mirror of https://github.com/frappe/frappe.git synced 2024-06-13 01:52:21 +00:00
Ankush Menat c17eb87c70
perf: Reuse cached user for get_user_lang (#26350)
Saves ~1% of overhead.

User doc is almost always cached to create session so we can reuse it in
same request without additional redis call.
2024-05-07 12:50:22 +05:30

986 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: MIT. See LICENSE
Translation tools for frappe
import functools
import io
import itertools
import json
import operator
import os
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from csv import reader, writer
import frappe
from frappe.query_builder import DocType, Field
from frappe.utils import cstr, get_bench_path, is_html, strip, strip_html_tags, unique
REPORT_TRANSLATE_PATTERN = re.compile('"([^:,^"]*):')
CSV_STRIP_WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"{\s?([0-9]+)\s?}")
# Cache keys
MERGED_TRANSLATION_KEY = "merged_translations"
USER_TRANSLATION_KEY = "lang_user_translations"
def get_language(lang_list: list | None = None) -> str:
"""Set `frappe.local.lang` from HTTP headers at beginning of request
Order of priority for setting language:
1. Form Dict => _lang
2. Cookie => preferred_language (Non authorized user)
3. Request Header => Accept-Language (Non authorized user)
4. User document => language
5. System Settings => language
is_logged_in = frappe.session.user != "Guest"
# fetch language from form_dict
if frappe.form_dict._lang:
language = get_lang_code(frappe.form_dict._lang or get_parent_language(frappe.form_dict._lang))
if language:
return language
# use language set in User or System Settings if user is logged in
if is_logged_in:
return frappe.local.lang
lang_set = set(lang_list or get_all_languages() or [])
# fetch language from cookie
preferred_language_cookie = get_preferred_language_cookie()
if preferred_language_cookie:
if preferred_language_cookie in lang_set:
return preferred_language_cookie
parent_language = get_parent_language(preferred_language_cookie)
if parent_language in lang_set:
return parent_language
# fetch language from request headers
accept_language = list(frappe.request.accept_languages.values())
for language in accept_language:
if language in lang_set:
return language
parent_language = get_parent_language(language)
if parent_language in lang_set:
return parent_language
# fallback to language set in System Settings or "en"
return frappe.db.get_default("lang") or "en"
def get_parent_language(lang: str) -> str:
"""If the passed language is a variant, return its parent
1. zh-TW -> zh
2. sr-BA -> sr
for sep in ("_", "-"):
if sep in lang:
return lang.split(sep)[0]
def get_user_lang(user: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Set frappe.local.lang from user preferences on session beginning or resumption"""
user = user or frappe.session.user
# User.language => Session Defaults => frappe.local.lang => 'en'
return (
frappe.get_cached_value("User", user, "language")
or frappe.db.get_default("lang")
or frappe.local.lang
or "en"
def get_lang_code(lang: str) -> str | None:
return frappe.db.get_value("Language", {"name": lang}) or frappe.db.get_value(
"Language", {"language_name": lang}
def set_default_language(lang):
"""Set Global default language"""
if frappe.db.get_default("lang") != lang:
frappe.db.set_default("lang", lang)
frappe.local.lang = lang
def get_lang_dict():
"""Return all languages in dict format, full name is the key e.g. `{"english":"en"}`."""
return dict(
frappe.get_all("Language", fields=["language_name", "name"], order_by="creation", as_list=True)
def get_messages_for_boot():
"""Return all message translations that are required on boot."""
return get_all_translations(frappe.local.lang)
def get_all_translations(lang: str) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Load and return the entire translations dictionary for a language from apps + user translations.
:param lang: Language Code, e.g. `hi`
if not lang:
return {}
def _merge_translations():
from frappe.geo.country_info import get_translated_countries
all_translations = get_translations_from_apps(lang).copy()
with suppress(Exception):
return all_translations
return frappe.cache.hget(MERGED_TRANSLATION_KEY, lang, generator=_merge_translations)
except Exception:
# People mistakenly call translation function on global variables
# where locals are not initalized, translations dont make much sense there
frappe.logger().error("Unable to load translations", exc_info=True)
return {}
def get_translations_from_apps(lang, apps=None):
"""Combine all translations from `.csv` files in all `apps`.
