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* @package BugReport
* @created 16th December 2021
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://git.vdm.dev/Llewellyn>
* @git WEBD-310-45 <https://git.vdm.dev/Llewellyn/WEBD-310-45>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_WEBD') or die('Restricted access');
// our little global values
$message = '';
$error = array();
// form switches
$valid = false;
$reported = false;
$report_posted = false;
// form keys
$form = array(
'bug_id' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'id', 'required' => false, 'table' => 'debug_report'),
'bug_product' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'product', 'required' => true, 'table' => 'debug_product'),
'bug_version' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'version', 'required' => true, 'table' => 'debug_product_version'),
'bug_os' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'os', 'required' => true, 'table' => 'debug_os'),
'bug_hardware' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'hardware', 'required' => true, 'table' => 'debug_hardware'),
'bug_bug' => array('filter' => 'string', 'key' => 'bug', 'required' => true),
'bug_occurrence' => array('filter' => 'int', 'key' => 'occurrence', 'required' => true),
'bug_solution' => array('filter' => 'string', 'key' => 'solution', 'required' => true)
// form values
$entry = array();
// validate post input
function validatePostUserInput(string $key, $details): bool
// bring our global values
global $message;
global $entry;
global $form;
// we have a local per/field validation switch
$valid = false;
// we clear the message each time
$message = '';
// first we check if the key exist
if (!isset($_POST[$key]) && (!isset($details['required']) || $details['required']))
$valid = false;
// check if the string that its Register :)
elseif ($details === 'form')
$valid = $_POST[$key] === 'Submit Report';
// check if the string (only name)
elseif ($details['filter'] === 'string')
$value = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z\. ]/", '', $_POST[$key]);
$valid = true;
// check name
if (strlen(trim($value)) == 0 && $details['required'])
$message = "<br /><small>The <b>$key</b> field is required and can not be empty!</small>";
$valid = false;
// remove all white space
$value = trim($value);
// check that this is an int
elseif ($details['filter'] === 'int')
$value = $_POST[$key];
$valid = true;
// check the age to be realistic
if (!is_numeric($value) && isset($details['required']) && $details['required'])
$message = "<br /><small>Invalid $key was entered, integer required.</small>";
$valid = false;
// make sure ID exist if table is set
elseif(is_numeric($value) && $value > 0 && isset($details['table']) && !idExist($value, $details['table']))
$message = "<br /><small>Invalid $key was entered, ID does not exist.</small>";
$valid = false;
$value = (int) $value;
// we set the value if valid
if ($valid && isset($form[$key]))
$entry[$key] = $_POST[$key];
return $valid;
// get a valid value
function getValue($key, $default = ''): string
global $entry;
global $reported;
// check if the value was set
if ($reported && isset($entry[$key]))
return $entry[$key];
return $default;
// to retain valid values
function setFormValue($key, $as_html = true): string
global $entry;
global $reported;
// check if the value was set
if ($reported && isset($entry[$key]))
return $as_html ? " value=\"$entry[$key]\"" : $entry[$key];
return '';
// to display an error message
function getError($key): string
global $error;
global $reported;
// check if the value was set
if ($reported && isset($error[$key]))
return "<br /><span class=\"error-serverside\" style=\"color: red;\">$error[$key]</span>";
return '';
// we get the data from the post if there is any
if (validatePostUserInput('Submit', 'form'))
// reported
$valid = true;
$reported = true;
// check if valid
foreach ($form as $field => $validate)
if (!validatePostUserInput($field, $validate))
// show an error as we do not have a hours
$error[$field] = "Invalid value detected!$message";
$valid = false;
// if we have a valid report save to database
if ($reported && $valid)
// get the DB to escape strings
$db = getDB();
// build data bucket
$data = array();
// convert to database input array
foreach ($form as $field => $validate)
if (($val = getValue($field, false)) != false)
if (is_numeric($val))
$data[$validate['key']] = (int) $val;
$data[$validate['key']] = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $val) . "'";
// now we save the data
if (saveReport($data))
// reported
$report_posted = true;
$valid = false;
$reported = false;