Devbridge Group accelerates software to market for enterprise clients through dedicated product teams, user experience and software engineering expertise.
*`dataType`: type of data returned from server. Either `text` (default), `json` or `jsonp`, which will cause the autocomplete to use jsonp. You may return a json object in your callback when using jsonp.
*`onSearchStart`: `function (query) {}` called before Ajax request. `this` is bound to input element.
*`onSearchComplete`: `function (query, suggestions) {}` called after Ajax response is processed. `this` is bound to input element. `suggestions` is an array containing the results.
*`onSearchError`: `function (query, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {}` called if Ajax request fails. `this` is bound to input element.
*`transformResult`: `function(response, originalQuery) {}` called after the result of the query is ready. Converts the result into response.suggestions format.
*`onSelect`: `function (suggestion) {}` Callback function invoked when user selects suggestion
from the list. `this` inside callback refers to input HtmlElement.
*`minChars`: Minimum number of characters required to trigger autosuggest. Default: `1`.
*`lookupLimit`: Number of maximum results to display for local lookup. Default: no limit.
*`lookup`: Callback function or lookup array for the suggestions. It may be array of strings or `suggestion` object literals.
*`suggestion`: An object literal with the following format: `{ value: 'string', data: any }`.
*`lookupFilter`: `function (suggestion, query, queryLowerCase) {}` filter function for local lookups. By default it does partial string match (case insensitive).
*`triggerSelectOnValidInput`: Boolean value indicating if `select` should be triggered if it matches suggestion. Default `true`.
*`preventBadQueries`: Boolean value indicating if it should prevent future Ajax requests for queries with the same root if no results were returned. E.g. if `Jam` returns no suggestions, it will not fire for any future query that starts with `Jam`. Default `true`.
*`beforeRender`: `function (container, suggestions) {}` called before displaying the suggestions. You may manipulate suggestions DOM before it is displayed.
*`appendTo`: container where suggestions will be appended. Default value `document.body`. Can be jQuery object, selector or HTML element. Make sure to set `position: absolute` or `position: relative` for that element.
*`forceFixPosition`: Default: `false`. Suggestions are automatically positioned when their container is appended to body (look at `appendTo` option), in other cases suggestions are rendered but no positioning is applied.
Set this option to force auto positioning in other cases.
*`orientation`: Default `bottom`. Vertical orientation of the displayed suggestions, available values are `auto`, `top`, `bottom`.
If set to `auto`, the suggestions will be orientated it the way that place them closer to middle of the view port.
*`preserveInput`: if `true`, input value stays the same when navigating over suggestions. Default: `false`.
*`showNoSuggestionNotice`: Default `false`. When no matching results, display a notification label.
*`noSuggestionNotice`: Default `No results`. Text or htmlString or Element or jQuery object for no matching results label.
*`onInvalidateSelection`: `function () {}` called when input is altered after selection has been made. `this` is bound to input element.
*`tabDisabled`: Default `false`. Set to true to leave the cursor in the input field after the user tabs to select a suggestion.
Specify `groupBy` option of you data property if you wish results to be displayed in groups. For example, set `groupBy: 'category'` if your suggestion data format is: