": 110},
"fieldname": "account_currency",
"label": _("Currency"),
"fieldtype": "Link",
"options": "Currency",
"width": 100,
def get_entries(filters):
entries = []
for method_name in frappe.get_hooks("get_entries_for_bank_reconciliation_statement"):
entries += frappe.get_attr(method_name)(filters) or []
return sorted(
key=lambda k: getdate(k["posting_date"]),
def get_entries_for_bank_reconciliation_statement(filters):
journal_entries = get_journal_entries(filters)
payment_entries = get_payment_entries(filters)
pos_entries = []
if filters.include_pos_transactions:
pos_entries = get_pos_entries(filters)
return list(journal_entries) + list(payment_entries) + list(pos_entries)
def get_journal_entries(filters):
return frappe.db.sql(
select "Journal Entry" as payment_document, jv.posting_date,
jv.name as payment_entry, jvd.debit_in_account_currency as debit,
jvd.credit_in_account_currency as credit, jvd.against_account,
jv.cheque_no as reference_no, jv.cheque_date as ref_date, jv.clearance_date, jvd.account_currency
`tabJournal Entry Account` jvd, `tabJournal Entry` jv
where jvd.parent = jv.name and jv.docstatus=1
and jvd.account = %(account)s and jv.posting_date <= %(report_date)s
and ifnull(jv.clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s
and ifnull(jv.is_opening, 'No') = 'No'""",
def get_payment_entries(filters):
return frappe.db.sql(
"Payment Entry" as payment_document, name as payment_entry,
reference_no, reference_date as ref_date,
if(paid_to=%(account)s, received_amount, 0) as debit,
if(paid_from=%(account)s, paid_amount, 0) as credit,
posting_date, ifnull(party,if(paid_from=%(account)s,paid_to,paid_from)) as against_account, clearance_date,
if(paid_to=%(account)s, paid_to_account_currency, paid_from_account_currency) as account_currency
from `tabPayment Entry`
(paid_from=%(account)s or paid_to=%(account)s) and docstatus=1
and posting_date <= %(report_date)s
and ifnull(clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s
def get_pos_entries(filters):
return frappe.db.sql(
"Sales Invoice Payment" as payment_document, sip.name as payment_entry, sip.amount as debit,
si.posting_date, si.debit_to as against_account, sip.clearance_date,
account.account_currency, 0 as credit
from `tabSales Invoice Payment` sip, `tabSales Invoice` si, `tabAccount` account
sip.account=%(account)s and si.docstatus=1 and sip.parent = si.name
and account.name = sip.account and si.posting_date <= %(report_date)s and
ifnull(sip.clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s
order by
si.posting_date ASC, si.name DESC
def get_amounts_not_reflected_in_system(filters):
amount = 0.0
# get amounts from all the apps
for method_name in frappe.get_hooks(
amount += frappe.get_attr(method_name)(filters) or 0.0
return amount
def get_amounts_not_reflected_in_system_for_bank_reconciliation_statement(filters):
je_amount = frappe.db.sql(
select sum(jvd.debit_in_account_currency - jvd.credit_in_account_currency)
from `tabJournal Entry Account` jvd, `tabJournal Entry` jv
where jvd.parent = jv.name and jv.docstatus=1 and jvd.account=%(account)s
and jv.posting_date > %(report_date)s and jv.clearance_date <= %(report_date)s
and ifnull(jv.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' """,
je_amount = flt(je_amount[0][0]) if je_amount else 0.0
pe_amount = frappe.db.sql(
select sum(if(paid_from=%(account)s, paid_amount, received_amount))
from `tabPayment Entry`
where (paid_from=%(account)s or paid_to=%(account)s) and docstatus=1
and posting_date > %(report_date)s and clearance_date <= %(report_date)s""",
pe_amount = flt(pe_amount[0][0]) if pe_amount else 0.0
return je_amount + pe_amount
def get_balance_row(label, amount, account_currency):
if amount > 0:
return {
"payment_entry": label,
"debit": amount,
"credit": 0,
"account_currency": account_currency,
return {
"payment_entry": label,
"debit": 0,
"credit": abs(amount),
"account_currency": account_currency,