# PHP Scripts > Here is a single line of code to print out the date in the following mm/dd/yyyy format. ```php $day = 3; $month = 4; $year = 2021; printf("%s", date('m/d/Y', strtotime("$day-$month-$year"))); ``` OR ```php $day = 23; $month = 12; $year = 2021; printf("%s", date('m/d/Y', strtotime("$month/$day/$year"))); ``` > Print factorial of any given integer ```php /** * To print out the whole factorial sum * * @param int $n * * @return string|int * * @since 1.0 */ function factorialPrint(int $n) { static $r; if ($n > 0) { $r[] = $n; return factorialPrint(--$n); } return 'RESULT: ' . implode(' x ', array_reverse($r)) . ' = ' . array_product($r); } /** * Simple recursive factorial function * * @param int $n * * @return int * * @since 1.0 */ function factorial(int $n): int { if ($n > 1) { return $n * factorial($n - 1); } else { return 1; } } /** * Show a range of factorials * * @param int $n * * @return bool|int * * @since 1.0 */ function rangeFactorials(int $n) { // show the factorial echo "RESULT: factorial for $n = " . factorial($n) . '
'; // check if we are done if ($n > 0) { return rangeFactorials(--$n); } return true; } // simple factorial option in PHP (does not work for zero) echo 'RESULT: factorial for 9 = ' . array_product(range(1, 9)); // RESULT: factorial for 9 = 362880 // get the factorial of 5 echo factorialPrint(5) . '
'; // RESULT: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120 // get the factorial of 10 echo 'RESULT: factorial for 10 = ' . factorial(10) . '

'; // RESULT: factorial for 10 = 3628800 // Show all factorials for 0 - 10 rangeFactorials(10); echo '
'; // RESULT: factorial for 10 = 3628800 // RESULT: factorial for 9 = 362880 // RESULT: factorial for 8 = 40320 // RESULT: factorial for 7 = 5040 // RESULT: factorial for 6 = 720 // RESULT: factorial for 5 = 120 // RESULT: factorial for 4 = 24 // RESULT: factorial for 3 = 6 // RESULT: factorial for 2 = 2 // RESULT: factorial for 1 = 1 // RESULT: factorial for 0 = 1 ```