import { parseIconSet } from '@iconify/utils/lib/icon-set/parse'; describe('Testing parsing icon set', () => { it('Simple icon set', () => { // Names list const names = ['missing', 'icon1', 'icon2']; // Resolved data const expected = { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: false, rotate: 0, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: false, rotate: 0, }, missing: null, }; // Do stuff expect( parseIconSet( { prefix: 'foo', not_found: ['missing'], icons: { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, }, }, height: 24, }, (name, data) => { // Make sure name matches expect(names.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); expect(name).toBe(names.shift()); // Check icon data expect(data).toEqual(expected[name]); } ) ).toBe(true); // All names should have been parsed expect(names).toEqual([]); }); it('Aliases', () => { // Names list const names = ['icon1', 'icon2', 'alias1', 'alias2']; const namesCopy = names.slice(0); // Resolved data const expected = { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: false, rotate: 0, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 3, }, alias1: { body: '', width: 20, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: false, rotate: 0, }, alias2: { body: '', width: 20, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: true, vFlip: true, rotate: 3, }, }; // Do stuff expect( parseIconSet( { prefix: 'foo', icons: { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, vFlip: true, rotate: 3, }, }, aliases: { alias1: { parent: 'icon1', }, alias2: { parent: 'icon2', hFlip: true, width: 20, }, }, height: 24, }, (name, data) => { // Make sure name matches expect(names.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); expect(name).toBe(names.shift()); // Check icon data expect(data).toEqual(expected[name]); }, { list: 'all', } ) ).toEqual(namesCopy); // All names should have been parsed expect(names).toEqual([]); }); it('Nested aliases', () => { // Names list const names = [ 'icon1', 'icon2', 'alias2a', 'alias2f', 'alias2z', 'alias2z3', 'alias2z4', 'alias2z5', 'alias2z6', ]; const namesCopy = names.slice(0); // Resolved data const expected = { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, height: 20, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: false, rotate: 0, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: true, vFlip: false, rotate: 1, }, alias2f: { // icon2 + alias2f body: '', width: 22, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 2, }, alias2a: { // icon2 + alias2f + alias2a body: '', width: 20, height: 20, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 2, }, alias2z: { // icon2 + alias2f + alias2z body: '', width: 21, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 1, }, alias2z3: { // icon2 + alias2f + alias2z body: '', width: 21, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 1, }, alias2z4: { // alias of alias2z3 body: '', width: 21, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 1, }, alias2z5: { // alias of alias2z4 body: '', width: 21, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 1, }, alias2z6: { // alias of alias2z5 body: '', width: 21, height: 24, top: 0, left: 0, hFlip: false, vFlip: true, rotate: 1, }, }; // Do stuff expect( parseIconSet( { prefix: 'foo', icons: { icon1: { body: '', width: 20, height: 20, }, icon2: { body: '', width: 24, rotate: 1, hFlip: true, }, }, aliases: { alias2a: { // Alias before parent parent: 'alias2f', width: 20, height: 20, }, alias2f: { parent: 'icon2', width: 22, rotate: 1, hFlip: true, vFlip: true, }, alias2z: { // Alias after parent parent: 'alias2f', width: 21, rotate: 3, }, alias2z3: { // 3 parents: alias2z, alias2f, icon2 parent: 'alias2z', }, alias2z4: { // 4 parents: alias2z3, alias2z, alias2f, icon2 parent: 'alias2z3', }, alias2z5: { // 5 parents: alias2z4, alias2z3, alias2z, alias2f, icon2 parent: 'alias2z4', }, alias2z6: { // 6 parents: alias2z5, alias2z4, alias2z3, alias2z, alias2f, icon2 parent: 'alias2z5', }, alias2z7: { // 7 parents: alias2z6, alias2z5, alias2z4, alias2z3, alias2z, alias2f, icon2 // nesting is too deep and should not be parsed parent: 'alias2z6', }, alias3: { // invalid parent parent: 'icon3', }, }, height: 24, }, (name, data) => { // Make sure name matches expect(names.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); expect(name).toBe(names.shift()); // Check icon data expect(data).toEqual(expected[name]); }, { list: 'valid', } ) ).toEqual(namesCopy); // All names should have been parsed expect(names).toEqual([]); }); });