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2021-10-14 19:11:05 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<a href="../html/index.html">HOME</a>
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<a href="../html/about.html">ABOUT</a>
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<a href="../html/examples.html">EXAMPLES</a>
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<a href="#">CONTACT</a>
<!-- Main element -->
<main id="contactForm">
<!-- Web form content -->
<!-- Credit to W3Schools https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_responsive_form.asp -->
<form id="contact_form" onsubmit="justDisplay(); return false;">
<div class="container">
<h2>Contact Us Today</h2>
<h3>We are eager to hear from you!</h3>
<p>Please fill out our extensive contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as
<legend>Personal Information</legend>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="fullName">Full name:</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input id="fullName" name="fullName" type="text"
placeholder="Your full name here" pattern="^.{1,50}$" required/>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="address">Address:</label>
<div class="col-75">
<!-- Validating address to contain any characters up to 50 -->
<input id="address" name="address" type="text" pattern="^.{1,50}$"
placeholder="Your address here" required/>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<div class="col-75">
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"
placeholder="Enter a valid email address"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-25">
<label for="telephone">Telephone:</label>
<div class="col-75">
<!-- Validating for most standard telephone number formats found on Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699007/regular-expression-to-match-standard-10-digit-phone-number -->
<input id="telephone" name="telephone" type="tel"
<!-- we could add this pattern="^(\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]?\d{3}[\s.-]?\d{4}$" -->
<label for="online" class="radio-inline">Online
<input type="radio" id="online" name="meet" value="online" checked></label>
<label for="personal" class="radio-inline">Personal
<input type="radio" id="personal" name="meet" value="personal"></label>
<label for="topic">What is the reason for the meeting?</label>
<select name="topic" id="topic">
<option selected>Select an option</option>
<option value="design">Design me a new website</option>
<option value="develop">I need to discuss development of a new application</option>
<option value="new_feature">I need a new feature for my existing application</option>
<option value="bug">I need to discuss a bug in my application</option>
<input type="submit" id="button" value="Submit"/>
<!-- Footer element -->
<!-- Paragraph tag -->
<p class="koos">Footer goes here.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// my little function to show the data but not post it
function justDisplay() {
// convert the form to an object
let formData = new FormData(document.getElementById("contact_form"));
// build a little display
let display_form = "== THIS FORM DOES NOT POST DATA ==";
display_form += "\nfullName: " + formData.get("fullName");
display_form += "\naddress: " + formData.get("address");
display_form += "\nemail: " + formData.get("email");
display_form += "\ntelephone: " + formData.get("telephone");
display_form += "\ntopic: " + formData.get("topic");
// give a basic message
// stop the posting
return false;