mirror of https://github.com/iconify/collections-json.git synced 2024-09-19 10:29:03 +00:00

Update Material Design Icons

This commit is contained in:
Vjacheslav Trushkin 2019-06-19 09:14:14 +03:00
parent eacc1c67e2
commit f3f4b3dc17
5 changed files with 49 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"mdi": {
"name": "Material Design Icons",
"total": 3813,
"total": 3825,
"author": "Austin Andrews",
"url": "https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign",
"license": "OFL-1.1",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
### Material Design Icons
* Number of icons: 3813
* Number of icons: 3825
* Author: Austin Andrews
* URL: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign
* License: OFL-1.1

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "iconify/json",
"description": "Iconify icons collection in JSON format",
"type": "library",
"version": "1.0.119",
"version": "1.0.120",
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "https://iconify.design/icon-sets/",
"autoload": {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
"body": "<path d=\"M10 4a4 4 0 1 1 0 8 4 4 0 0 1 0-8zm0 10c4.418 0 8 1.79 8 4v2H2v-2c0-2.21 3.582-4 8-4zm10-2V7h2v5h-2zm0 4v-2h2v2h-2z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"account-alert-outline": {
"body": "<path d=\"M20 12V7h2v5h-2zm0 4v-2h2v2h-2zm-10-3c2.667 0 8 1.335 8 4v3H2v-3c0-2.665 5.333-4 8-4zm0-9c2.208 0 4 1.792 4 4 0 2.207-1.792 4-4 4s-4-1.793-4-4c0-2.208 1.792-4 4-4zm0 10.9c-2.974 0-6.1 1.457-6.1 2.1v1.1h12.2V17c0-.643-3.126-2.1-6.1-2.1zm0-9c-1.158 0-2.1.942-2.1 2.1 0 1.158.942 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.158 0 2.1-.942 2.1-2.1 0-1.158-.942-2.1-2.1-2.1z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"body": "<path d=\"M20 12V7h2v5h-2zm0 4v-2h2v2h-2zm-10-3c2.667 0 8 1.335 8 4v3H2v-3c0-2.665 5.333-4 8-4zm0-9c2.208 0 4 1.792 4 4 0 2.207-1.792 4-4 4s-4-1.793-4-4c0-2.208 1.792-4 4-4zm0 10.9c-2.974 0-6.1 1.457-6.1 2.1v1.1h12.2V17c0-.643-3.126-2.1-6.1-2.1zm0-9c-1.158 0-2.1.942-2.1 2.1 0 1.158.942 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.158 0 2.1-.942 2.1-2.1 0-1.158-.942-2.1-2.1-2.1z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>",
"hidden": true
"account-arrow-left": {
"body": "<path d=\"M18 20.99L15 18l3-3v2h4v1.99h-4v2zM10 4a4 4 0 1 1 0 8 4 4 0 0 1 0-8zm0 10c1.155 0 2.252.122 3.243.342A5.974 5.974 0 0 0 12 18c0 .701.12 1.374.341 2H2v-2c0-2.21 3.582-4 8-4z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -1318,6 +1319,12 @@
"backspace-outline": {
"body": "<path d=\"M18.999 15.591l-1.412 1.412L14 13.409l-3.589 3.594-1.411-1.412 3.588-3.588L9 8.409l1.411-1.407 3.589 3.59 3.588-3.59L19 8.41l-3.589 3.593 3.589 3.59zm3.004-12.593c1.097 0 1.996.903 1.996 2.002v13.999A2.007 2.007 0 0 1 22.003 21h-15c-.694 0-1.232-.361-1.593-.889L0 12.003l5.41-8.12c.361-.532.899-.884 1.593-.884h15zM22 5H7l-4.722 7L7 19h15V5z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
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"body": "<path d=\"M5 15.592l1.412 1.411L10 13.409l3.588 3.594 1.412-1.411-3.59-3.589 3.59-3.594-1.412-1.406-3.588 3.589-3.59-3.589-1.41 1.406 3.588 3.594-3.588 3.589zM1.998 2.998A2.007 2.007 0 0 0 0 5v14c0 1.098.898 2.002 1.996 2.002h15c.694 0 1.231-.361 1.592-.889l5.41-8.11-5.41-8.121c-.36-.532-.898-.884-1.592-.884h-15zM1.999 5h15l4.722 7-4.722 7H2V5z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