For derivative languages (es-GT), take translations from the
base language (es) and then update translations from the child (es-GT)"""
translations = {}
from frappe.gettext.translate import get_translations_from_mo
for app in apps or frappe.get_installed_apps(_ensure_on_bench=True):
translations.update(get_translations_from_csv(lang, app) or {})
translations.update(get_translations_from_mo(lang, app) or {})
if parent := get_parent_language(lang):
parent_translations = get_translations_from_apps(parent, apps)
return parent_translations
return translations
def get_translations_from_csv(lang, app):
return get_translation_dict_from_file(
os.path.join(frappe.get_app_path(app, "translations"), lang + ".csv"), lang, app
def get_translation_dict_from_file(path, lang, app, throw=False) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Return translation dict from given CSV file at path"""
translation_map = {}
if os.path.exists(path):
csv_content = read_csv_file(path)
for item in csv_content:
if len(item) == 3 and item[2]:
key = item[0] + ":" + item[2]
translation_map[key] = strip(item[1])
elif len(item) in [2, 3]:
translation_map[item[0]] = strip(item[1])
elif item:
msg = f"Bad translation in '{app}' for language '{lang}': {cstr(item)}"
frappe.log_error(message=msg, title="Error in translation file")
if throw:
frappe.throw(msg, title="Error in translation file")
return translation_map
def get_user_translations(lang):
def _read_from_db():
user_translations = {}
translations = frappe.get_all(
"Translation", fields=["source_text", "translated_text", "context"], filters={"language": lang}
for t in translations:
key = t.source_text
value = t.translated_text
if t.context:
key += ":" + t.context
user_translations[key] = value
return user_translations
return frappe.cache.hget(USER_TRANSLATION_KEY, lang, generator=_read_from_db)
def clear_cache():
"""Clear all translation assets from :meth:`frappe.cache`"""
def get_messages_for_app(app, deduplicate=True):
"""Return all messages (list) for a specified `app`."""
messages = []
modules = [frappe.unscrub(m) for m in frappe.local.app_modules[app]]
# doctypes
if modules:
if isinstance(modules, str):
modules = [modules]
filtered_doctypes = (
for name in filtered_doctypes:
# pages
filtered_pages = (
frappe.qb.from_("Page").where(Field("module").isin(modules)).select("name", "title").run()
for name, title in filtered_pages:
messages.append((None, title or name))
# reports
report = DocType("Report")
doctype = DocType("DocType")
names = (
.where((report.ref_doctype == doctype.name) & doctype.module.isin(modules))
for name in names:
messages.append((None, name))
for i in messages:
if not isinstance(i, tuple):
raise Exception
# workflow based on app.hooks.fixtures
# custom fields based on app.hooks.fixtures
# app_include_files
# server_messages
# messages from navbar settings
if deduplicate:
messages = deduplicate_messages(messages)
return messages
def get_messages_from_navbar():
"""Return all labels from Navbar Items, as specified in Navbar Settings."""
