-`docker-compose -f ... -f ... config`, this command generates the YAML based on the overrides
-`yq eval 'del(.services.*.depends_on) | del(.services.frontend.labels)'`, this command removes the `depends_on` from all services and `labels` from frontend generated from previous command.
-`yq eval '.services.proxy.command += "--providers.docker.swarmmode"'`, this command enables swarmmode for traefik proxy.
-`sed "s|frontend|frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}|g"`, this command replaces the service name `frontend` with `frontend-` and `BENCH_SUFFIX` provided.
-`yq eval ".services.frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}.\"networks\"=[\"traefik-public\",\"default\"]"`, this command attaches `traefik-public` and `default` network to frontend service.
-`yq eval ".\"networks\"={\"traefik-public\":{\"external\":true}}"`, this commands adds external network `traefik-public` to the stack