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2020-02-02 17:32:10 +00:00
// To calculate your body mas index
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
// little rounding function https://stackoverflow.com/a/50404037/1429677
double round(long double number, int precision) {
int decimals = std::pow(10, precision);
return (std::round(number * decimals)) / decimals;
int main()
// declare the weight to be integers
int weight;
// declare the height to be floats
float height;
// get the weight
while (true)
cout << "Give us your weight (in kg): ";
cin >> weight;
if(cin.fail()) {
cin.clear(); cin.ignore();
cout << "\nMust be a integer number in kilogram like 65\n" << endl;
} else break;
// get the height
while (true)
cout << "Give us the your height (in meter): ";
cin >> height;
if(cin.fail()) {
cin.clear(); cin.ignore();
cout << "\nMust be a float number in meters like 1.6\n" << endl;
} else break;
// calculate the bmi'
float bmi = round (weight / pow(height, 2.0), 2);
// show the result
cout << "\n=========================" << endl;
cout << " Your Body Mass Index is" << endl;
cout << " " << bmi << " kg.m²" << endl;
cout << "=========================" << endl;
return 0;