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2022-08-04 14:51:01 +05:30

53 lines
939 B

export default {
name: "Doctype With Child Table",
actions: [],
custom: 1,
autoname: "field:title",
creation: "2022-02-09 20:15:21.242213",
doctype: "DocType",
editable_grid: 1,
engine: "InnoDB",
fields: [
fieldname: "title",
fieldtype: "Data",
label: "Title",
unique: 1,
fieldname: "child_table",
fieldtype: "Table",
label: "Child Table",
options: "Child Table Doctype",
reqd: 1,
fieldname: "child_table_1",
fieldtype: "Table",
label: "Child Table 1",
options: "Child Table Doctype 1",
links: [],
modified: "2022-02-10 12:03:12.603763",
modified_by: "Administrator",
module: "Custom",
naming_rule: "By fieldname",
owner: "Administrator",
permissions: [
create: 1,
delete: 1,
email: 1,
print: 1,
read: 1,
role: "System Manager",
share: 1,
write: 1,
sort_field: "modified",
sort_order: "ASC",
track_changes: 1,