labels = frappe.get_all("Navbar Item", filters={"item_label": ("is", "set")}, pluck="item_label")
return [("Navbar:", label, "Label of a Navbar Item") for label in labels]
def get_messages_from_doctype(name):
"""Extract all translatable messages for a doctype. Includes labels, Python code,
Javascript code, html templates"""
from frappe.gettext.extractors.utils import is_translatable
messages = []
meta = frappe.get_meta(name)
messages = [meta.name, meta.module]
if meta.description:
# translations of field labels, description and options
for d in meta.get("fields"):
messages.extend([d.label, d.description])
if d.fieldtype == "Select" and d.options:
options = d.options.split("\n")
if "icon" not in options[0]:
if d.fieldtype == "HTML" and d.options:
# translations of roles
messages.extend(d.role for d in meta.get("permissions") if d.role)
messages = [message for message in messages if message]
messages = [("DocType: " + name, message) for message in messages if is_translatable(message)]
# extract from js, py files
if not meta.custom:
doctype_file_path = frappe.get_module_path(meta.module, "doctype", meta.name, meta.name)
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(doctype_file_path + ".js"))
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(doctype_file_path + "_list.js"))
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(doctype_file_path + "_list.html"))
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(doctype_file_path + "_calendar.js"))
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(doctype_file_path + "_dashboard.html"))
# workflow based on doctype
return messages
def get_messages_from_workflow(doctype=None, app_name=None):
assert doctype or app_name, "doctype or app_name should be provided"
from frappe.gettext.extractors.utils import is_translatable
# translations for Workflows
workflows = []
if doctype:
workflows = frappe.get_all("Workflow", filters={"document_type": doctype})
fixtures = frappe.get_hooks("fixtures", app_name=app_name) or []
for fixture in fixtures:
if isinstance(fixture, str) and fixture == "Worflow":
workflows = frappe.get_all("Workflow")
elif isinstance(fixture, dict) and fixture.get("dt", fixture.get("doctype")) == "Workflow":
workflows.extend(frappe.get_all("Workflow", filters=fixture.get("filters")))
messages = []
document_state = DocType("Workflow Document State")
for w in workflows:
states = frappe.db.get_values(
filters=document_state.parent == w["name"],
("Workflow: " + w["name"], state["state"])
for state in states
if is_translatable(state["state"])
states = frappe.db.get_values(
filters=(document_state.parent == w["name"]) & (document_state.message.isnotnull()),
("Workflow: " + w["name"], state["message"])
for state in states
if is_translatable(state["message"])
actions = frappe.db.get_values(
"Workflow Transition",
filters={"parent": w["name"]},
("Workflow: " + w["name"], action["action"])
for action in actions
if is_translatable(action["action"])
return messages
def get_messages_from_custom_fields(app_name):
from frappe.gettext.extractors.utils import is_translatable
fixtures = frappe.get_hooks("fixtures", app_name=app_name) or []
custom_fields = []
for fixture in fixtures:
if isinstance(fixture, str) and fixture == "Custom Field":
custom_fields = frappe.get_all(
"Custom Field", fields=["name", "label", "description", "fieldtype", "options"]
elif isinstance(fixture, dict) and fixture.get("dt", fixture.get("doctype")) == "Custom Field":
"Custom Field",
fields=["name", "label", "description", "fieldtype", "options"],
messages = []
for cf in custom_fields:
for prop in ("label", "description"):
if not cf.get(prop) or not is_translatable(cf[prop]):
messages.append(("Custom Field - {}: {}".format(prop, cf["name"]), cf[prop]))
if cf["fieldtype"] == "Selection" and cf.get("options"):
("Custom Field - Description: " + cf["name"], option)
for option in cf["options"].split("\n")
if option and "icon" not in option and is_translatable(option)
return messages
def get_messages_from_page(name):
"""Return all translatable strings from a :class:`frappe.core.doctype.Page`."""
return _get_messages_from_page_or_report("Page", name)
def get_messages_from_report(name):
"""Return all translatable strings from a :class:`frappe.core.doctype.Report`."""
from frappe.gettext.extractors.utils import is_translatable
report = frappe.get_doc("Report", name)
messages = _get_messages_from_page_or_report(
"Report", name, frappe.db.get_value("DocType", report.ref_doctype, "module")
if report.columns:
context = (
"Column of report '%s'" % report.name
) # context has to match context in `prepare_columns` in query_report.js
messages.extend([(None, report_column.label, context) for report_column in report.columns])
if report.filters:
messages.extend([(None, report_filter.label) for report_filter in report.filters])
if report.query:
(None, message)
for message in REPORT_TRANSLATE_PATTERN.findall(report.query)
if is_translatable(message)
messages.append((None, report.report_name))
return messages
def _get_messages_from_page_or_report(doctype, name, module=None):
if not module:
module = frappe.db.get_value(doctype, name, "module")
doc_path = frappe.get_module_path(module, doctype, name)
messages = get_messages_from_file(os.path.join(doc_path, frappe.scrub(name) + ".py"))
if os.path.exists(doc_path):
for filename in os.listdir(doc_path):
if filename.endswith(".js") or filename.endswith(".html"):
messages += get_messages_from_file(os.path.join(doc_path, filename))
return messages
def get_server_messages(app):
"""Extracts all translatable strings (tagged with :func:`frappe._`) from Python modules
inside an app"""
messages = []
file_extensions = (".py", ".html", ".js", ".vue")
app_walk = os.walk(frappe.get_app_path(app))
for basepath, folders, files in app_walk:
folders[:] = [folder for folder in folders if folder not in {".git", "__pycache__"}]
if "public/dist" in basepath:
for f in files:
f = frappe.as_unicode(f)
if f.endswith(file_extensions):
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(os.path.join(basepath, f)))
return messages
def get_messages_from_include_files(app_name=None):
"""Return messages from js files included at time of boot like desk.min.js for desk and web."""
