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synced 2025-02-03 04:28:30 +00:00
231 lines
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231 lines
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import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@iconify/react/dist/offline';
import accountIcon from '@iconify-icons/mdi-light/account';
import alertIcon from '@iconify-icons/mdi-light/alert';
import homeIcon from '@iconify-icons/mdi-light/home';
import presentationPlay from '@iconify-icons/mdi-light/presentation-play';
import checkedIcon from '@iconify-icons/uil/check-circle';
import uncheckedIcon from '@iconify-icons/uil/circle';
import { Checkbox } from './components/Checkbox';
import { InlineDemo } from './components/Inline';
import './App.css';
// Add 'mdi-light:presentation-play' as 'demo'
addIcon('demo', presentationPlay);
// Add custom icon as 'experiment'
addIcon('experiment2', {
width: 16,
height: 16,
'<circle fill-opacity="0.2" cx="8" cy="8" r="7" fill="currentColor"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 16C12.4183 16 16 12.4183 16 8C16 3.58172 12.4183 0 8 0C3.58172 0 0 3.58172 0 8C0 12.4183 3.58172 16 8 16ZM8 15C11.866 15 15 11.866 15 8C15 4.13401 11.866 1 8 1C4.13401 1 1 4.13401 1 8C1 11.866 4.13401 15 8 15Z" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M7 9L5 7L3.5 8.5L7 12L13 6L11.5 4.5L7 9Z" fill="currentColor"/>',
// Add icon with id: noto:robot
addIcon('noto-robot', {
'<path d="M12.53 53.05c-4.57.01-8.28 3.72-8.28 8.29v38.38a8.297 8.297 0 0 0 8.28 8.28h5.55V53l-5.55.05z" fill="#c62828"/><path d="M115.72 53.05c4.57.01 8.28 3.72 8.28 8.29v38.38c-.01 4.57-3.71 8.28-8.28 8.29h-5.55v-55l5.55.04z" fill="#c62828"/><path d="M113.17 54.41l-.12-10c-.03-4.3-3.53-7.77-7.83-7.75H67.05V23.25c5.11-1.69 7.89-7.2 6.2-12.31c-1.69-5.11-7.2-7.89-12.31-6.2s-7.89 7.2-6.2 12.31a9.743 9.743 0 0 0 6.2 6.2v13.46H22.78c-4.28.01-7.75 3.47-7.78 7.75v71.78c.03 4.28 3.5 7.74 7.78 7.76h82.44c4.3.01 7.8-3.46 7.83-7.76v-7.37h.12V54.41z" fill="#90a4ae"/><path d="M64 18c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4s4 1.79 4 4s-1.79 4-4 4z" fill="#c62828"/><g><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robota" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="64.005" y1="22.44" x2="64.005" y2="35.55" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset=".12" stop-color="#e0e0e0"/><stop offset=".52" stop-color="#fff"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#eaeaea"/></linearGradient><path d="M44.15 94.45h39.71c3.46 0 6.27 2.81 6.27 6.27v.57c0 3.46-2.81 6.27-6.27 6.27H44.15c-3.46 0-6.27-2.81-6.27-6.27v-.57c0-3.46 2.81-6.27 6.27-6.27z" fill="url(#ssvg-id-robota)"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robotb" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="54.85" y1="22.44" x2="54.85" y2="35.53" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#ssvg-id-robotb)" d="M53.67 94.47h2.36v13.09h-2.36z"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robotc" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="64.06" y1="22.44" x2="64.06" y2="35.53" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#ssvg-id-robotc)" d="M62.88 94.47h2.36v13.09h-2.36z"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robotd" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="73.15" y1="22.44" x2="73.15" y2="35.53" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#ssvg-id-robotd)" d="M71.97 94.47h2.36v13.09h-2.36z"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robote" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="82.8" y1="22.44" x2="82.8" y2="35.53" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#ssvg-id-robote)" d="M81.62 94.47h2.36v13.09h-2.36z"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-robotf" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="45.2" y1="22.46" x2="45.2" y2="35.55" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#ssvg-id-robotf)" d="M44.02 94.45h2.36v13.09h-2.36z"/><g><path d="M64 85.33h-5.33c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1c0-.16.04-.31.11-.45l2.74-5.41l2.59-4.78a.996.996 0 0 1 1.76 0l2.61 5l2.71 5.19c.25.49.06 1.09-.43 1.35c-.14.07-.29.11-.45.11L64 85.33z" fill="#c62828"/></g><g><radialGradient