2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www . vdm . io |------/
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@ version 5.0 . x
@ created 22 nd October , 2015
@ package Sermon Distributor
@ subpackage SermondistributorInstallerScript . php
@ author Llewellyn van der Merwe < https :// www . vdm . io />
@ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@ license GNU / GPL Version 2 or later - http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . html
A sermon distributor that links to Dropbox .
use Joomla\CMS\Factory ;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text ;
use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File ;
use Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter ;
use Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerScriptInterface ;
use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication ;
use Joomla\CMS\Log\Log ;
use Joomla\CMS\Version ;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html ;
use Joomla\Filesystem\Folder ;
use Joomla\Database\DatabaseInterface ;
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
use TrueChristianChurch\Joomla\SermonDistributor\Table\Schema ;
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
// No direct access to this file
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ;
* Script File of Sermondistributor Component
* @ since 3.6
class Com_SermondistributorInstallerScript implements InstallerScriptInterface
* The CMS Application .
* @ var CMSApplication
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected CMSApplication $app ;
* The database class .
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected $db ;
* The version number of the extension .
* @ var string
* @ since 3.6
protected $release ;
* The table the parameters are stored in .
* @ var string
* @ since 3.6
protected $paramTable ;
* The extension name . This should be set in the installer script .
* @ var string
* @ since 3.6
protected $extension ;
* A list of files to be deleted
* @ var array
* @ since 3.6
protected $deleteFiles = [];
* A list of folders to be deleted
* @ var array
* @ since 3.6
protected $deleteFolders = [];
* A list of CLI script files to be copied to the cli directory
* @ var array
* @ since 3.6
protected $cliScriptFiles = [];
* Minimum PHP version required to install the extension
* @ var string
* @ since 3.6
protected $minimumPhp ;
* Minimum Joomla ! version required to install the extension
* @ var string
* @ since 3.6
protected $minimumJoomla ;
* Extension script constructor .
* @ since 3.0 . 0
public function __construct ()
$this -> minimumJoomla = '4.3' ;
$this -> minimumPhp = JOOMLA_MINIMUM_PHP ;
$this -> app ? ? = Factory :: getApplication ();
$this -> db = Factory :: getContainer () -> get ( DatabaseInterface :: class );
// check if the files exist
if ( is_file ( JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/sermondistributor.php' ))
// remove Joomla 3 files
$this -> deleteFiles = [
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/sermondistributor.php' ,
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/controller.php' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/sermondistributor.php' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/controller.php' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/router.php' ,
// check if the Folders exist
if ( is_dir ( JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/modules' ))
// remove Joomla 3 folder
$this -> deleteFolders = [
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/controllers' ,
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/helpers' ,
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/modules' ,
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/tables' ,
'/administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/views' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/controllers' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/helpers' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/modules' ,
'/components/com_sermondistributor/views' ,
* Function called after the extension is installed .
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return boolean True on success
* @ since 4.2 . 0
public function install ( InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : bool { return true ;}
* Function called after the extension is updated .
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return boolean True on success
* @ since 4.2 . 0
public function update ( InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : bool { return true ;}
* Function called after the extension is uninstalled .
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return boolean True on success
* @ since 4.2 . 0
public function uninstall ( InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : bool
// Remove Related Component Data.
// Remove Preacher Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.preacher " );
// Remove Sermon Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.sermon " );
// Remove Sermon catid Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.sermon.category " );
// Remove Series Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.series " );
// Remove Statistic Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.statistic " );
// Remove External source Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.external_source " );
// Remove Local listing Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.local_listing " );
// Remove Help document Data
$this -> removeViewData ( " com_sermondistributor.help_document " );
// Remove Asset Data.
$this -> removeAssetData ();
// Revert the assets table rules column back to the default.
$this -> removeDatabaseAssetsRulesFix ();
// Remove component from action logs extensions table.
