app = $app; $this->preloadManager = $preloadManager; $this->sriManifestPath = $sriManifestPath; $this->session = $session; } /** * Retrieves the current URI * * @return string */ public function getRequestUri(): string { return $this->app->get('uri.request'); } /** * Get the URI for a route * * @param string $route Route to get the path for * * @return string */ public function getRouteUri(string $route = ''): string { return $this->app->get('uri.base.path') . $route; } /** * Get the full URL for a route * * @param string $route Route to get the URL for * * @return string */ public function getRouteUrl(string $route = ''): string { return $this->app->get('') . $this->getRouteUri($route); } /** * Get form Token * * @return string */ public function getToken(): string { if ($this->session instanceof SessionInterface) { return $this->session->getToken(); } return ''; } /** * Shorten a string * * @input string The you would like to shorten * * @returns string on success * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function shortenString($string, $length = 100) { if (is_string($string) && strlen($string) > $length) { $initial = strlen($string); $words = preg_split('/([\s\n\r]+)/', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $words_count = count((array)$words); $word_length = 0; $last_word = 0; for (; $last_word < $words_count; ++$last_word) { $word_length += strlen($words[$last_word]); if ($word_length > $length) { break; } } $newString = implode(array_slice($words, 0, $last_word)); return trim($newString) . '...'; } return $string; } /** * Get current user as array * * @return array */ public function getUserArray(): array { if (!$this->user instanceof User) { /** @var \Octoleo\CMS\User\User $user */ $this->user = Factory::getContainer()->get(UserFactoryInterface::class)->getUser(); } // check again if ($this->user instanceof User && method_exists($this->user, 'toArray')) { return $this->user->toArray(); } return []; } public function getUser(string $key = 'name', $default = '') { if (!$this->user instanceof User) { /** @var \Octoleo\CMS\User\User $user */ $this->user = Factory::getContainer()->get(UserFactoryInterface::class)->getUser(); } // check again if ($this->user instanceof User) { return $this->user->get($key, $default); } return ''; } /** * Get any messages in the queue * * @return array */ public function getMessageQueue(): array { if (method_exists($this->app, 'getMessageQueue')) { return $this->app->getMessageQueue(true); } return []; } /** * Get the SRI attributes for an asset * * @param string $path A public path * * @return string */ public function getSriAttributes(string $path): string { if ($this->sriManifestData === null) { if (!file_exists($this->sriManifestPath)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('SRI manifest file "%s" does not exist.', $this->sriManifestPath)); } $sriManifestContents = file_get_contents($this->sriManifestPath); if ($sriManifestContents === false) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not read SRI manifest file "%s".', $this->sriManifestPath)); } $this->sriManifestData = json_decode($sriManifestContents, true); if (0 < json_last_error()) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Error parsing JSON from SRI manifest file "%s" - %s', $this->sriManifestPath, json_last_error_msg())); } } $assetKey = "/$path"; if (!isset($this->sriManifestData[$assetKey])) { return ''; } $attributes = ''; foreach ($this->sriManifestData[$assetKey] as $key => $value) { $attributes .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } return $attributes; } /** * Preload a resource * * @param string $uri The URI for the resource to preload * @param string $linkType The preload method to apply * @param array $attributes The attributes of this link (e.g. "array('as' => true)", "array('pr' => 0.5)") * * @return string * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function preloadAsset(string $uri, string $linkType = 'preload', array $attributes = []): string { $this->preloadManager->link($uri, $linkType, $attributes); return $uri; } }