from frappe.utils.jinja_globals import bundled_asset
messages = []
app_include_js = frappe.get_hooks("app_include_js", app_name=app_name) or []
web_include_js = frappe.get_hooks("web_include_js", app_name=app_name) or []
include_js = app_include_js + web_include_js
for js_path in include_js:
file_path = bundled_asset(js_path)
relative_path = os.path.join(frappe.local.sites_path, file_path.lstrip("/"))
messages_from_file = get_messages_from_file(relative_path)
return messages
def get_all_messages_from_js_files(app_name=None):
"""Extracts all translatable strings from app `.js` files"""
messages = []
for app in [app_name] if app_name else frappe.get_installed_apps(_ensure_on_bench=True):
if os.path.exists(frappe.get_app_path(app, "public")):
for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(frappe.get_app_path(app, "public")): # noqa: B007
if "frappe/public/js/lib" in basepath:
for fname in files:
if fname.endswith(".js") or fname.endswith(".html") or fname.endswith(".vue"):
messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(os.path.join(basepath, fname)))
return messages
def get_messages_from_file(path: str) -> list[tuple[str, str, str | None, int]]:
"""Return a list of transatable strings from a code file.
:param path: path of the code file
from frappe.gettext.extractors.utils import extract_messages_from_code
frappe.flags.setdefault("scanned_files", set())
# TODO: Find better alternative
# To avoid duplicate scan
if path in frappe.flags.scanned_files:
return []
bench_path = get_bench_path()
if not os.path.exists(path):
return []
with open(path) as sourcefile:
file_contents = sourcefile.read()
except Exception:
print(f"Could not scan file for translation: {path}")
return []
messages = []
if path.lower().endswith(".py"):
messages += extract_messages_from_python_code(file_contents)
messages += extract_messages_from_code(file_contents)
if path.lower().endswith(".js"):
# For JS also use JS parser to extract strings possibly missed out
# by regex based extractor.
messages += extract_messages_from_javascript_code(file_contents)
return [
(os.path.relpath(path, bench_path), message, context, line)
for (line, message, context) in messages
def extract_messages_from_python_code(code: str) -> list[tuple[int, str, str | None]]:
"""Extracts translatable strings from Python code using babel."""
from babel.messages.extract import extract_python
messages = []
for message in extract_python(
keywords=["_", "_lt"],
lineno, _func, args, _comments = message
if not args or not args[0]:
source_text = args[0] if isinstance(args, tuple) else args
context = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else None
messages.append((lineno, source_text, context))
return messages
def extract_messages_from_javascript_code(code: str) -> list[tuple[int, str, str | None]]:
"""Extracts translatable strings from JavaScript code using babel."""
messages = []
from frappe.gettext.extractors.javascript import extract_javascript
for message in extract_javascript(
lineno, _func, args = message
if not args or not args[0]:
source_text = args[0] if isinstance(args, tuple) else args
context = None
if isinstance(args, tuple) and len(args) == 3 and isinstance(args[2], str):
context = args[2]
messages.append((lineno, source_text, context))
return messages
def read_csv_file(path):
"""Read CSV file and return as list of list
:param path: File path"""
with open(path, encoding="utf-8", newline="") as msgfile:
data = reader(msgfile)
newdata = [[val for val in row] for row in data]
return newdata
def write_csv_file(path, app_messages, lang_dict):
"""Write translation CSV file.