$this -> removeActionLogsExtensions ();
// Remove Preacher from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.preacher' );
// Remove Sermon from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.sermon' );
// Remove Series from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.series' );
// Remove Statistic from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.statistic' );
// Remove External_source from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.external_source' );
// Remove Local_listing from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.local_listing' );
// Remove Help_document from action logs config table.
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( 'com_sermondistributor.help_document' );
// little notice as after service, in case of bad experience with component.
echo ' < div style = " background-color: #fff; " class = " alert alert-info " >
< h2 > Did something go wrong ? Are you disappointed ? </ h2 >
< p > Please let me know at < a href = " mailto:joomla@vdm.io " > joomla @ vdm . io </ a >.
< br /> We at Vast Development Method are committed to building extensions that performs proficiently ! You can help us , really !
< br /> Send me your thoughts on improvements that is needed , trust me , I will be very grateful !
< br /> Visit us at < a href = " https://www.vdm.io/ " target = " _blank " > https :// www . vdm . io /</ a > today !</ p ></ div > ' ;
return true ;
* Function called before extension installation / update / removal procedure commences .
* @ param string $type The type of change ( install or discover_install , update , uninstall )
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return boolean True on success
* @ since 4.2 . 0
public function preflight ( string $type , InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : bool
// Check for the minimum PHP version before continuing
if ( ! empty ( $this -> minimumPhp ) && version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , $this -> minimumPhp , '<' ))
Log :: add ( Text :: sprintf ( 'JLIB_INSTALLER_MINIMUM_PHP' , $this -> minimumPhp ), Log :: WARNING , 'jerror' );
return false ;
// Check for the minimum Joomla version before continuing
if ( ! empty ( $this -> minimumJoomla ) && version_compare ( JVERSION , $this -> minimumJoomla , '<' ))
Log :: add ( Text :: sprintf ( 'JLIB_INSTALLER_MINIMUM_JOOMLA' , $this -> minimumJoomla ), Log :: WARNING , 'jerror' );
return false ;
// Extension manifest file version
$this -> extension = $adapter -> getName ();
$this -> release = $adapter -> getManifest () -> version ;
// do any updates needed
if ( $type === 'update' )
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
// Check that the required configuration are set for PHP
$this -> phpConfigurationCheck ( $this -> app );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
// do any install needed
if ( $type === 'install' )
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
// Check that the required configuration are set for PHP
$this -> phpConfigurationCheck ( $this -> app );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
return true ;
* Function called after extension installation / update / removal procedure commences .
* @ param string $type The type of change ( install or discover_install , update , uninstall )
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return boolean True on success
* @ since 4.2 . 0
public function postflight ( string $type , InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : bool
// We check if we have dynamic folders to copy
$this -> moveFolders ( $adapter );
// set the default component settings
if ( $type === 'install' )
// Install Preacher Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Preacher' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.preacher' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_preacher","key": "id","type": "PreacherTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "name","core_state": "published","core_alias": "alias","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "description","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "access","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "metadata","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "metakey","core_metadesc": "metadesc","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"name":"name","description":"description","website":"website","email":"email","icon":"icon","alias":"alias"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/preacher.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "access","targetTable": "#__viewlevels","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"}]}'
// Install Sermon Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Sermon' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.sermon' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_sermon","key": "id","type": "SermonTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "name","core_state": "published","core_alias": "alias","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "description","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "access","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "metadata","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "metakey","core_metadesc": "metadesc","core_catid": "catid","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"name":"name","preacher":"preacher","series":"series","short_description":"short_description","link_type":"link_type","source":"source","local_files":"local_files","alias":"alias","description":"description","tags":"tags","icon":"icon","build":"build","manual_files":"manual_files","auto_sermons":"auto_sermons","url":"url","scripture":"scripture"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/sermon.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time","auto_sermons"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits","preacher","series","catid","link_type","source","build"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "catid","targetTable": "#__categories","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "access","targetTable": "#__viewlevels","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "preacher","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_preacher","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "series","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_series","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"}]}'
