#!/bin/bash function run () { user=$1 shift docker exec -itu "${user}" frappe bash -c "$@" } if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then docker exec -it frappe bash elif [[ "$1" == 'init' ]]; then run root "chown -R frappe:frappe /home/frappe" run frappe "cd .. && bench init frappe-bench --ignore-exist --skip-redis-config-generation && cd frappe-bench" run frappe "mv Procfile_docker Procfile && mv sites/common_site_config_docker.json sites/common_site_config.json && bench set-mariadb-host mariadb" elif [[ "$1" == 'setup' ]]; then if [[ "$2" == 'docker' ]]; then if [[ "$3" == '--swarm-mode' ]]; then echo "Docker swarm mode is not currently supported" elif [[ "$3" == 'down' ]]; then docker-compose down elif [[ "$3" == 'stop' ]]; then docker-compose stop else docker-compose up -d fi elif [[ "$2" == 'hosts' ]]; then a=$(run frappe "ls sites/*/site_config.json | grep -o '/.\+/'") a="${a//$'\n'/ }" a=$(echo "$a" | tr -d / ) result=" ${a}" run root "echo ${result} | tee -a /etc/hosts" else IFS=" " run frappe "bench $*" fi elif [[ "$1" == '-c' ]]; then shift user=$1 shift run "$user" "$@" elif [[ "$1" == '-h' ]]; then echo "$0 [-h] | [-c frappe|root command] | [setup hosts|docker [stop|down]] | [bench_command]" echo "" echo "$0 is a wrapper for the Frappe Bench tool, and is used like it. However, it extends the tool in a few places." echo "Usage:" echo " $0 -h" echo " Shows this help message" echo " $0" echo " Launches you into an interactive shell in the container as user frappe" echo " $0 " echo " Runs the bench command , i.e. $0 new-site \"site1.local\" = bench new-site \"site1.local\"" echo " $0 setup docker [ stop | down ]" echo " Builds and starts the docker containers using \"docker-compose up -d\"" echo " $0 setup hosts" echo " Adds all site names to the containers hosts file" echo " $0 -c frappe | root " echo " Runs a command in the container, as the selected user" else IFS=" " run frappe "bench $*" fi