:param path: File path, usually `[app]/translations`.
:param app_messages: Translatable strings for this app.
:param lang_dict: Full translated dict.
app_messages.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
with open(path, "w", newline="") as msgfile:
w = writer(msgfile, lineterminator="\n")
for app_message in app_messages:
context = None
if len(app_message) == 2:
path, message = app_message
elif len(app_message) == 3:
path, message, lineno = app_message
elif len(app_message) == 4:
path, message, context, lineno = app_message
t = lang_dict.get(message, "")
# strip whitespaces
translated_string = CSV_STRIP_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.sub(r"{\g<1>}", t)
if translated_string:
w.writerow([message, translated_string, context])
def get_untranslated(lang, untranslated_file, get_all=False, app="_ALL_APPS"):
"""Return all untranslated strings for a language and write in a file.
:param lang: Language code.
:param untranslated_file: Output file path.
:param get_all: Return all strings, translated or not."""
apps = frappe.get_all_apps(True)
if app != "_ALL_APPS":
if app not in apps:
print(f"Application {app} not found!")
apps = [app]
messages = []
untranslated = []
for app_name in apps:
messages = deduplicate_messages(messages)
def escape_newlines(s):
return s.replace("\\\n", "|||||").replace("\\n", "||||").replace("\n", "|||")
if get_all:
print(str(len(messages)) + " messages")
with open(untranslated_file, "wb") as f:
for m in messages:
# replace \n with ||| so that internal linebreaks don't get split
f.write((escape_newlines(m[1]) + os.linesep).encode("utf-8"))
full_dict = get_all_translations(lang)
for m in messages:
if not full_dict.get(m[1]):
if untranslated:
print(str(len(untranslated)) + " missing translations of " + str(len(messages)))
with open(untranslated_file, "wb") as f:
for m in untranslated:
# replace \n with ||| so that internal linebreaks don't get split
f.write((escape_newlines(m) + os.linesep).encode("utf-8"))
print("all translated!")
def update_translations(lang, untranslated_file, translated_file, app="_ALL_APPS"):
"""Update translations from a source and target file for a given language.
:param lang: Language code (e.g. `en`).
:param untranslated_file: File path with the messages in English.
:param translated_file: File path with messages in language to be updated."""
full_dict = get_all_translations(lang)
def restore_newlines(s):
return (
s.replace("|||||", "\\\n")
.replace("| | | | |", "\\\n")
.replace("||||", "\\n")
.replace("| | | |", "\\n")
.replace("|||", "\n")
.replace("| | |", "\n")
translation_dict = {}
for key, value in zip(
frappe.get_file_items(untranslated_file, ignore_empty_lines=False),
frappe.get_file_items(translated_file, ignore_empty_lines=False),
# undo hack in get_untranslated
translation_dict[restore_newlines(key)] = restore_newlines(value)
apps = frappe.get_all_apps(True)
if app != "_ALL_APPS":
if app not in apps:
print(f"Application {app} not found!")
apps = [app]
for app_name in apps:
write_translations_file(app_name, lang, full_dict)
def import_translations(lang, path):
"""Import translations from file in standard format"""
full_dict = get_all_translations(lang)
full_dict.update(get_translation_dict_from_file(path, lang, "import"))
for app in frappe.get_all_apps(True):
write_translations_file(app, lang, full_dict)
def migrate_translations(source_app, target_app):
"""Migrate target-app-specific translations from source-app to target-app"""
strings_in_source_app = [m[1] for m in frappe.translate.get_messages_for_app(source_app)]
strings_in_target_app = [m[1] for m in frappe.translate.get_messages_for_app(target_app)]
strings_in_target_app_but_not_in_source_app = list(
set(strings_in_target_app) - set(strings_in_source_app)
languages = frappe.translate.get_all_languages()
source_app_translations_dir = frappe.get_app_path(source_app, "translations")
target_app_translations_dir = frappe.get_app_path(target_app, "translations")
if not os.path.exists(target_app_translations_dir):
for lang in languages:
source_csv = os.path.join(source_app_translations_dir, lang + ".csv")
if not os.path.exists(source_csv):
target_csv = os.path.join(target_app_translations_dir, lang + ".csv")
temp_csv = os.path.join(source_app_translations_dir, "_temp.csv")
with open(source_csv) as s, open(target_csv, "a+") as t, open(temp_csv, "a+") as temp:
source_reader = reader(s, lineterminator="\n")
target_writer = writer(t, lineterminator="\n")
temp_writer = writer(temp, lineterminator="\n")
for row in source_reader:
if row[0] in strings_in_target_app_but_not_in_source_app:
if not os.path.getsize(target_csv):
os.rename(temp_csv, source_csv)
def rebuild_all_translation_files():
"""Rebuild all translation files: `[app]/translations/[lang].csv`."""