// Install Sermon category Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Sermon Catid' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.sermon.category' ,
// table
'{"special":{"dbtable":"#__categories","key":"id","type":"Category","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"},"common":{"dbtable":"#__ucm_content","key":"ucm_id","type":"Corecontent","prefix":"JTable","config":"array()"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common":{"core_content_item_id":"id","core_title":"title","core_state":"published","core_alias":"alias","core_created_time":"created_time","core_modified_time":"modified_time","core_body":"description", "core_hits":"hits","core_publish_up":"null","core_publish_down":"null","core_access":"access", "core_params":"params", "core_featured":"null", "core_metadata":"metadata", "core_language":"language", "core_images":"null", "core_urls":"null", "core_version":"version", "core_ordering":"null", "core_metakey":"metakey", "core_metadesc":"metadesc", "core_catid":"parent_id", "core_xreference":"null", "asset_id":"asset_id"}, "special":{"parent_id":"parent_id","lft":"lft","rgt":"rgt","level":"level","path":"path","extension":"extension","note":"note"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile":"administrator\/components\/com_categories\/forms\/category.xml", "hideFields":["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","lft","rgt","level","path","extension"], "ignoreChanges":["modified_user_id", "modified_time", "checked_out", "checked_out_time", "version", "hits", "path"],"convertToInt":["publish_up", "publish_down"], "displayLookup":[{"sourceColumn":"created_user_id","targetTable":"#__users","targetColumn":"id","displayColumn":"name"},{"sourceColumn":"access","targetTable":"#__viewlevels","targetColumn":"id","displayColumn":"title"},{"sourceColumn":"modified_user_id","targetTable":"#__users","targetColumn":"id","displayColumn":"name"},{"sourceColumn":"parent_id","targetTable":"#__categories","targetColumn":"id","displayColumn":"title"}]}'
// Install Series Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Series' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.series' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_series","key": "id","type": "SeriesTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "name","core_state": "published","core_alias": "alias","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "description","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "access","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "metadata","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "metakey","core_metadesc": "metadesc","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"name":"name","description":"description","scripture":"scripture","icon":"icon","alias":"alias"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/series.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "access","targetTable": "#__viewlevels","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"}]}'
// Install Statistic Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Statistic' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.statistic' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_statistic","key": "id","type": "StatisticTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "filename","core_state": "published","core_alias": "null","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "null","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "access","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "metadata","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "metakey","core_metadesc": "metadesc","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"filename":"filename","sermon":"sermon","preacher":"preacher","series":"series","counter":"counter"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/statistic.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits","sermon","preacher","series","counter"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "access","targetTable": "#__viewlevels","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "sermon","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_sermon","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "preacher","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_preacher","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "series","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_series","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"}]}'
// Install External source Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor External_source' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.external_source' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_external_source","key": "id","type": "External_sourceTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "description","core_state": "published","core_alias": "null","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "null","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "null","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "null","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "null","core_metadesc": "null","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"description":"description","externalsources":"externalsources","update_method":"update_method","filetypes":"filetypes","build":"build","not_required":"not_required","update_timer":"update_timer","dropboxoptions":"dropboxoptions","permissiontype":"permissiontype","oauthtoken":"oauthtoken"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/external_source.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time","not_required"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits","externalsources","update_method","build","not_required","update_timer","dropboxoptions"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"}]}'
// Install Local listing Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Local_listing' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.local_listing' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_local_listing","key": "id","type": "Local_listingTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "name","core_state": "published","core_alias": "null","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "null","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "null","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "null","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "null","core_metadesc": "null","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"name":"name","build":"build","size":"size","external_source":"external_source","key":"key","url":"url"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/local_listing.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits","build","size","external_source"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "external_source","targetTable": "#__sermondistributor_external_source","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "description"}]}'
