mirror of https://github.com/iconify/iconify.git synced 2024-12-04 18:23:17 +00:00

chore(tailwind): remove generated files

This commit is contained in:
Vjacheslav Trushkin 2023-01-11 23:05:50 +02:00
parent 4d607c6d5f
commit aa55348abc
10 changed files with 0 additions and 1088 deletions

View File

@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
* (c) Iconify
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the license.txt
* files at https://github.com/iconify/iconify
* Licensed under MIT.
* @license MIT
* @version 0.0.1-dev
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
const defaultIconDimensions = Object.freeze(
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 16,
height: 16
const defaultIconTransformations = Object.freeze({
rotate: 0,
vFlip: false,
hFlip: false
const defaultIconProps = Object.freeze({
const defaultExtendedIconProps = Object.freeze({
body: "",
hidden: false
function mergeIconTransformations(obj1, obj2) {
const result = {};
if (!obj1.hFlip !== !obj2.hFlip) {
result.hFlip = true;
if (!obj1.vFlip !== !obj2.vFlip) {
result.vFlip = true;
const rotate = ((obj1.rotate || 0) + (obj2.rotate || 0)) % 4;
if (rotate) {
result.rotate = rotate;
return result;
function mergeIconData(parent, child) {
const result = mergeIconTransformations(parent, child);
for (const key in defaultExtendedIconProps) {
if (key in defaultIconTransformations) {
if (key in parent && !(key in result)) {
result[key] = defaultIconTransformations[key];
} else if (key in child) {
result[key] = child[key];
} else if (key in parent) {
result[key] = parent[key];
return result;
function getIconsTree(data, names) {
const icons = data.icons;
const aliases = data.aliases || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const resolved = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function resolve(name) {
if (icons[name]) {
return resolved[name] = [];
if (!(name in resolved)) {
resolved[name] = null;
const parent = aliases[name] && aliases[name].parent;
const value = parent && resolve(parent);
if (value) {
resolved[name] = [parent].concat(value);
return resolved[name];
(names || Object.keys(icons).concat(Object.keys(aliases))).forEach(resolve);
return resolved;
function internalGetIconData(data, name, tree) {
const icons = data.icons;
const aliases = data.aliases || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
let currentProps = {};
function parse(name2) {
currentProps = mergeIconData(
icons[name2] || aliases[name2],
return mergeIconData(data, currentProps);
function getIconData(data, name) {
if (data.icons[name]) {
return internalGetIconData(data, name, []);
const tree = getIconsTree(data, [name])[name];
return tree ? internalGetIconData(data, name, tree) : null;
function iconToHTML(body, attributes) {
let renderAttribsHTML = body.indexOf("xlink:") === -1 ? "" : ' xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"';
for (const attr in attributes) {
renderAttribsHTML += " " + attr + '="' + attributes[attr] + '"';
return '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"' + renderAttribsHTML + ">" + body + "</svg>";
const unitsSplit = /(-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*)/g;
const unitsTest = /^-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*$/g;
function calculateSize(size, ratio, precision) {
if (ratio === 1) {
return size;
precision = precision || 100;
if (typeof size === "number") {
return Math.ceil(size * ratio * precision) / precision;
if (typeof size !== "string") {
return size;
const oldParts = size.split(unitsSplit);
if (oldParts === null || !oldParts.length) {
return size;
const newParts = [];
let code = oldParts.shift();
let isNumber = unitsTest.test(code);
while (true) {
if (isNumber) {
const num = parseFloat(code);
if (isNaN(num)) {
} else {
newParts.push(Math.ceil(num * ratio * precision) / precision);
} else {
code = oldParts.shift();
if (code === void 0) {
return newParts.join("");
isNumber = !isNumber;
function encodeSVGforURL(svg) {
return svg.replace(/"/g, "'").replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/</g, "%3C").replace(/>/g, "%3E").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
function svgToURL(svg) {
return 'url("data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeSVGforURL(svg) + '")';
function getCommonCSSRules(options) {
const result = {
display: "inline-block",
width: "1em",
height: "1em"
const varName = options.varName;
if (options.pseudoSelector) {
result["content"] = "''";
switch (options.mode) {
case "background":
result["background"] = "no-repeat center / 100%";
if (varName) {
result["background-image"] = "var(--" + varName + ")";
case "mask":
result["background-color"] = "currentColor";
result["mask"] = result["-webkit-mask"] = "no-repeat center / 100%";
if (varName) {
result["mask-image"] = result["-webkit-mask-image"] = "var(--" + varName + ")";
return result;
function generateItemCSSRules(icon, options) {
const result = {};
const varName = options.varName;
if (!options.forceSquare && icon.width !== icon.height) {
