const fs = require('fs'); /** * Restore decorator in component */ function restoreDecorator(filename) { const source = __dirname + '/' + filename; let data = fs.readFileSync(source, 'utf8'); // Code to find/replace const decorateStart = 'var __decorate ='; const decorateEnd = '};'; const decorate2Start = 'function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {'; const decorate2End = '}'; const componentHeader = 'export class IconifyIconComponent extends Component {'; const componentHeader2 = 'class IconifyIconComponent extends Component {'; const addedLine = '@tracked _counter = 0;'; const footerStart = `__decorate([`; const footerEnd = '], IconifyIconComponent.prototype, "_counter", void 0);'; // Check if already parsed if ( data.indexOf(addedLine) !== -1 && data.indexOf(decorateStart) === -1 && data.indexOf(decorate2Start) === -1 && data.indexOf(footerStart) === -1 ) { console.log(`${filename} is already cleaned up`); return; } // Split lines let lines = data.split('\n'); /** * * @param {string} firstMatch First match, line must start with it * @param {string} lastMatch Last match, exact line * @param {number} middleCount Number of lines between start and end, all will be removed * @param {string} key Text for error message */ const removeLines = (firstMatch, lastMatch, middleCount, key) => { let found = false; let removed = 0; let replaced = false; lines = lines.filter((line) => { if (replaced) { return true; } // Check for start if (!found) { const trimmed = line.trim(); if (trimmed.slice(0, firstMatch.length) === firstMatch) { found = true; return false; } return true; } // Remove line? if (removed < middleCount) { removed++; return false; } // Last line if (line.trim() !== lastMatch) { throw new Error( `Mismatch for last line for ${key} in ${filename}: "${line}"` ); } replaced = true; return false; }); if (!found) { throw new Error( `Could not do replacement for ${key} in ${filename}` ); } }; // Remove __decorate() polyfill if (data.indexOf(decorate2Start) !== -1) { removeLines(decorate2Start, decorate2End, 4, 'decorator polyfill 2'); } else { removeLines(decorateStart, decorateEnd, 4, 'decorator polyfill'); } // Remove __decorate() removeLines(footerStart, footerEnd, 1, 'decorate()'); // Add decorator after class declaration let added = false; lines = => { if (added) { return line; } const trimmed = line.trim(); if (trimmed === componentHeader || trimmed === componentHeader2) { added = true; return line + '\n ' + addedLine; } return line; }); if (!added) { throw new Error(`Could not find class declaration in ${filename}`); } // Save file fs.writeFileSync(source, lines.join('\n'), 'utf8'); console.log(`Cleaned up ${filename}`); } function copyFile(source, target) { fs.writeFileSync( __dirname + '/' + target, fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + source) ); console.log(`Created ${target}`); } restoreDecorator('lib/component.js'); restoreDecorator('addon/components/iconify-icon.js'); copyFile('src/iconify-icon.hbs', 'addon/components/iconify-icon.hbs');