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@ -2732,6 +2739,9 @@
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"body": "<path d=\"M22 21H2V3h2v16h2v-9h4v9h2V6h4v13h2v-5h4v7z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -2774,7 +2784,7 @@
"chart-scatter-plot": {
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"chart-scatterplot-hexbin": {
"chart-scatter-plot-hexbin": {
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"chart-timeline": {
@ -4134,6 +4144,9 @@
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@ -4909,6 +4922,9 @@
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"body": "<path d=\"M17.808 4.468a.473.473 0 0 1-.23-.06c-1.92-.99-3.58-1.41-5.567-1.41-1.982 0-3.861.473-5.571 1.41a.505.505 0 0 1-.679-.2.5.5 0 0 1 .202-.678 12.548 12.548 0 0 1 6.048-1.527c2.13 0 3.99.468 6.032 1.517.248.132.336.43.21.67a.498.498 0 0 1-.445.277zM3.5 9.72a.51.51 0 0 1-.293-.092.495.495 0 0 1-.117-.698c.991-1.402 2.25-2.5 3.75-3.272C9.98 4.037 14 4.029 17.15 5.65a10.317 10.317 0 0 1 3.75 3.251.497.497 0 0 1-.118.699.5.5 0 0 1-.702-.117 9.354 9.354 0 0 0-3.389-2.946c-2.871-1.468-6.539-1.468-9.4.01a9.51 9.51 0 0 0-3.399 2.964.442.442 0 0 1-.39.21zm6.25 12.072a.479.479 0 0 1-.351-.153c-.87-.869-1.339-1.43-2.013-2.641-.688-1.23-1.05-2.729-1.05-4.34 0-2.969 2.544-5.392 5.665-5.392 3.12 0 5.66 2.423 5.66 5.392 0 .282-.22.502-.503.502a.495.495 0 0 1-.499-.502c0-2.418-2.09-4.39-4.658-4.39-2.573 0-4.663 1.972-4.663 4.39 0 1.44.322 2.772.932 3.852.64 1.148 1.079 1.64 1.851 2.416. 0 .713a.573.573 0 0 1-.37.152zm7.168-1.852c-1.187 0-2.242-.302-3.1-.893-1.49-1.005-2.379-2.647-2.379-4.39 0-.278.22-.498.499-.498.282 0 .502.22.502.499 0 1.41.718 2.743 1.939 3.559.707.483 1.537.713 2.539.713.24 0 .64-.03 1.04-.104a.5.5 0 0 1 .581.412.498.498 0 0 1-.41.58 6.674 6.674 0 0 1-1.211.122zm-2.007 2.062a.565.565 0 0 1-.132-.02c-1.591-.445-2.631-1.03-3.72-2.105a7.279 7.279 0 0 1-2.169-5.22c0-1.615 1.378-2.94 3.076-2.94 1.705 0 3.082 1.325 3.082 2.94 0 1.075.932 1.943 2.08 1.943 1.152 0 2.08-.868 2.08-1.942 0-3.77-3.246-6.827-7.252-6.827-2.836 0-5.438 1.577-6.606 4.028-.39.811-.59 1.759-.59 2.799 0 .781.068 2.011.669 3.612a.488.488 0 0 1-.289.64.493.493 0 0 1-.638-.292 11.046 11.046 0 0 1-.733-3.96c0-1.197.229-2.29.679-3.238 1.332-2.793 4.281-4.6 7.508-4.6 4.552 0 8.253 3.511 8.253 7.828 0 1.621-1.381 2.938-3.081 2.938-1.699 0-3.082-1.317-3.082-2.938 0-1.07-.927-1.939-2.08-1.939-1.147 0-2.08.869-2.08 1.939 0 1.714.664 3.31 1.87 4.511.953.938 1.862 1.46 3.272 1.851a.5.5 0 0 1 .352.61.488.488 0 0 1-.469.382z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
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"fire": {
"body": "<path d=\"M17.553 11.2c-.23-.3-.5-.56-.76-.82-.65-.6-1.4-1.03-2.03-1.66-1.46-1.46-1.78-3.87-.85-5.72-.9.23-1.75.75-2.45 1.32-2.54 2.08-3.54 5.75-2.34 0 .22-.15.42-.35.5-.22.1-.46.04-.64-.12a.83.83 0 0 1-.15-.17c-1.1-1.43-1.28-3.48-.53-5.12-1.64 1.36-2.51 3.66-2.39 1 .27 1.2.72 1.73 1.04 1.73 2.87 2.97 4.84 3.22 2.1.27 4.35-.12 5.96-1.6 1.8-1.66 2.45-4.3 1.5-6.6l-.13-.26c-.2-.45-.47-.87-.78-1.25l.03-.01zm-3.1 6.3c-.28.24-.73.5-1.08.6-1.1.38-2.2-.16-2.88-.82 1.2-.28 1.9-1.16 2.1-2.05.17-.8-.14-1.46-.27-2.23-.12-.74-.1-1.37.2- 1.06.76 1 1.95 1.44 2.2 1.72-.92 2.26l.01.01z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -5626,6 +5642,12 @@