result["width"] = calculateSize("1em", icon.width / icon.height);
const svg = iconToHTML(
icon.body.replace(/currentColor/g, options.color || "black"),
viewBox: `${icon.left} ${icon.top} ${icon.width} ${icon.height}`,
width: icon.width.toString(),
height: icon.height.toString()
const url = svgToURL(svg);
if (varName) {
result["--" + varName] = url;
} else {
switch (options.mode) {
case "background":
result["background-image"] = url;
case "mask":
result["mask-image"] = result["-webkit-mask-image"] = url;
return result;
const commonSelector = ".icon--{prefix}";
const iconSelector = ".icon--{prefix}--{name}";
const defaultSelectors = {
overrideSelector: commonSelector + iconSelector
function getIconsCSSData(iconSet, names, options = {}) {
const css = [];
const errors = [];
const palette = options.color ? true : iconSet.info?.palette;
let mode = options.mode || typeof palette === "boolean" && (palette ? "background" : "mask");
if (!mode) {
mode = "mask";
"/* cannot detect icon mode: not set in options and icon set is missing info, rendering as " + mode + " */"
let varName = options.varName;
if (varName === void 0 && mode === "mask") {
varName = "svg";
const newOptions = {
const { commonSelector: commonSelector2, iconSelector: iconSelector2, overrideSelector } = newOptions.iconSelector ? newOptions : defaultSelectors;
const iconSelectorWithPrefix = iconSelector2.replace(
const commonRules = getCommonCSSRules(newOptions);
const hasCommonRules = commonSelector2 && commonSelector2 !== iconSelector2;
const commonSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
if (hasCommonRules) {
selector: commonSelector2.replace(/{prefix}/g, iconSet.prefix),
rules: commonRules
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
const name = names[i];
const iconData = getIconData(iconSet, name);
if (!iconData) {
errors.push("/* Could not find icon: " + name + " */");
const rules = generateItemCSSRules(
{ ...defaultIconProps, ...iconData },
let requiresOverride = false;
if (hasCommonRules && overrideSelector) {
for (const key in rules) {
if (key in commonRules) {
requiresOverride = true;
const selector = (requiresOverride && overrideSelector ? overrideSelector.replace(/{prefix}/g, iconSet.prefix) : iconSelectorWithPrefix).replace(/{name}/g, name);
if (!hasCommonRules) {
const result = {
if (!hasCommonRules && commonSelectors.size) {
const selector = Array.from(commonSelectors).join(
newOptions.format === "compressed" ? "," : ", "
result.common = {
rules: commonRules
return result;
const matchIconName = /^[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/;
const missingIconsListError = 'TailwindCSS cannot dynamically find all used icons. Need to pass list of used icons to Iconify plugin.';
* Locate icon set
function locateIconSet(prefix) {
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify-json/${prefix}/icons.json`);
catch { }
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify/json/json/${prefix}.json`);
catch { }
* Load icon set
function loadIconSet(prefix) {
const filename = locateIconSet(prefix);
if (filename) {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
catch { }
* Get icon names from list
function getIconNames(icons) {
const prefixes = Object.create(null);
// Add entry
const add = (prefix, name) => {
if (typeof prefix === 'string' &&
prefix.match(matchIconName) &&
typeof name === 'string' &&
name.match(matchIconName)) {
(prefixes[prefix] || (prefixes[prefix] = new Set())).add(name);
// Comma or space separated string
let iconNames;
if (typeof icons === 'string') {
iconNames = icons.split(/[\s,]/);
else if (icons instanceof Array) {
iconNames = [];
// Split each array entry
icons.forEach((item) => {
item.split(/[\s,]/).forEach((name) => iconNames.push(name));
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
// Parse array
if (iconNames?.length) {
iconNames.forEach((icon) => {
// Attempt prefix:name split
const nameParts = icon.split(':');
if (nameParts.length === 2) {
add(nameParts[0], nameParts[1]);
// Attempt icon class: .icon--{prefix}--{name}
// with or without dot
const classParts = icon.split('--');
if (classParts[0].match(/^\.?icon$/)) {
if (classParts.length === 3) {
add(classParts[1], classParts[2]);
if (classParts.length === 2) {
// Partial match
// Throw error
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve icon: "${icon}"`);
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
return prefixes;
* Get CSS rules for icon
function getCSSRules(icons, options = {}) {
const rules = Object.create(null);
// Get all icons
const prefixes = getIconNames(icons);
// Parse all icon sets
for (const prefix in prefixes) {
const iconSet = loadIconSet(prefix);
const generated = getIconsCSSData(iconSet, Array.from(prefixes[prefix]), options);
const result = generated.common
? [generated.common, ...generated.css]
: generated.css;
result.forEach((item) => {
const selector = item.selector instanceof Array
? item.selector.join(', ')
: item.selector;
rules[selector] = item.rules;
return rules;
exports.getCSSRules = getCSSRules;