// Install Help document Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
// typeTitle
'Sermondistributor Help_document' ,
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.help_document' ,
// table
'{"special": {"dbtable": "#__sermondistributor_help_document","key": "id","type": "Help_documentTable","prefix": "TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Table"}}' ,
// rules
'' ,
// fieldMappings
'{"common": {"core_content_item_id": "id","core_title": "title","core_state": "published","core_alias": "alias","core_created_time": "created","core_modified_time": "modified","core_body": "content","core_hits": "hits","core_publish_up": "null","core_publish_down": "null","core_access": "access","core_params": "params","core_featured": "null","core_metadata": "metadata","core_language": "null","core_images": "null","core_urls": "null","core_version": "version","core_ordering": "ordering","core_metakey": "metakey","core_metadesc": "metadesc","core_catid": "null","core_xreference": "null","asset_id": "asset_id"},"special": {"title":"title","type":"type","groups":"groups","location":"location","admin_view":"admin_view","site_view":"site_view","alias":"alias","content":"content","article":"article","url":"url","target":"target"}}' ,
// router
'' ,
// contentHistoryOptions
'{"formFile": "administrator/components/com_sermondistributor/forms/help_document.xml","hideFields": ["asset_id","checked_out","checked_out_time"],"ignoreChanges": ["modified_by","modified","checked_out","checked_out_time","version","hits"],"convertToInt": ["published","ordering","version","hits","type","location","article","target"],"displayLookup": [{"sourceColumn": "created_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "access","targetTable": "#__viewlevels","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"},{"sourceColumn": "modified_by","targetTable": "#__users","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "name"},{"sourceColumn": "article","targetTable": "#__content","targetColumn": "id","displayColumn": "title"}]}'
// Fix the assets table rules column size.
$this -> setDatabaseAssetsRulesFix ( 22240 , " TEXT " );
// Install the global extension assets permission.
$this -> setAssetsRules (
// Install the global extension params.
$this -> setExtensionsParams (
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2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
// Check that the database is up-to date
$this -> databaseSchemaCheck ( $this -> app );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
echo ' < div style = " background-color: #fff; " class = " alert alert-info " >< a target = " _blank " href = " https://www.vdm.io/ " title = " Sermon Distributor " >
< img src = " components/com_sermondistributor/assets/images/vdm-component.jpg " />
</ a ></ div > ' ;
// Add component to the action logs extensions table.
$this -> setActionLogsExtensions ();
// Add Preacher to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.preacher' ,
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// Add Sermon to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'name' ,
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'#__sermondistributor_sermon' ,
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// Add Series to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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// Add Statistic to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'id' ,
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'description' ,
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'#__sermondistributor_external_source' ,
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// Add Local_listing to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.local_listing' ,
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'id' ,
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'name' ,
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// Add Help_document to the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.help_document' ,
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'id' ,
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'title' ,
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'#__sermondistributor_help_document' ,
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// do any updates needed
if ( $type === 'update' )
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$this -> setContentType (
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'Sermondistributor Sermon Catid' ,
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// Update Statistic Content Types.
$this -> setContentType (
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'Sermondistributor Statistic' ,
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'com_sermondistributor.statistic' ,
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$this -> setContentType (
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'Sermondistributor External_source' ,
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'com_sermondistributor.external_source' ,
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$this -> setContentType (
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'Sermondistributor Local_listing' ,
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'com_sermondistributor.local_listing' ,
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2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
// Check that the database is up-to date
$this -> databaseSchemaCheck ( $this -> app );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
echo ' < div style = " background-color: #fff; " class = " alert alert-info " >< a target = " _blank " href = " https://www.vdm.io/ " title = " Sermon Distributor " >
< img src = " components/com_sermondistributor/assets/images/vdm-component.jpg " />
</ a >
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
< h3 > Upgrade to Version 5.0 . 0 - beta2 Was Successful ! Let us know if anything is not working as expected .</ h3 ></ div > ' ;
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
// Add/Update component in the action logs extensions table.
