This is basic configuration for building images and testing custom apps that use Frappe. You can see that there's four files in this folder: - `backend.Dockerfile`, - `frontend.Dockerfile`, - `docker-bake.hcl`, - `compose.override.yaml`. Python code will `backend.Dockerfile`. JS and CSS (and other fancy frontend stuff) files will be built in `frontend.Dockerfile` if required and served from there. `docker-bake.hcl` is reference file for cool new [Buildx Bake]( It helps to build images without having to remember all build arguments. `compose.override.yaml` is [Compose]( override that replaces images from [main compose file]( so it would use your own images. To get started, install Docker and [Buildx]( Then copy all content of this folder (except this README) to your app's root directory. Also copy `compose.yaml` in the root of this repository. Before the next step—to build images—replace "custom_app" with your app's name in `docker-bake.hcl`. After that, let's try to build: ```bash FRAPPE_VERSION= docker buildx bake ``` If something goes wrong feel free to leave an issue. To test if site works, setup `.env` file (check [example](<(>)) and run: ```bash docker-compose up -d docker-compose exec backend \ bench new-site \ --mariadb-root-password 123 \ --admin-password admin \ --install-app docker-compose restart backend ``` Cool! You just containerized your app!