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
import { Config } from 'tailwindcss/types/config';
import { PluginCreator } from 'tailwindcss/types/config';
* Formatting modes. Same as in SASS
declare type CSSFormatMode = 'expanded' | 'compact' | 'compressed';
* Formatting options
declare interface IconCSSFormatOptions {
format?: CSSFormatMode;
* Selector for icon
declare interface IconCSSIconSelectorOptions {
pseudoSelector?: boolean;
iconSelector?: string;
* Options for generating multiple icons
declare interface IconCSSIconSetOptions extends IconCSSSharedOptions, IconCSSSelectorOptions, IconCSSModeOptions, IconCSSFormatOptions {
* Icon mode
declare type IconCSSMode = 'mask' | 'background';
* Mode
declare interface IconCSSModeOptions {
mode?: IconCSSMode;
* Selector for icon when generating data from icon set
declare interface IconCSSSelectorOptions extends IconCSSIconSelectorOptions {
commonSelector?: string;
overrideSelector?: string;
* Options common for both multiple icons and single icon
declare interface IconCSSSharedOptions {
varName?: string | null;
forceSquare?: boolean;
color?: string;
* Iconify plugin
declare function iconifyPlugin(icons: string[] | string, options?: IconifyPluginOptions): {
handler: PluginCreator;
config?: Partial<Config>;
export default iconifyPlugin;
export declare interface IconifyPluginOptions extends IconCSSIconSetOptions {
export { }

