* @jest-environment jsdom
import { render } from '@testing-library/svelte';
import Icon from '../../offline';
const iconDataWithID = {
body: '',
width: 128,
height: 128,
describe('Replacing IDs', () => {
test('default behavior', () => {
const component = render(Icon, { icon: iconDataWithID });
const node = component.container.querySelector('svg')!;
// Check that default id doesn't exist
const path = node.getElementById('ssvg-id-1st-place-medala');
test('custom generator', () => {
const component = render(Icon, { icon: iconDataWithID, id: 'test' });
const node = component.container.querySelector('svg')!;
// Check that ID 'testID0' exists
const path = node.getElementById('testID0');