#!/bin/bash # Developer Note: Run this script in the /workspace/development directory export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh sudo apt -qq update && sudo apt -qq install jq -y get_client_apps() { apps=$(jq ".\"$client\"" apps.json) if [ "$apps" == "null" ]; then echo "No apps found for $client" exit 1 fi } validate_bench_exists() { dir="$(pwd)/$bench_name" if [ -d "$dir" ]; then echo "Bench already exists. Only site will be created" is_existing_bench=true else is_existing_bench=false fi } validate_branch() { if [ "$app" == "frappe" ] || [ "$app" == "erpnext" ]; then if [ "$branch" != "develop" ] && [ "$branch" != "version-14" ] && [ "$branch" != "version-13" ]; then echo "Branch should be one of develop or version-14 or version-13" exit 1 fi fi } validate_site() { if [[ ! "$site_name" =~ ^.*\.localhost$ ]]; then echo "Site name should end with .localhost" exit 1 fi if [ "$is_existing_bench" = true ]; then validate_site_exists fi } validate_site_exists() { dir="$(pwd)/$bench_name/sites/$site_name" if [ -d "$dir" ]; then echo "Site already exists. Exiting" exit 1 fi } validate_app_exists() { dir="$(pwd)/apps/$app" if [ -d "$dir" ]; then echo "App $app already exists." is_app_installed=true else is_app_installed=false fi } add_fork() { dir="$(pwd)/apps/$app" if [ "$fork" != "null" ]; then git -C "$dir" remote add fork "$fork" fi } install_apps() { initialize_bench=$1 for row in $(echo "$apps" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do # helper function to retrieve values from dict _jq() { echo "${row}" | base64 --decode | jq -r "${1}" } app=$(_jq '.name') branch=$(_jq '.branch') upstream=$(_jq '.upstream') fork=$(_jq '.fork') if [ "$initialize_bench" = true ] && [ "$app" == "frappe" ]; then init_bench fi if [ "$initialize_bench" = false ]; then get_apps_from_upstream fi done } init_bench() { echo "Creating bench $bench_name" if [ "$branch" == "develop" ] || [ "$branch" == "version-14" ]; then python_version=python3.10 PYENV_VERSION=3.10.5 NODE_VERSION=v16 elif [ "$branch" == "version-13" ]; then python_version=python3.9 PYENV_VERSION=3.9.9 NODE_VERSION=v14 fi nvm use "$NODE_VERSION" PYENV_VERSION="$PYENV_VERSION" bench init --skip-redis-config-generation --frappe-branch "$branch" --python "$python_version" "$bench_name" cd "$bench_name" || exit echo "Setting up config" bench set-config -g db_host mariadb bench set-config -g redis_cache redis://redis-cache:6379 bench set-config -g redis_queue redis://redis-queue:6379 bench set-config -g redis_socketio redis://redis-socketio:6379 ./env/bin/pip install honcho } get_apps_from_upstream() { validate_app_exists if [ "$is_app_installed" = false ]; then bench get-app --branch "$branch" --resolve-deps "$app" "$upstream" && add_fork fi if [ "$app" != "frappe" ]; then all_apps+=("$app") fi } echo "Client Name (from apps.json file)?" read -r client && client=${client:-develop_client} && get_client_apps echo "Bench Directory Name? (give name of existing bench to just create a new site) (default: frape-bench)" read -r bench_name && bench_name=${bench_name:-frappe-bench} && validate_bench_exists echo "Site Name? (should end with .localhost) (default: site1.localhost)" read -r site_name && site_name=${site_name:-site1.localhost} && validate_site if [ "$is_existing_bench" = true ]; then cd "$bench_name" || exit else install_apps true fi echo "Getting apps from upstream for $client" all_apps=() && install_apps false echo "Creating site $site_name" bench new-site "$site_name" --mariadb-root-password 123 --admin-password admin --no-mariadb-socket echo "Installing apps to $site_name" bench --site "$site_name" install-app "${all_apps[@]}" bench --site "$site_name" set-config developer_mode 1 bench --site "$site_name" clear-cache