View File

@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
* (c) Iconify for Tailwind CSS
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the license.txt
* files at https://github.com/iconify/iconify
* Licensed under MIT.
* @license MIT
* @version 0.0.1
'use strict';
var plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
var fs = require('fs');
const defaultIconDimensions = Object.freeze(
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 16,
height: 16
const defaultIconTransformations = Object.freeze({
rotate: 0,
vFlip: false,
hFlip: false
const defaultIconProps = Object.freeze({
const defaultExtendedIconProps = Object.freeze({
body: "",
hidden: false
function mergeIconTransformations(obj1, obj2) {
const result = {};
if (!obj1.hFlip !== !obj2.hFlip) {
result.hFlip = true;
if (!obj1.vFlip !== !obj2.vFlip) {
result.vFlip = true;
const rotate = ((obj1.rotate || 0) + (obj2.rotate || 0)) % 4;
if (rotate) {
result.rotate = rotate;
return result;
function mergeIconData(parent, child) {
const result = mergeIconTransformations(parent, child);
for (const key in defaultExtendedIconProps) {
if (key in defaultIconTransformations) {
if (key in parent && !(key in result)) {
result[key] = defaultIconTransformations[key];
} else if (key in child) {
result[key] = child[key];
} else if (key in parent) {
result[key] = parent[key];
return result;
function getIconsTree(data, names) {
const icons = data.icons;
const aliases = data.aliases || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const resolved = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function resolve(name) {
if (icons[name]) {
return resolved[name] = [];
if (!(name in resolved)) {
resolved[name] = null;
const parent = aliases[name] && aliases[name].parent;
const value = parent && resolve(parent);
if (value) {
resolved[name] = [parent].concat(value);
return resolved[name];
(names || Object.keys(icons).concat(Object.keys(aliases))).forEach(resolve);
return resolved;
function internalGetIconData(data, name, tree) {
const icons = data.icons;
const aliases = data.aliases || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
let currentProps = {};
function parse(name2) {
currentProps = mergeIconData(
icons[name2] || aliases[name2],
return mergeIconData(data, currentProps);
function getIconData(data, name) {
if (data.icons[name]) {
return internalGetIconData(data, name, []);
const tree = getIconsTree(data, [name])[name];
return tree ? internalGetIconData(data, name, tree) : null;
function iconToHTML(body, attributes) {
let renderAttribsHTML = body.indexOf("xlink:") === -1 ? "" : ' xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"';
for (const attr in attributes) {
renderAttribsHTML += " " + attr + '="' + attributes[attr] + '"';
return '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"' + renderAttribsHTML + ">" + body + "</svg>";
const unitsSplit = /(-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*)/g;
const unitsTest = /^-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*$/g;
function calculateSize(size, ratio, precision) {
if (ratio === 1) {
return size;
precision = precision || 100;
if (typeof size === "number") {
return Math.ceil(size * ratio * precision) / precision;
if (typeof size !== "string") {
return size;
const oldParts = size.split(unitsSplit);
if (oldParts === null || !oldParts.length) {
return size;
const newParts = [];
let code = oldParts.shift();
let isNumber = unitsTest.test(code);
while (true) {
if (isNumber) {
const num = parseFloat(code);
if (isNaN(num)) {
} else {
newParts.push(Math.ceil(num * ratio * precision) / precision);
} else {
code = oldParts.shift();
if (code === void 0) {
return newParts.join("");
isNumber = !isNumber;
function encodeSVGforURL(svg) {
return svg.replace(/"/g, "'").replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/</g, "%3C").replace(/>/g, "%3E").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
function svgToURL(svg) {
return 'url("data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeSVGforURL(svg) + '")';
function getCommonCSSRules(options) {
const result = {
display: "inline-block",
width: "1em",
height: "1em"
const varName = options.varName;
if (options.pseudoSelector) {
result["content"] = "''";
switch (options.mode) {
case "background":
result["background"] = "no-repeat center / 100%";
if (varName) {
result["background-image"] = "var(--" + varName + ")";
case "mask":
result["background-color"] = "currentColor";
result["mask"] = result["-webkit-mask"] = "no-repeat center / 100%";
if (varName) {
result["mask-image"] = result["-webkit-mask-image"] = "var(--" + varName + ")";
return result;
function generateItemCSSRules(icon, options) {
const result = {};
const varName = options.varName;
if (!options.forceSquare && icon.width !== icon.height) {
result["width"] = calculateSize("1em", icon.width / icon.height);
const svg = iconToHTML(
icon.body.replace(/currentColor/g, options.color || "black"),
viewBox: `${icon.left} ${icon.top} ${icon.width} ${icon.height}`,
width: icon.width.toString(),
