Create backup service or stack. ```yaml # backup-job.yml version: "3.7" services: backup: image: frappe/erpnext:${VERSION} entrypoint: ["bash", "-c"] command: - | bench --site all backup ## Uncomment for restic snapshots. # restic snapshots || restic init # restic backup sites ## Uncomment to keep only last n=30 snapshots. # restic forget --group-by=paths --keep-last=30 --prune environment: # Set correct environment variables for restic - RESTIC_REPOSITORY=s3: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_access_key - RESTIC_PASSWORD=restic_password volumes: - "sites:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites" networks: - erpnext-network networks: erpnext-network: external: true name: ${PROJECT_NAME:-erpnext}_default volumes: sites: external: true name: ${PROJECT_NAME:-erpnext}_sites ``` In case of single docker host setup, add crontab entry for backup every 6 hours. ``` 0 */6 * * * /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /path/to/backup-job.yml up -d > /dev/null ``` Or ``` 0 */6 * * * docker compose -p erpnext exec backend bench --site all backup --with-files > /dev/null ``` Notes: - Make sure `docker-compose` or `docker compose` is available in path during execution. - Change the cron string as per need. - Set the correct project name in place of `erpnext`. - For Docker Swarm add it as a [swarm-cronjob]( - Add it as a `CronJob` in case of Kubernetes cluster.