id="ssvg-id-robotg" cx="42.64" cy="63.19" r="11.5" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset=".48" stop-color="#fff"/><stop offset=".77" stop-color="#fdfdfd"/><stop offset=".88" stop-color="#f6f6f6"/><stop offset=".96" stop-color="#ebebeb"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#e0e0e0"/></radialGradient><circle cx="42.64" cy="66.81" r="11.5" fill="url(#ssvg-id-robotg)"/><linearGradient id="ssvg-id-roboth" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="30.14" y1="63.19" x2="55.14" y2="63.19" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#333"/><stop offset=".55" stop-color="#666"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#333"/></linearGradient><circle cx="42.64" cy="66.81" r="11.5" fill="none" stroke="url(#ssvg-id-roboth)" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><radialGradient id="ssvg-id-roboti" cx="84.95" cy="63.22" r="11.5" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 130)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset=".48" stop-color="#fff"/><sto
width: 128,
height: 128,
// Add few mdi-light: icons
prefix: 'mdi-light',
icons: {
'account-alert': {
'<path d="M10.5 14c4.142 0 7.5 1.567 7.5 3.5V20H3v-2.5c0-1.933 3.358-3.5 7.5-3.5zm6.5 3.5c0-1.38-2.91-2.5-6.5-2.5S4 16.12 4 17.5V19h13v-1.5zM10.5 5a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 0 7a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-7zm0 1a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5zM20 16v-1h1v1h-1zm0-3V7h1v6h-1z" fill="currentColor"/>',
'link': {
'<path d="M8 13v-1h7v1H8zm7.5-6a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 0 11H13v-1h2.5a4.5 4.5 0 1 0 0-9H13V7h2.5zm-8 11a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 0-11H10v1H7.5a4.5 4.5 0 1 0 0 9H10v1H7.5z" fill="currentColor"/>',
width: 24,
height: 24,
// Component
class CheckboxIcon extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
checked: props.checked,
this._check = this._check.bind(this);
render() {
const checked = this.state.checked;
const icon = checked ? checkedIcon : uncheckedIcon;
const color = checked ? 'green' : 'red';
return (
style={{ cursor: 'pointer', color }}
_check(event) {
checked: !this.state.checked,
function App() {
// Debug logging for testing references, which cannot be reliably tested with unit tests
console.log('References that should be logged: valid icon');
console.log('References that might be logged: missing icon');
console.log('References that should not be logged: missing text icon');
return (
<div className="App">
<section className="icon-24">
Empty icon: <Icon />
Icon referenced by name: <Icon icon="demo" />
Icon referenced by object: <Icon icon={accountIcon} />
2 icons imported from icon set:{' '}
<Icon icon="mdi-light:account-alert" />
<Icon icon="mdi-light:link" />
<div className="alert">
<Icon icon={alertIcon} />
Important notice with alert icon!
text="Checkbox example"
hint="(click to toggle)"
text="Another checkbox example"
hint="(click to toggle)"
<InlineDemo />
color: '#1769aa',
fontSize: '24px',
lineHeight: '1em',
verticalAlign: '-0.25em',
Home icon! 24px icon in 16px text with 24px line height,
aligned using inline style.
Empty icon (span): <Icon />
<br />
Empty icon (emoji): <Icon>😀</Icon>
<br />
Empty icon (em and emoji):
<em> empty</em>😀
Clickable icon (testing events and style): <CheckboxIcon />
Colored icons (block, inline, block):
fontSize: '1.5em',
verticalAlign: 0,
marginLeft: '8px',
fontSize: '1.5em',
color: 'red',
marginLeft: '8px',
fontSize: '1.5em',
color: 'purple',
marginLeft: '8px',
Testing reference by adding border to icon:{' '}
ref={(element) => {
console.log('Ref: valid icon');
element.style.border = '1px solid red';
<br />
Reference to missing icon:{' '}
ref={(element) => {
console.log('Ref: missing icon');
element.style.border = '1px solid red';
<br />
Reference to missing icon with fallback text:{' '}
ref={(element) => {
console.log('Ref: missing text icon');
element.style.border = '1px solid red';
Testing replacing ids in icons: <Icon icon="noto-robot" />{' '}
<Icon icon="noto-robot" /> (default handler)
<Icon icon="noto-robot" id="test1" />{' '}
<Icon icon="noto-robot" id="test2" /> (string)
export default App;