height: icon.height.toString()
const url = svgToURL(svg);
if (varName) {
result["--" + varName] = url;
} else {
switch (options.mode) {
case "background":
result["background-image"] = url;
case "mask":
result["mask-image"] = result["-webkit-mask-image"] = url;
return result;
const commonSelector = ".icon--{prefix}";
const iconSelector = ".icon--{prefix}--{name}";
const defaultSelectors = {
overrideSelector: commonSelector + iconSelector
function getIconsCSSData(iconSet, names, options = {}) {
const css = [];
const errors = [];
const palette = options.color ? true : iconSet.info?.palette;
let mode = options.mode || typeof palette === "boolean" && (palette ? "background" : "mask");
if (!mode) {
mode = "mask";
"/* cannot detect icon mode: not set in options and icon set is missing info, rendering as " + mode + " */"
let varName = options.varName;
if (varName === void 0 && mode === "mask") {
varName = "svg";
const newOptions = {
const { commonSelector: commonSelector2, iconSelector: iconSelector2, overrideSelector } = newOptions.iconSelector ? newOptions : defaultSelectors;
const iconSelectorWithPrefix = iconSelector2.replace(
const commonRules = getCommonCSSRules(newOptions);
const hasCommonRules = commonSelector2 && commonSelector2 !== iconSelector2;
const commonSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
if (hasCommonRules) {
selector: commonSelector2.replace(/{prefix}/g, iconSet.prefix),
rules: commonRules
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
const name = names[i];
const iconData = getIconData(iconSet, name);
if (!iconData) {
errors.push("/* Could not find icon: " + name + " */");
const rules = generateItemCSSRules(
{ ...defaultIconProps, ...iconData },
let requiresOverride = false;
if (hasCommonRules && overrideSelector) {
for (const key in rules) {
if (key in commonRules) {
requiresOverride = true;
const selector = (requiresOverride && overrideSelector ? overrideSelector.replace(/{prefix}/g, iconSet.prefix) : iconSelectorWithPrefix).replace(/{name}/g, name);
if (!hasCommonRules) {
const result = {
if (!hasCommonRules && commonSelectors.size) {
const selector = Array.from(commonSelectors).join(
newOptions.format === "compressed" ? "," : ", "
result.common = {
rules: commonRules
return result;
const matchIconName = /^[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/;
const missingIconsListError = 'TailwindCSS cannot dynamically find all used icons. Need to pass list of used icons to Iconify plugin.';
* Locate icon set
function locateIconSet(prefix) {
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify-json/${prefix}/icons.json`);
catch { }
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify/json/json/${prefix}.json`);
catch { }
* Load icon set
function loadIconSet(prefix) {
const filename = locateIconSet(prefix);
if (filename) {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
catch { }
* Get icon names from list
function getIconNames(icons) {
const prefixes = Object.create(null);
// Add entry
const add = (prefix, name) => {
if (typeof prefix === 'string' &&
prefix.match(matchIconName) &&
typeof name === 'string' &&
name.match(matchIconName)) {
(prefixes[prefix] || (prefixes[prefix] = new Set())).add(name);
// Comma or space separated string
let iconNames;
if (typeof icons === 'string') {
iconNames = icons.split(/[\s,.]/);
else if (icons instanceof Array) {
iconNames = [];
// Split each array entry
icons.forEach((item) => {
item.split(/[\s,.]/).forEach((name) => iconNames.push(name));
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
// Parse array
if (iconNames?.length) {
iconNames.forEach((icon) => {
if (!icon.trim()) {
// Attempt prefix:name split
const nameParts = icon.split(':');
if (nameParts.length === 2) {
add(nameParts[0], nameParts[1]);
// Attempt icon class: .icon--{prefix}--{name}
// with or without dot
const classParts = icon.split('--');
if (classParts[0].match(/^\.?icon$/)) {
if (classParts.length === 3) {
add(classParts[1], classParts[2]);
if (classParts.length === 2) {
// Partial match
// Throw error
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve icon: "${icon}"`);
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
return prefixes;
* Get CSS rules for icon
function getCSSRules(icons, options = {}) {
const rules = Object.create(null);
// Get all icons
const prefixes = getIconNames(icons);
// Parse all icon sets
for (const prefix in prefixes) {
const iconSet = loadIconSet(prefix);
if (!iconSet) {
throw new Error(`Cannot load icon set for "${prefix}"`);
const generated = getIconsCSSData(iconSet, Array.from(prefixes[prefix]), options);
const result = generated.common
? [generated.common, ...generated.css]
: generated.css;
result.forEach((item) => {
const selector = item.selector instanceof Array
? item.selector.join(', ')
: item.selector;
rules[selector] = item.rules;
return rules;
* Iconify plugin
function iconifyPlugin(icons, options = {}) {
return plugin(({ addUtilities }) => {
const rules = getCSSRules(icons, options);
module.exports = iconifyPlugin;

