diff --git a/plugins/tailwind/README.md b/plugins/tailwind/README.md
index 68c981e..2b524eb 100644
--- a/plugins/tailwind/README.md
+++ b/plugins/tailwind/README.md
@@ -6,110 +6,7 @@ This plugin creates CSS for over 150k open source icons.
## Usage
-1. Install packages icon sets.
-2. In `tailwind.config.js` import `addDynamicIconSelectors` from `@iconify/tailwind`.
-## HTML
-To use icon in HTML, add class with class name like this: `icon-[mdi-light--home]`
-Class name has 3 parts:
-- Selectot prefix, which can be set in `prefix` option of plugin. Default value is `icon`.
-- `-` to tell Tailwind that class name is not complete.
-- `[{prefix}--{name}]` for icon name, where `{prefix}` is icon set prefix, `{name}` is icon name.
-In Iconify all icon names use the following format: `{prefix}:{name}`. Due to limitations of Tailwind CSS, same format cannot be used with plugin, so instead, prefix and name are separated by double dash: `{prefix}--{name}`.
-### Color, size, alignment
-Monoton icons can change color! See [Iconify documentation](https://iconify.design/docs/usage/css/#monotone) for longer explanation.
-To change icon size or color, change font size or text color, like you would with any text.
-Icon color cannot be changed for icons with hardcoded palette, such as most emoji sets or flag icons.
-To align icon below baseline, add negative vertical alignment, like this (you can also use Tailwind class for that):
-## Installing icon sets
-Plugin does not include icon sets. You need to install icon sets separately.
-To install all 150k+ icons, install `@iconify/json` as a dev dependency.
-If you do not want to install big package, install `@iconify-json/` packages for icon sets that you use.
-See [Iconify icon sets](https://icon-sets.iconify.design/) for list of available icon sets and icons.
-See [Iconify documentation](https://iconify.design/docs/icons/json.html) for list of packages.
-## Tailwind config
-Add this to `tailwind.config.js`:
-const { addDynamicIconSelectors } = require('@iconify/tailwind');
-Then in plugins section add `addDynamicIconSelectors`.
-module.exports = {
- content: ['./src/*.html'],
- theme: {
- extend: {},
- },
- plugins: [
- // Iconify plugin
- addDynamicIconSelectors(),
- ],
- presets: [],
-### Options
-Plugin accepts options as a second parameter:
-- `prefix` is class name prefix. Default value is `icon`. Make sure there is no `-` at the end: it is added in classes, but not in plugin parameter.
-- `overrideOnly`: set to `true` to generate rules that override only icon data. See below.
-- `scale`: sets the default icon height/width value. Can be set to 0 which removes the default height/width. Default is 1 (1em).
-- `files`: list of custom files for icon sets. Key is icon set prefix, value is location of `.json` file with icon set in IconifyJSON format.
-- `iconSet`: list of custom icon sets. Key is prefix, value is either icon set data in `IconifyJSON` format or a synchronous callback that returns `IconifyJSON` data.
-#### overrideOnly
-You can use `overrideOnly` to load some icons without full rules, such as changing icon on hover when main and hover icons are from the same icon set and have same width/height ratio.
-Example of config:
-plugins: [
- // `icon-`
- addDynamicIconSelectors(),
- // `icon-hover-`
- addDynamicIconSelectors({
- prefix: "icon-hover",
- overrideOnly: true,
- }),
- ],
-and usage in HTML:
+[See Iconify for Tailwind CSS documentation](https://iconify.design/docs/usage/css/tailwind/#installation).
## License