$this -> setActionLogsExtensions ();
// Add/Update Preacher in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
// typeTitle
// typeAlias
'com_sermondistributor.preacher' ,
// idHolder
'id' ,
// titleHolder
'name' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_preacher' ,
// textPrefix
// Add/Update Sermon in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.sermon' ,
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'id' ,
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'name' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_sermon' ,
// textPrefix
// Add/Update Series in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.series' ,
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'id' ,
// titleHolder
'name' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_series' ,
// textPrefix
// Add/Update Statistic in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.statistic' ,
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'id' ,
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'filename' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_statistic' ,
// textPrefix
// Add/Update External_source in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.external_source' ,
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'id' ,
// titleHolder
'description' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_external_source' ,
// textPrefix
// Add/Update Local_listing in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.local_listing' ,
// idHolder
'id' ,
// titleHolder
'name' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_local_listing' ,
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// Add/Update Help_document in the action logs config table.
$this -> setActionLogConfig (
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'com_sermondistributor.help_document' ,
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'id' ,
// titleHolder
'title' ,
// tableName
'#__sermondistributor_help_document' ,
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// move CLI files
$this -> moveCliFiles ();
// remove old files and folders
$this -> removeFiles ();
return true ;
* Remove the files and folders in the given array from
* @ return void
* @ since 3.6
protected function removeFiles ()
if ( ! empty ( $this -> deleteFiles ))
foreach ( $this -> deleteFiles as $file )
if ( is_file ( JPATH_ROOT . $file ) && ! File :: delete ( JPATH_ROOT . $file ))
echo Text :: sprintf ( 'JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER' , $file ) . '<br>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> deleteFolders ))
foreach ( $this -> deleteFolders as $folder )
if ( is_dir ( JPATH_ROOT . $folder ) && ! Folder :: delete ( JPATH_ROOT . $folder ))
echo Text :: sprintf ( 'JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER' , $folder ) . '<br>' ;
* Moves the CLI scripts into the CLI folder in the CMS
* @ return void
* @ since 3.6
protected function moveCliFiles ()
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cliScriptFiles ))
foreach ( $this -> cliScriptFiles as $file )
$name = basename ( $file );
if ( file_exists ( JPATH_ROOT . $file ) && ! File :: move ( JPATH_ROOT . $file , JPATH_ROOT . '/cli/' . $name ))
echo Text :: sprintf ( 'JLIB_INSTALLER_FILE_ERROR_MOVE' , $name );
* Set content type integration
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* @ param string $fieldMappings
* @ param string $router
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* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setContentType (
string $typeTitle ,
string $typeAlias ,
string $table ,
string $rules ,
string $fieldMappings ,
string $router ,
string $contentHistoryOptions ) : void
// Create the content type object.
$content = new stdClass ();
$content -> type_title = $typeTitle ;
$content -> type_alias = $typeAlias ;
$content -> table = $table ;
$content -> rules = $rules ;
$content -> field_mappings = $fieldMappings ;
$content -> router = $router ;
$content -> content_history_options = $contentHistoryOptions ;
// Check if content type is already in content_type DB.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( array ( 'type_id' )));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__content_types' ));
$query -> where ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' LIKE ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $content -> type_alias ));
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$this -> db -> execute ();
// Check if the type alias is already in the content types table.
if ( $this -> db -> getNumRows ())
$content -> type_id = $this -> db -> loadResult ();
if ( $this -> db -> updateObject ( '#__content_types' , $content , 'type_id' ))
// If its successfully update.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) was found in the <b>#__content_types</b> table, and updated.' , $content -> type_alias )
elseif ( $this -> db -> insertObject ( '#__content_types' , $content ))
// If its successfully added.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) was added to the <b>#__content_types</b> table.' , $content -> type_alias )
* Set action log config integration
* @ param string $typeTitle
* @ param string $typeAlias
* @ param string $idHolder
* @ param string $titleHolder
* @ param string $tableName
* @ param string $textPrefix
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setActionLogConfig (
string $typeTitle ,
string $typeAlias ,
string $idHolder ,
string $titleHolder ,
string $tableName ,
string $textPrefix ) : void
// Create the content action log config object.
