Iconify API provides data for over 70,000 icons! API is hosted on publicly available servers, spread out geographically to make sure visitors from all over the world have the fastest possible connection with redundancies in place to make sure it is always online.
When you use an icon font, each visitor loads an entire font, even if your page only uses a few icons. This is a major downside of using icon fonts. That limits developers to one or two fonts or icon sets.
- [Sapper demo](./packages/sapper-demo/) - demo for Sapper, using Svelte component on the server and in the browser. Run `npm run dev` to start the demo.
- [Browser tests](./packages/browser-tests/) - unit tests for SVG framework. Run `npm run build` to build it. Open test.html in browser (requires HTTP server).
Unfortunately Lerna does not support several versions of the same package. Because of that, some packages were moved from "packages" to "archive". This applies only to packages that were replaced by newer packages that aren't backwards compatible (and packages that rely on those packages).
Legacy packages:
- [Vue 2 component](./archive/vue2/) - Vue 2 component. It has been replaced by [Vue 3 component](./packages/vue/).
- [Vue 2 demo](./archive/vue2-demo/) - demo for Vue 2 component. Run `npm serve` to start demo.
This will install all dependencies and create symbolic links to packages.
If links stop working for some reason, run `npm run link` to fix links.
If you want to re-install dependencies, run `npm run clean` to clear all repositories (press "Y" to continue), then `npm run bootstrap` to install everything again.