for lang in get_all_languages():
for app in frappe.get_all_apps():
write_translations_file(app, lang)
def write_translations_file(app, lang, full_dict=None, app_messages=None):
"""Write a translation file for a given language.
:param app: `app` for which translations are to be written.
:param lang: Language code.
:param full_dict: Full translated language dict (optional).
:param app_messages: Source strings (optional).
if not app_messages:
app_messages = get_messages_for_app(app)
if not app_messages:
tpath = frappe.get_app_path(app, "translations")
write_csv_file(os.path.join(tpath, lang + ".csv"), app_messages, full_dict or get_all_translations(lang))
def send_translations(translation_dict):
"""Append translated dict in `frappe.local.response`"""
if "__messages" not in frappe.local.response:
frappe.local.response["__messages"] = {}
def deduplicate_messages(messages):
op = operator.itemgetter(1)
messages = sorted(messages, key=op)
return [next(g) for k, g in itertools.groupby(messages, op)]
def update_translations_for_source(source=None, translation_dict=None):
if not (source and translation_dict):
translation_dict = json.loads(translation_dict)
if is_html(source):
source = strip_html_tags(source)
# for existing records
translation_records = frappe.db.get_values(
"Translation", {"source_text": source}, ["name", "language"], as_dict=1
for d in translation_records:
if translation_dict.get(d.language, None):
doc = frappe.get_doc("Translation", d.name)
doc.translated_text = translation_dict.get(d.language)
# done with this lang value
frappe.delete_doc("Translation", d.name)
# remaining values are to be inserted
for lang, translated_text in translation_dict.items():
doc = frappe.new_doc("Translation")
doc.language = lang
doc.source_text = source
doc.translated_text = translated_text
return translation_records
def get_translations(source_text):
if is_html(source_text):
source_text = strip_html_tags(source_text)
return frappe.db.get_list(
fields=["name", "language", "translated_text as translation"],
filters={"source_text": source_text},
def get_all_languages(with_language_name: bool = False) -> list:
"""Return all enabled language codes ar, ch etc."""
def get_language_codes():
return frappe.get_all("Language", filters={"enabled": 1}, pluck="name")
def get_all_language_with_name():
return frappe.get_all("Language", ["language_code", "language_name"], {"enabled": 1})
if with_language_name:
return frappe.cache.get_value("languages_with_name", get_all_language_with_name)
return frappe.cache.get_value("languages", get_language_codes)
def get_preferred_language_cookie():
return frappe.request.cookies.get("preferred_language")
def get_translated_doctypes():
dts = frappe.get_all("DocType", {"translated_doctype": 1}, pluck="name")
custom_dts = frappe.get_all(
"Property Setter", {"property": "translated_doctype", "value": "1"}, pluck="doc_type"
return unique(dts + custom_dts)
def print_language(language: str):
"""Ensure correct globals for printing in a specific language.
with print_language("de"):
html = frappe.get_print(...)
if not language or language == frappe.local.lang:
# do nothing
# remember original values
_lang = frappe.local.lang
_jenv = frappe.local.jenv
# set language, empty any existing lang_full_dict and jenv
frappe.local.lang = language
frappe.local.jenv = None
# restore original values
frappe.local.lang = _lang
frappe.local.jenv = _jenv
# Backward compatibility
get_full_dict = get_all_translations
load_lang = get_translations_from_apps