$content = new stdClass ();
$content -> type_title = $typeTitle ;
$content -> type_alias = $typeAlias ;
$content -> id_holder = $idHolder ;
$content -> title_holder = $titleHolder ;
$content -> table_name = $tableName ;
$content -> text_prefix = $textPrefix ;
// Check if the action log config is already in action_log_config DB.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ([ 'id' ]));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__action_log_config' ));
$query -> where ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' LIKE ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $content -> type_alias ));
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$this -> db -> execute ();
// Check if the type alias is already in the action log config table.
if ( $this -> db -> getNumRows ())
$content -> id = $this -> db -> loadResult ();
if ( $this -> db -> updateObject ( '#__action_log_config' , $content , 'id' ))
// If its successfully update.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) was found in the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table, and updated.' , $content -> type_alias )
elseif ( $this -> db -> insertObject ( '#__action_log_config' , $content ))
// If its successfully added.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) was added to the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table.' , $content -> type_alias )
* Set action logs extensions integration
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setActionLogsExtensions () : void
// Create the extension action logs object.
$data = new stdClass ();
$data -> extension = 'com_sermondistributor' ;
// Check if sermondistributor action log extension is already in action logs extensions DB.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ([ 'id' ]));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__action_logs_extensions' ));
$query -> where ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'extension' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $data -> extension ));
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$this -> db -> execute ();
// Set the object into the action logs extensions table if not found.
if ( $this -> db -> getNumRows ())
// If its already set don't set it again.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'The (com_sermondistributor) is already in the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.' )
elseif ( $this -> db -> insertObject ( '#__action_logs_extensions' , $data ))
// give a success message
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'The (com_sermondistributor) was successfully added to the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.' )
* Set global extension assets permission of this component
* ( on install only )
* @ param string $rules The component rules
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setAssetsRules ( string $rules ) : void
// Condition.
$conditions = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'name' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( 'com_sermondistributor' )
// Field to update.
$fields = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'rules' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $rules ),
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> update (
$this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__assets' )
) -> set ( $fields ) -> where ( $conditions );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// give a success message
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'The (com_sermondistributor) rules was successfully added to the <b>#__assets</b> table.' )
* Set global extension params of this component
* ( on install only )
* @ param string $params The component rules
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setExtensionsParams ( string $params ) : void
// Condition.
$conditions = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'element' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( 'com_sermondistributor' )
// Field to update.
$fields = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'params' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $params ),
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> update (
$this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__extensions' )
) -> set ( $fields ) -> where ( $conditions );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// give a success message
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'The (com_sermondistributor) params was successfully added to the <b>#__extensions</b> table.' )
* Set database fix ( if needed )
* https :// git . vdm . dev / joomla / Component - Builder / issues / 616 #issuecomment-12085
* https :// www . mysqltutorial . org / mysql - varchar /
* https :// stackoverflow . com / a / 15227917 / 1429677
* https :// forums . mysql . com / read . php ? 24 , 105964 , 105964
* @ param int $accessWorseCase This is the max rules column size com_sermondistributor would needs .
* @ param string $dataType This datatype we will change the rules column to if it to small .
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function setDatabaseAssetsRulesFix ( int $accessWorseCase , string $dataType ) : void
// Get the biggest rule column in the assets table at this point.
$length = " SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`rules`) as rule_size FROM #__assets ORDER BY rule_size DESC LIMIT 1 " ;
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $length );
if ( $this -> db -> execute ())
$rule_length = $this -> db -> loadResult ();
// Check the size of the rules column
if ( $rule_length <= $accessWorseCase )
// Fix the assets table rules column size
$fix = " ALTER TABLE `#__assets` CHANGE `rules` `rules` { $dataType } NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON encoded access control. Enlarged to { $dataType } by Sermondistributor'; " ;
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $fix );
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The <b>#__assets</b> table rules column was resized to the %s datatype for the components possible large permission rules.' , $dataType )
* Remove remnant data related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ param bool $fields The switch to also remove related field data
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeViewData ( string $context , bool $fields = false ) : void
$this -> removeContentTypes ( $context );
$this -> removeViewHistory ( $context );
$this -> removeUcmContent ( $context ); // this might be obsolete...
