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315 lines
7.8 KiB

* @package BugReport
* @created 16th December 2021
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://git.vdm.dev/Llewellyn>
* @git WEBD-310-45 <https://git.vdm.dev/Llewellyn/WEBD-310-45>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* MySQLi database driver
* https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.mysqli.php
* Joomla mysqli DRIVER
* https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/blob/3.10-dev/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysqli.php
// No direct access to this file
defined('_WEBD') or die('Restricted access');
// we make sure mysqli is supported
if (!function_exists('mysqli_connect'))
die('The MySQLi extension for PHP is not installed or enabled. Aborting.');
// the database connection
function getDB()
// get the Global connection
global $MY_DB_HOST;
global $MY_DB_USER;
global $MY_DB_NAME;
global $MY_DB_PORT;
// check if we have a connection
if (isset($MY_DB_CONNECTION) && $MY_DB_CONNECTION instanceof mysqli)
// set all the options
$options['host'] = (isset($MY_DB_HOST)) ? $MY_DB_HOST : 'localhost';
$options['user'] = (isset($MY_DB_USER)) ? $MY_DB_USER : '';
$options['password'] = (isset($MY_DB_PASSWORD)) ? $MY_DB_PASSWORD : '';
$options['database'] = (isset($MY_DB_NAME)) ? $MY_DB_NAME : '';
$options['port'] = (isset($MY_DB_PORT)) ? (int) $MY_DB_PORT : 3306;
$options['socket'] = null;
// start building the connection
// THANKS TO Joomla
// https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/blob/3.10-dev/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysqli.php
$regex = '/^(?P<host>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))(:(?P<port>.+))?$/';
if (preg_match($regex, $options['host'], $matches))
// It's an IPv4 address with or without port
$options['host'] = $matches['host'];
if (!empty($matches['port']))
$port = $matches['port'];
elseif (preg_match('/^(?P<host>\[.*\])(:(?P<port>.+))?$/', $options['host'], $matches))
// We assume square-bracketed IPv6 address with or without port, e.g. [fe80:102::2%eth1]:3306
$options['host'] = $matches['host'];
if (!empty($matches['port']))
$port = $matches['port'];
elseif (preg_match('/^(?P<host>(\w+:\/{2,3})?[a-z0-9\.\-]+)(:(?P<port>[^:]+))?$/i', $options['host'], $matches))
// Named host (e.g example.com or localhost) with or without port
$options['host'] = $matches['host'];
if (!empty($matches['port']))
$port = $matches['port'];
elseif (preg_match('/^:(?P<port>[^:]+)$/', $options['host'], $matches))
// Empty host, just port, e.g. ':3306'
$options['host'] = 'localhost';
$port = $matches['port'];
// ... else we assume normal (naked) IPv6 address, so host and port stay as they are or default
// Get the port number or socket name
if (isset($port) && is_numeric($port))
$options['port'] = (int) $port;
elseif (isset($port))
$options['socket'] = $port;
// Attempt to connect to the server.
$MY_DB_CONNECTION = @mysqli_connect(
$options['host'], $options['user'], $options['password'], null, $options['port'], $options['socket']
// check if we had success in the connection
die('Could not connect to MySQL server, check that you have the correct USER and/or DATABASE details. Aborting.');
// Set sql_mode to non_strict mode
mysqli_query( $MY_DB_CONNECTION, "SET @@SESSION.sql_mode = '';");
// select the given database.
if (!empty($options['database']))
if (!mysqli_select_db( $MY_DB_CONNECTION, $options['database']))
die('Could not connect to MySQL database. Aborting.');
// return the connection
// get reports
function getReports()
$db = getDB();
// the mysql to select the data
$select = array();
$select[] = "a.id AS id";
$select[] = "a.bug AS bug";
$select[] = "a.product AS product_id";
$select[] = "p.name AS product";
$select[] = "p.description AS description";
$select[] = "a.version AS version_id";
$select[] = "v.name AS version";
$select[] = "a.os AS os_id";
$select[] = "o.name AS os";
$select[] = "a.hardware AS hardware_id";
$select[] = "h.name AS hardware";
$select[] = "a.occurrence AS occurrence";
$select[] = "a.solution AS solution";
$query = array();
$query[] = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $select);
$query[] = "FROM `debug_report` AS `a`";
$query[] = "LEFT JOIN `debug_product` AS `p` ON p.id = a.product";
$query[] = "LEFT JOIN `debug_product_version` AS `v` ON v.id = a.version";
$query[] = "LEFT JOIN `debug_os` AS `o` ON o.id = a.os";
$query[] = "LEFT JOIN `debug_hardware` AS `h` ON h.id = a.hardware";
$query[] = "ORDER BY p.name desc";
// convert to string
$query = (string) implode(PHP_EOL, $query);
// get the data
$data = mysqli_query($db, $query);
// did we get the data
if (!$data)
die("Database query failed!");
// our return array
$return = array();
// if we have data lets load it
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data))
$return[] = $row;
// we return all we found
return $return;
// get the data
function getData(string $table)
$db = getDB();
// the mysql to select the data
$select = array();
$select[] = "a.id";
$select[] = "a.name";
$query = array();
$query[] = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $select);
$query[] = "FROM `$table` AS `a`";
$query[] = "ORDER BY a.name desc";
// convert to string
$query = (string) implode(PHP_EOL, $query);
// get the data
$data = mysqli_query($db, $query);
// did we get the data
if (!$data)
die("Database query failed!");
// our return array
$return = array();
// if we have data lets load it
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data))
$return[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
// we return all we found
return $return;
// check if ID exist
function idExist(int $id, string $table): bool
$db = getDB();
// the mysql to select the data
$select = array();
$select[] = "a.id";
$query = array();
$query[] = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $select);
$query[] = "FROM `$table` AS `a`";
$query[] = "WHERE a.id = " . (int) $id;
// convert to string
$query = (string) implode(PHP_EOL, $query);
// get the data
$data = mysqli_query($db, $query);
// did we get the data
if (!$data)
return false;
// our return array
$return = array();
// if we have data lets load it
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data))
$return[$row['id']] = $row['id'];
// we return all we found
return count($return) > 0;
// get the products
function getProducts()
// we return all we found
return getData('debug_product');
// get the versions
function getVersions()
// we return all we found
return getData('debug_product_version');
// get the hardware
function getOSs()
// we return all we found
return getData('debug_os');
// get the hardware
function getHardware()
// we return all we found
return getData('debug_hardware');
// save report
function saveReport(array $data)
$db = getDB();
// if there is an ID we update
if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] > 0)
// get the ID
$id = $data['id'];
// build the fields
$fields = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$fields[] = "`$key`=$value";
// the sql update
$sql = array();
$sql[] = "UPDATE `debug_report`";
$sql[] = "SET " . implode(', ', $fields);
$sql[] = "WHERE id=" . $id;
// always remove the ID
// build the fields
$columns = array();
$values = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$columns[] = $key;
$values[] = $value;
// the sql update
$sql = array();
$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `debug_report` (" . implode(', ', $columns) . ")";
$sql[] = "VALUES (" . implode(', ', $values) . ");";
// execute the query
if (mysqli_query($db, implode(PHP_EOL, $sql))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;