Former-commit-id: c6df5de79fab359b23d67966771131eb25d42aab
- Docker Compose file to run frappe in a container
- Docker makes it much easier to deploy frappe on your development servers.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Container Configuration
- "3306:3306"
- "8000:8000"
Expose port 3306 inside the container on port 3306 on ALL local host interfaces. In order to bind to only one interface, you may specify the host's IP address as ([<host_interface>:[host_port]])|(<host_port>):<container_port>[/udp]
as defined in the docker port binding documentation. The port 3306 of the mariadb container and port 8000 of the frappe container is exposed to the host machine and other containers.
- ./frappe:/home/frappe
- ./conf/mariadb-conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d
Exposes a directory inside the host to the container.
- redis
- mariadb
Links another container to the current container. This will add --link docker_frappe:mariadb
and --link docker_frappe:redis
to the options when running the container.
- mariadb
- redis
Express dependency between services, which has two effects:
docker-compose up will start services in dependency order. In the following example, db and redis will be started before frappe.
docker-compose up SERVICE will automatically include SERVICE’s dependencies. In the following example, docker-compose up frappe will also create and start db and redis.
1. Installation Pre-requisites
Installing Docker Community Edition (version 17.06.0-ce)
Follow the steps given in here
Installing Docker Compose (only for Linux users). Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, and Docker Toolbox include Docker Compose (version 1.14.0)
Follow the steps given in here
2. Build the container and install bench
Build the container and install bench inside the container as a non root user
This command requests the user to enter a password for the MySQL root user, please remember it for future use. This command also builds the 3 linked containers docker-frappe, mariadb and redis using the docker-compose up -d, it creates a user frappe inside the docker-frappe container, whose working directory is /home/frappe. It also clones the bench-repo from here
sudo source
Note: Please do not remove the bench-repo directory the above commands will create
Basic Usage
Starting docker containers
This command can be used to start containers
sudo docker-compose start
Accessing the frappe container via CLI
sudo ./
Create a new bench
The init command will create a bench directory with frappe framework installed. It will be setup for periodic backups and auto updates once a day.
bench init frappe-bench && cd frappe-bench
Set the db host for bench (points bench to the mariadb container) since the 3 containers are linked
bench set-mariadb-host mariadb
Add a site (make sure your current path is /home/frappe/frappe-bench)
Frappe apps are run by frappe sites and you will have to create at least one site. The new-site command allows you to do that.
bench new-site site1.local
Add apps (make sure your current path is /home/frappe/frappe-bench)
The get-app command gets remote frappe apps from a remote git repository and installs them. Example: erpnext
bench get-app erpnext
Install apps (make sure your current path is /home/frappe/frappe-bench)
To install an app on your new site, use the bench
command.bench --site site1.local install-app erpnext
Start bench (make sure your current path is /home/frappe/frappe-bench)
To start using the bench, use the
bench start
commandbench start
Exiting the frappe container and stopping all the containers gracefully.
exit sudo docker-compose stop
Removing docker containers
sudo docker-compose rm
Removing dangling volumes
The volume frappe on your local machine is shared by the host(your local machine) and the frappe container. Please do not delete this volume from your local machine. Any changes made in this directory will reflect on both the container and the host. The below command specifies how to remain dangling volumes which may be taking up unecessary space on your host.
sudo docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)
To login to Frappe / ERPNext, open your browser and go to [your-external-ip]:8000
, probably localhost:8000
The default username is "Administrator" and password is what you set when you created the new site.
Built With
Feel free to contribute to this project and make the container better
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details