const fs = require('fs'); const child_process = require('child_process'); // Directory where packages are const packagesDir = __dirname + '/packages'; // package.json keys and install commands to install @latest versions of those dependencies const packagesInstallList = [ { prop: 'dependencies', cmd: '--save', }, { prop: 'devDependencies', cmd: '--save-dev', }, ]; // Packages to ignore for @latest install when peerDependency is detected const ignorePeers = { react: ['react', 'react-dom', 'react-test-renderer', '@types/react'], vue: ['vue'], }; // Ignore bugged modules function canInstall(name, currentPackage) { /* // Due to a bug in rollup 2.x, rollup and its modules could not be updated. Fixed in 2.26.8! if (name.split('-').shift() === 'rollup') { return false; } if (name.split('/').shift() === '@rollup') { return false; } */ return true; } // Tag to use for installing package function getTag(name, currentPackage, currentVersion) { const parts = currentPackage.split('-'); const currentPackage1 = parts.shift(); switch (name) { case 'vue': switch (currentPackage1) { case '@iconify/vue': return '@next'; case '@iconify/vue2': return '@2'; default: return null; } case 'vue-jest': switch (currentPackage1) { case '@iconify/vue': return '@next'; case '@iconify/vue2': return '@3'; default: return null; } case '@vue/test-utils': switch (currentPackage1) { case '@iconify/vue': return '@next'; case '@iconify/vue2': return '@1'; default: return null; } } // Do not change major version for Vue 2 packages if (currentPackage1 === '@iconify/vue2') { const parts = currentVersion.split('.'); return '@' + parts.shift(); } return '@latest'; } // Update modes const modes = { // Standard update, matching existing version requirements update: false, // Installs @latest version of dependency, might cause issues, so test code after update install: false, }; // Get list of all packages const localPackagesMap = Object.create(null); fs.readdirSync(packagesDir).forEach((file) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(`${packagesDir}/${file}/package.json`, 'utf8') ); if (typeof === 'string') { localPackagesMap[] = file; } } catch (err) { // console.error(err); } }); const localPackages = Object.keys(localPackagesMap); const localDirs = Object.values(localPackagesMap); console.log('Local packages:'); console.log( localPackages .map((name) => '\t' + localPackagesMap[name] + ': ' + name) .join('\n') ); // Get list of directories to parse const parseDirs = []; process.argv.slice(2).forEach((cmd) => { if (cmd.slice(0, 2) === '--') { // --all if (cmd === '--all') { localDirs.forEach(addDirToParse); return; } // Command: --install or --update const key = cmd.slice(2); if (modes[key] !== void 0) { modes[key] = true; return; } invalidParam(cmd); } if (cmd.slice(0, 1) === '-') { invalidParam(cmd); } // By package name: update-deps @iconify/core if (localPackagesMap[cmd] !== void 0) { addDirToParse(localPackagesMap[cmd]); return; } // By directory name: update-deps core if (localDirs.indexOf(cmd) !== -1) { addDirToParse(cmd); return; } invalidParam(cmd); }); if (!parseDirs.length) { usage(); return; } if (!modes.install) { modes.update = true; } next(); /** * Parse next directory */ function next() { const dir = parseDirs.shift(); if (dir === void 0) { return; } parse(); process.nextTick(next); function parse() { // Update dependencies if (modes.update) { update(dir); } // Install @latest versions of everything if (!modes.install) { return; } // Get package.json const packageJSON = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(packagesDir + '/' + dir + '/package.json', 'utf8') ); const packageName =; // Get list of packages to ignore let ignoreList = localPackages.slice(0); if (packageJSON.peerDependencies !== void 0) { Object.keys(packageJSON.peerDependencies).forEach((peer) => { if (ignorePeers[peer] === void 0) { throw new Error( `Unknown peer dependency "${peer}" in ${dir}` ); } ignoreList = ignoreList.concat(ignorePeers[peer]); }); } // Get dependencies packagesInstallList.forEach((item) => { const prop = item.prop; if (packageJSON[prop] === void 0) { return; } const packages = Object.keys(packageJSON[prop]).filter( (item) => canInstall(item, packageName) && ignoreList.indexOf(item) === -1 ); if (!packages.length) { return; } // Update all packages exec( packagesDir + '/' + dir, 'npm', ['install', item.cmd].concat( => { const currentVersion = packageJSON[prop][item]; const tag = getTag(item, packageName, currentVersion); if (typeof tag !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Cannot get tag for package "${item}" used in "${packageName}"` ); } return item + tag; }) ) ); }); } } /** * Update dependencies */ function update(dir) { exec(packagesDir + '/' + dir, 'npm', ['update']); } /** * Execute command */ function exec(cwd, cmd, args) { // Execute stuff console.log( `Executing in ${cwd.slice(__dirname.length)}: ${cmd} ${args.join(' ')}` ); const result = child_process.spawnSync(cmd, args, { cwd, stdio: 'inherit', }); if (result.status !== 0) { process.exit(result.status); } // Update symbolic links child_process.spawnSync('npm', ['run', 'link'], { __dirname, stdio: 'inherit', }); } /** * Add directory to list of directories to parse */ function addDirToParse(dir) { if (parseDirs.indexOf(dir) === -1) { parseDirs.push(dir); } } /** * Print usage */ function usage() { console.log('Usage: node update-deps [list of packages to update]'); console.log('--all updates all packages'); console.log( '--install installs @latest versions of dependencies. Use carefully and check code after using it!' ); console.log('--update updates dependencies (npm update)'); } /** * Invalid parameter error. Print usage instructions and throw error */ function invalidParam(cmd) { usage(); throw new Error(`Invalid parameter: ${cmd}`); }