#!/bin/bash function checkMigrationComplete() { echo "Check Migration" CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) DOCKER_LOG=$(docker logs $CONTAINER_ID 2>&1 | grep "Starting gunicorn") INCREMENT=0 while [[ $DOCKER_LOG != *"Starting gunicorn"* && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 3 echo "Wait for migration to complete ..." ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) DOCKER_LOG=$(docker logs $CONTAINER_ID 2>&1 | grep "Starting gunicorn") if [[ $DOCKER_LOG != *"Starting gunicorn"* && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\e[4mMigration Log\e[0m" docker logs $CONTAINER_ID } function loopHealthCheck() { echo "Create Container to Check MariaDB" docker run --name frappe_doctor \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge doctor || true echo "Loop Health Check" FRAPPE_LOG=$(docker logs frappe_doctor | grep "Health check successful" || echo "") while [[ -z "$FRAPPE_LOG" ]]; do sleep 1 CONTAINER=$(docker start frappe_doctor) echo "Restarting $CONTAINER ..." FRAPPE_LOG=$(docker logs frappe_doctor | grep "Health check successful" || echo "") done echo "Health check successful" } echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCopy env-example file\e[0m" cp env-example .env echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mSet version to v12\e[0m" sed -i -e "s/edge/v12/g" .env echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mStart Services\e[0m" docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ pull docker pull postgres:11.8 docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ up -d # Start postgres docker run --name postgresql -d \ -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ postgres:11.8 loopHealthCheck echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCreate new site (v12)\e[0m" docker run -it \ -e "SITE_NAME=test.localhost" \ -e "INSTALL_APPS=erpnext" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:v12 new echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing created site\e[0m" curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Created Site Index Page\e[0m" curl -s http://test.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mSet version to edge\e[0m" sed -i -e "s/v12/edge/g" .env echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mRestart containers with edge image\e[0m" docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ stop docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ up -d checkMigrationComplete echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing migrated site\e[0m" sleep 3 curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Migrated Site Index Page\e[0m" curl -s http://test.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCreate new site (pgsql)\e[0m" docker run -it \ -e "SITE_NAME=pgsql.localhost" \ -e "POSTGRES_HOST=postgresql" \ -e "DB_ROOT_USER=postgres" \ -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge new echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck New PGSQL Site\e[0m" sleep 3 RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://pgsql.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") INCREMENT=0 while [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 1 echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mWait for restoration to complete ..." RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://pgsql.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) if [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing new pgsql site\e[0m" echo $RESTORE_STATUS echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck New PGSQL Index Page\e[0m" curl -s http://pgsql.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mBackup site\e[0m" docker run -it \ -e "WITH_FILES=1" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge backup echo -e "\n" export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY="AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" export MINIO_SECRET_KEY="wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mStart MinIO container for s3 compatible storage\e[0m" docker run -d --name minio \ -e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" \ -e "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=$MINIO_SECRET_KEY" \ --network frappebench00_default \ minio/minio server /data echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCreate bucket named erpnext\e[0m" docker run \ --network frappebench00_default \ vltgroup/s3cmd:latest s3cmd --access_key=$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY \ --secret_key=$MINIO_SECRET_KEY \ --region=us-east-1 \ --no-ssl \ --host=minio:9000 \ --host-bucket=minio:9000 \ mb s3://erpnext echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPush backup to MinIO s3\e[0m" docker run \ -e BUCKET_NAME=erpnext \ -e REGION=us-east-1 \ -e BUCKET_DIR=local \ -e ACCESS_KEY_ID=$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY \ -e SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$MINIO_SECRET_KEY \ -e ENDPOINT_URL=http://minio:9000 \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge push-backup echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mStop Services\e[0m" docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ stop echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPrune Containers\e[0m" docker container prune -f && docker volume prune -f echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mStart Services\e[0m" docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ up -d loopHealthCheck echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mRestore backup from MinIO / S3\e[0m" docker run \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin \ -e BUCKET_NAME=erpnext \ -e BUCKET_DIR=local \ -e ACCESS_KEY_ID=$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY \ -e SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$MINIO_SECRET_KEY \ -e ENDPOINT_URL=http://minio:9000 \ -e REGION=us-east-1 \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge restore-backup echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Restored Site (test)\e[0m" sleep 3 RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") INCREMENT=0 while [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 1 echo "Wait for restoration to complete ..." RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) if [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing restored site (test)\e[0m" echo $RESTORE_STATUS echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Restored Site Index Page (test)\e[0m" curl -s http://test.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Restored Site (pgsql)\e[0m" sleep 3 RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://pgsql.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") INCREMENT=0 while [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 1 echo "Wait for restoration to complete ..." RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://pgsql.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) if [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing restored site (pgsql)\e[0m" echo $RESTORE_STATUS echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Restored Site Index Page (pgsql)\e[0m" curl -s http://pgsql.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCreate new site (edge)\e[0m" docker run -it \ -e "SITE_NAME=edge.localhost" \ -e "INSTALL_APPS=erpnext" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge new echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck New Edge Site\e[0m" sleep 3 RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://edge.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") INCREMENT=0 while [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 1 echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mWait for restoration to complete ..." RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://edge.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) if [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing new edge site\e[0m" echo $RESTORE_STATUS echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck New Edge Index Page\e[0m" curl -s http://edge.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mMigrate command in edge container\e[0m" docker run -it \ -e "MAINTENANCE_MODE=1" \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge migrate checkMigrationComplete echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mRestore backup from MinIO / S3 (Overwrite)\e[0m" docker run \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin \ -e BUCKET_NAME=erpnext \ -e BUCKET_DIR=local \ -e ACCESS_KEY_ID=$MINIO_ACCESS_KEY \ -e SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$MINIO_SECRET_KEY \ -e ENDPOINT_URL=http://minio:9000 \ -e REGION=us-east-1 \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge restore-backup echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Overwritten Site\e[0m" sleep 3 RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") INCREMENT=0 while [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -lt 60 ]]; do sleep 1 echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mWait for restoration to complete ..." RESTORE_STATUS=$(curl -sS http://test.localhost/api/method/version || echo "") ((INCREMENT=INCREMENT+1)) if [[ -z "$RESTORE_STATUS" && $INCREMENT -eq 60 ]]; then CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose \ --project-name frappebench00 \ -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \ -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \ -f installation/erpnext-publish.yml \ ps -q erpnext-python) docker logs $CONTAINER_ID exit 1 fi done echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mPing overwritten site\e[0m" echo $RESTORE_STATUS echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck Overwritten Index Page\e[0m" curl -s http://test.localhost | w3m -T text/html -dump echo -e "\n" echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck console command for site test.localhost\e[0m" docker run \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge console test.localhost echo -e "\e[1m\e[4mCheck console command for site pgsql.localhost\e[0m" docker run \ -v frappebench00_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \ --network frappebench00_default \ frappe/erpnext-worker:edge console pgsql.localhost