# Getting Started ## Prerequisites - Docker - docker-compose - user added to docker group ## Bootstrap Containers for development Clone and change directory to frappe_docker directory ```shell git clone https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker.git cd frappe_docker ``` ## Use VSCode Remote Containers extension For most people getting started with Frappe development, the best solution is to use [ VSCode Remote - Containers extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers). VSCode should automatically inquiry you to install the required extensions, that can also be installed manually as follows: - Install Remote - Containers for VSCode - through command line `code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers` - clicking on the button at the following link: [Remote - Containers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) - searching for extension `ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers` - Install Python for VSCode - through command line `code --install-extension ms-python.python` - clicking on the button at the following link: [install](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python) - searching for extension `ms-python.python` After the extensions are installed, you can: - Open frappe_docker folder in VS Code. - `code .` - Launch the command, from Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) `Execute Remote Containers : Reopen in Container`. You can also click in the bottom left corner to access the remote container menu. Notes: - The `development` directory is ignored by git. It is mounted and available inside the container. Create all your benches (installations of bench, the tool that manages frappe) inside this directory. - nvm with node v12 and v10 is installed. Check with `nvm ls`. Node v12 is used by default. ### Setup first bench Run the following commands in the terminal inside the container. You might need to create a new terminal in VSCode. ```shell bench init --skip-redis-config-generation --frappe-branch version-12 frappe-bench cd frappe-bench ``` ### Setup hosts We need to tell bench to use the right containers instead of localhost. Run the following commands inside the container: ```shell bench set-mariadb-host mariadb bench set-redis-cache-host redis-cache:6379 bench set-redis-queue-host redis-queue:6379 bench set-redis-socketio-host redis-socketio:6379 ``` ### Edit Honcho's Procfile Honcho is the tool used by Bench to manage all the processes Frappe requires. Usually, these all run in localhost, but in this case, we have external containers for Redis. For this reason, we have to stop Honcho from trying to start Redis processes. Open the Procfile file and remove the three lines containing the configuration from Redis, either by editing manually the file. ```shell code Procfile ``` or running the following command: ```shell sed -i '/redis/d' ./Procfile ``` ### Create a new site with bench You can create a new site with the following command: ```shell bench new-site sitename ``` for example: ```shell bench new-site localhost ``` The command will ask the MariaDB root password. The default root password is `123`. This will create a new site and a `localhost` directory under `frappe-bench/sites`. Your website will now be accessible on [localhost on port 8000](http://locahost:8000) ### Fixing MariaDB issues after rebuilding the container The `bench new-site` command creates a user in MariaDB with container IP as host, for this reason after rebuilding the container there is a chance that you will not be able to access MariaDB correctly with the previous configuration The parameter `'db_name'@'%'` needs to be set in MariaDB and permission to the site database suitably assigned to the user. This step has to be repeated for all sites available under the current bench. Example shows the queries to be executed for site `localhost` Open sites/localhost/site_config.json: ```shell code sites/localhost/site_config.json ``` and take note of the parameters `db_name` and `db_password`. Enter MariaDB Interactive shell: ```shell mysql -uroot -p123 -hmariadb ``` Execute following queries replacing `db_name` and `db_password` with the values found in site_config.json. ```sql UPDATE mysql.user SET Host = '%' where User = 'db_name'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; SET PASSWORD FOR 'db_name'@'%' = PASSWORD('db_password'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `db_name`.* TO 'db_name'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT; ``` ## Manually start containers In case you don't use VSCode, you may start the containers manually with the following command: ```shell docker-compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml up -d ``` And enter the interactive shell for the development container with the following command: ```shell docker exec -e "TERM=xterm-256color" -w /workspace/development -it devcontainer_frappe_1 bash ``` ### Visual Studio Code Python Debugging To enable Python debugging inside Visual Studio Code, you must first install the `ms-python.python` extension inside the container. - Click on the extension icon inside VSCode - Search `ms-python.python` - Click on `Install on Dev Container: Frappe Bench` - Click on 'Reload' We need to start bench separately through the VSCode debugger. For this reason, **instead** of running `bench start` you should run the following command inside the frappe-bench directory: ```shell honcho start \ socketio \ watch \ schedule \ worker_short \ worker_long \ worker_default ``` This command starts all processes with the exception of Redis (which is already running in separate container) and the `web` process. The latter can can finally be started from the debugger tab of VSCode.