"gamepad-round-up": {
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"gamepad-square-outline": {
"body": "<path d=\"M21 6H3c-1.099 0-2 .901-2 2v8c0 1.099.901 2 2 2h18c1.099 0 2-.901 2-2V8c0-1.099-.901-2-2-2zm0 10H3V8h18M6 15h2v-2h2v-2H8V9H6v2H4v2h2m8.5-1a1.5 1.5 0 1 1-.001 3.001A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.5 12zm4-3a1.5 1.5 0 1 1-.001 3.001A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18.5 9z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
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@ -6240,6 +6262,9 @@
"home-alert": {
"body": "<path d=\"M12 3L2 12h3v8h14v-8h3L12 3zm1 15h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2V9h2v5z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"home-analytics": {
"body": "<path d=\"M12 3L2 12h3v8h14v-8h3M9 18H7v-6h2m4 6h-2v-8h2m4 8h-2v-4h2\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"home-assistant": {
"body": "<path d=\"M21.802 13H20v8h-7v-3.327l2.794-2.794.706.121a2.1 2.1 0 1 0-2.1-2.1l.121.706L13 15.127v-5.48a2.1 2.1 0 1 0-2 0v5.48l-1.522-1.521.122-.706A2.1 2.1 0 1 0 7.5 15l.706-.121L11 17.672V21H4v-8H2.25c-.417 0-.833 0-.829-.213.005-.213.43-.638.856-1.064L11 3c.333-.333.667-.667 1-.667.333 0 .667.334 1 .667l4 4V6h2v3l2.776 2.776c.408.408.816.816.82 12a.9.9 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-1.8zm9 0a.9.9 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-1.8zM12 6.9a.9.9 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-1.8z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -7029,6 +7054,9 @@
"magnify-plus-outline": {
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"mail-ru": {
"body": "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M15.455 11.912C15.34 9.7 13.7 8.37 11.717 8.37h-.074c-2.288 0-3.557 1.8-3.557 3.843 0 2.288 1.535 3.733 3.548 3.733 2.244 0 3.72-1.643 3.826-3.587m-3.806-5.967c1.528 0 2.965.675 4.02 1.733v.004c0-.508.342-.89.817-.89l.12-.001c.742 0 .895.702.895.925l.003 7.897c-.052.517.534.783.859.452 1.268-1.303 2.785-6.699-.788-9.825C14.25 3.772 9.78 4.252 7.405 5.89c-2.527 1.742-4.143 5.598-2.573 9.22 1.712 3.95 6.61 5.128 9.521 3.954 1.474-.595 2.155 1.398.624 2.049-2.313.985-8.752.886-11.76-4.324C1.186 13.27 1.295 7.08 6.684 3.873 10.806 1.42 16.242 2.1 19.52 5.523c3.426 3.578 3.226 10.28-.116 12.886-1.514 1.183-3.763.03-3.749-1.694l-.015-.564a5.625 5.625 0 0 1-3.986 1.657c-3.02 0-5.678-2.658-5.678-5.677 0-3.05 2.658-5.739 5.678-5.739z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -9171,6 +9199,12 @@
"scanner-off": {
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"scatter-plot": {
"body": "<path d=\"M7 11a3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0 6 3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0-6zm4-8a3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0 6 3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0-6zm5.599 11.599a3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0 6 3.001 3.001 0 0 1 0-6z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"scatter-plot-outline": {