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
import type { IconifyPluginOptions } from './options';
* Get CSS rules for icon
export declare function getCSSRules(icons: string[] | string, options?: IconifyPluginOptions): Record<string, Record<string, string>>;

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { getIconsCSSData } from '@iconify/utils/lib/css/icons';
import { matchIconName } from '@iconify/utils/lib/icon/name';
const missingIconsListError = 'TailwindCSS cannot dynamically find all used icons. Need to pass list of used icons to Iconify plugin.';
* Locate icon set
function locateIconSet(prefix) {
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify-json/${prefix}/icons.json`);
catch { }
try {
return require.resolve(`@iconify/json/json/${prefix}.json`);
catch { }
* Load icon set
function loadIconSet(prefix) {
const filename = locateIconSet(prefix);
if (filename) {
try {
return JSON.parse(readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
catch { }
* Get icon names from list
function getIconNames(icons) {
const prefixes = Object.create(null);
// Add entry
const add = (prefix, name) => {
if (typeof prefix === 'string' &&
prefix.match(matchIconName) &&
typeof name === 'string' &&
name.match(matchIconName)) {
(prefixes[prefix] || (prefixes[prefix] = new Set())).add(name);
// Comma or space separated string
let iconNames;
if (typeof icons === 'string') {
iconNames = icons.split(/[\s,.]/);
else if (icons instanceof Array) {
iconNames = [];
// Split each array entry
icons.forEach((item) => {
item.split(/[\s,.]/).forEach((name) => iconNames.push(name));
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
// Parse array
if (iconNames?.length) {
iconNames.forEach((icon) => {
if (!icon.trim()) {
// Attempt prefix:name split
const nameParts = icon.split(':');
if (nameParts.length === 2) {
add(nameParts[0], nameParts[1]);
// Attempt icon class: .icon--{prefix}--{name}
// with or without dot
const classParts = icon.split('--');
if (classParts[0].match(/^\.?icon$/)) {
if (classParts.length === 3) {
add(classParts[1], classParts[2]);
if (classParts.length === 2) {
// Partial match
// Throw error
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve icon: "${icon}"`);
else {
throw new Error(missingIconsListError);
return prefixes;
* Get CSS rules for icon
export function getCSSRules(icons, options = {}) {
const rules = Object.create(null);
// Get all icons
const prefixes = getIconNames(icons);
// Parse all icon sets
for (const prefix in prefixes) {
const iconSet = loadIconSet(prefix);
if (!iconSet) {
throw new Error(`Cannot load icon set for "${prefix}"`);
const generated = getIconsCSSData(iconSet, Array.from(prefixes[prefix]), options);
const result = generated.common
? [generated.common, ...generated.css]
: generated.css;
result.forEach((item) => {
const selector = item.selector instanceof Array
? item.selector.join(', ')
: item.selector;
rules[selector] = item.rules;
return rules;

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
import type { IconCSSIconSetOptions } from '@iconify/utils/lib/css/types';
export interface IconifyPluginOptions extends IconCSSIconSetOptions {

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
export {};

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
import type { IconifyPluginOptions } from './options';
* Iconify plugin
declare function iconifyPlugin(icons: string[] | string, options?: IconifyPluginOptions): {
handler: import("tailwindcss/types/config").PluginCreator;
config?: Partial<import("tailwindcss/types/config").Config>;
* Export stuff
export default iconifyPlugin;
export type { IconifyPluginOptions };

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin';
import { getCSSRules } from './iconify';
* Iconify plugin
function iconifyPlugin(icons, options = {}) {
return plugin(({ addUtilities }) => {
const rules = getCSSRules(icons, options);
* Export stuff
export default iconifyPlugin;

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