# Tips for moving deployments - Take regular automatic backups and push the files to S3 compatible cloud. Setup backup and push with cronjobs - Use regular cron for single machine installs - Use [swarm-cronjob](https://github.com/crazy-max/swarm-cronjob) for docker swarm - Use Kubernetes CronJob - It makes it easy to transfer data from cloud to any new deployment. - They are just [site operations](site-operations.md) that can be manually pipelined as per need. - Remember to restore encryption keys and other custom configuration from `site_config.json`. - Steps to move deployment: - [Take backup](site-operations.md#backup-sites) - [Push backup to cloud](site-operations.md#push-backup-to-s3-compatible-storage) - Create new deployment type anywhere - [Restore backup from cloud](site-operations.md#restore-backups) - [Restore `site_config.json` from cloud](site-operations.md#edit-configs)