"body": "<path d=\"M7 18c-2.208 0-4-1.792-4-4s1.792-4 4-4 4 1.792 4 4-1.792 4-4 4zm0-6c-1.099 0-2 .901-2 2s.901 2 2 2 2-.901 2-2-.901-2-2-2zm4-2c-2.208 0-4-1.792-4-4s1.792-4 4-4 4 1.792 4 4-1.792 4-4 4zm0-6c-1.099 0-2 .901-2 2s.901 2 2 2 2-.901 2-2-.901-2-2-2zm5.599 17.599c-2.208 0-4-1.787-4-4 0-2.208 1.792-4 4-4 2.213 0 4 1.792 4 4 0 2.213-1.787 4-4 4zm0-6c-1.099 0-2 .901-2 2 0 1.098.901 2 2 2 1.098 0 2-.902 2-2 0-1.099-.902-2-2-2z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"school": {
"body": "<path d=\"M12 2.998l-11 6 11 6 9-4.909V17h2v-8M5 13.18v4l7 3.818 7-3.818v-4l-7 3.818-7-3.818z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -9290,6 +9324,9 @@
"seed-outline": {
"body": "<path d=\"M17.2 5c.6 0 1.2 0 2.3.2 6.9-2.5 10.1-2 2.5-5.4 3.8-10 3.8H5.1c-.2-4.6.7-8.2 2.8-10.5C10.4 5.6 14.4 5 17.2 5m0-2c-5.5 0-15.6 2.1-14 17.8 1.1.1 2.2.2 3.2.2C24.3 21 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S19.3 3 17.2 3zM17 7C7 7 7 17 7 17 11 9 17 7 17 7z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"segment": {
"body": "<path d=\"M21 8H3V6h18M9 13h12v-2H9m0 7h12v-2H9\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"select": {
"body": "<path d=\"M4 3h1v2H3V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1zm16 0a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1h-2V3h1zm-5 2V3h2v2h-2zm-4 0V3h2v2h-2zM7 5V3h2v2H7zm14 15a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-1v-2h2v1zm-6 1v-2h2v2h-2zm-4 0v-2h2v2h-2zm-4 0v-2h2v2H7zm-3 0a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1h2v2H4zm-1-6h2v2H3v-2zm18 0v2h-2v-2h2zM3 11h2v2H3v-2zm18 0v2h-2v-2h2zM3 7h2v2H3V7zm18 0v2h-2V7h2z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -10981,6 +11018,9 @@
"video-3d": {
"body": "<path d=\"M5 7h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5v-2h4v-2H6v-2h3V9H5V7zm8 0h3a3 3 0 0 1 3 3v4a3 3 0 0 1-3 3h-3V7zm3 8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-1v6h1z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"video-3d-variant": {
"body": "<path d=\"M14 10v4a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1v-5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5zm7-3.5v11l-4-4V17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H4a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v3.5m-7.5-1A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 8 8H4.5v1.5H8v1.75H5.5v1.5H8v1.75H4.5V16H8a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5-1.5m6-5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 14 8h-3v8h3a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5-1.5\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
"video-4k-box": {
"body": "<path d=\"M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-7 10.5h-1V15H9.5v-1.5h-3V9H8v3h1.5V9H11v3h1v1.5zm6 1.5h-1.8l-1.8-2.2V15H13V9h1.5v2.2L16.2 9H18l-2.2 3 2.2 3z\" fill=\"currentColor\"/>"
@ -12499,6 +12539,9 @@
"chart-finance": {
"parent": "finance"
"chart-scatterplot-hexbin": {
"parent": "chart-scatter-plot-hexbin"
"chat-bubble": {
"parent": "message"
@ -14248,9 +14291,6 @@
"magic": {
"parent": "auto-fix"
"mail": {
"parent": "email"
"mail-outline": {
"parent": "email-outline"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "@iconify/json",
"description": "Iconify icons collection in JSON format",
"license": "MIT",
"version": "1.0.119",
"version": "1.0.120",
"homepage": "https://iconify.design/icon-sets/",
"main": "lib/finder.js",
"bugs": "https://github.com/iconify/collections-json/issues",