# Contribution Guidelines Before publishing a PR, please test builds locally. On each PR that contains changes relevant to Docker builds, images are being built and tested in our CI (GitHub Actions). > :evergreen_tree: Please be considerate when pushing commits and opening PR for multiple branches, as the process of building images uses energy and contributes to global warming. ## Lint We use `pre-commit` framework to lint the codebase before committing. First, you need to install pre-commit with pip: ```shell pip install pre-commit ``` Also you can use brew if you're on Mac: ```shell brew install pre-commit ``` To setup _pre-commit_ hook, run: ```shell pre-commit install ``` To run all the files in repository, run: ```shell pre-commit run --all-files ``` ## Build We use [Docker Buildx Bake](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx_bake/). To build the images, run command below: ```shell FRAPPE_VERSION=... ERPNEXT_VERSION=... docker buildx bake ``` Available targets can be found in `docker-bake.hcl`. ## Test We use [pytest](https://pytest.org) for our integration tests. Install Python test requirements: ```shell python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements-test.txt ``` Run pytest: ```shell pytest ``` # Documentation Place relevant markdown files in the `docs` directory and index them in README.md located at the root of repo. # Frappe and ERPNext updates Each Frappe/ERPNext release triggers new stable images builds as well as bump to helm chart. # Maintenance In case of new release of Debian. e.g. bullseye to bookworm. Change following files: - `images/erpnext/Containerfile` and `images/custom/Containerfile`: Change the files to use new debian release, make sure new python version tag that is available on new debian release image. e.g. 3.9.9 (bullseye) to 3.9.17 (bookworm) or 3.10.5 (bullseye) to 3.10.12 (bookworm). Make sure apt-get packages and wkhtmltopdf version are also upgraded accordingly. - `images/bench/Dockerfile`: Change the files to use new debian release. Make sure apt-get packages and wkhtmltopdf version are also upgraded accordingly. Change following files on release of ERPNext - `.github/workflows/build_stable.yml`: Add the new release step under `jobs` and remove the unmaintained one. e.g. In case v12, v13 available, v14 will be added and v12 will be removed on release of v14. Also change the `needs:` for later steps to `v14` from `v13`.