$this -> removeContentItemTagMap ( $context );
$this -> removeActionLogConfig ( $context );
if ( $fields )
$this -> removeFields ( $context );
$this -> removeFieldsGroups ( $context );
* Remove content types related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeContentTypes ( string $context ) : void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Select id from content type table
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_id' ));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__content_types' ));
// Where Item alias is found
$query -> where ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context ));
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute query to see if alias is found
$this -> db -> execute ();
$found = $this -> db -> getNumRows ();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ( $found )
// Since there are load the needed item type ids
$ids = $this -> db -> loadColumn ();
// Remove Item from the content type table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__content_types' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove Item add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__content_type</b> table.' , $context )
// Make sure that all the items are cleared from DB
$this -> removeUcmBase ( $ids );
* Remove fields related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeFields ( string $context ) : void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Select ids from fields
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'id' ));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__fields' ));
// Where context is found
$query -> where (
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'context' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute query to see if context is found
$this -> db -> execute ();
$found = $this -> db -> getNumRows ();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ( $found )
// Since there are load the needed release_check field ids
$ids = $this -> db -> loadColumn ();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Remove context from the field table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'context' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__fields' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove release_check items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove context add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The fields with context (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields</b> table.' , $context )
// Make sure that all the field values are cleared from DB
$this -> removeFieldsValues ( $context , $ids );
* Remove fields values related to fields
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ param array $ids The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeFieldsValues ( string $context , array $ids ) : void
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'field_id' ) . ' IN (' . implode ( ',' , $ids ) . ')'
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__fields_values' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove field values
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove release_check add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The fields values for (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields_values</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove fields groups related to fields
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeFieldsGroups ( string $context ) : void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Select ids from fields
$query -> select ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( 'id' ));
$query -> from ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__fields_groups' ));
// Where context is found
$query -> where (
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'context' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute query to see if context is found
$this -> db -> execute ();
$found = $this -> db -> getNumRows ();
// Now check if there were any rows
if ( $found )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Remove context from the field table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'context' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__fields_groups' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove release_check items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove context add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The fields with context (%s) was removed from the <b>#__fields_groups</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove history related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeViewHistory ( string $context ) : void
// Remove Item items from the ucm content table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'item_id' ) . ' LIKE ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context . '.%' )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__history' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully removed Items add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) items were removed from the <b>#__history</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove ucm base values related to these IDs
* @ param array $ids The type ids
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeUcmBase ( array $ids ) : void
// Make sure that all the items are cleared from DB
foreach ( $ids as $type_id )
// Remove Item items from the ucm base table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'ucm_type_id' ) . ' = ' . $type_id
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__ucm_base' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$this -> db -> execute ();
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'All related items was removed from the <b>#__ucm_base</b> table.' )
* Remove ucm content values related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeUcmContent ( string $context ) : void
// Remove Item items from the ucm content table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'core_type_alias' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__ucm_content' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully removed Item add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__ucm_content</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove content item tag map related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeContentItemTagMap ( string $context ) : void
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
// Remove Item items from the contentitem tag map table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__contentitem_tag_map' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove Item items
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove Item add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__contentitem_tag_map</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove action log config related to this view
* @ param string $context The view context
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeActionLogConfig ( string $context ) : void
// Remove sermondistributor view from the action_log_config table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'type_alias' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $context )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__action_log_config' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove com_sermondistributor.view
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully removed sermondistributor view add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: sprintf ( 'The (%s) type alias was removed from the <b>#__action_log_config</b> table.' , $context )
* Remove Asset Table Integrated
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeAssetData () : void
// Remove sermondistributor assets from the assets table
$condition = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'name' ) . ' LIKE ' . $this -> db -> quote ( 'com_sermondistributor.%' )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__assets' ));
$query -> where ( $condition );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully removed sermondistributor add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'All related (com_sermondistributor) items was removed from the <b>#__assets</b> table.' )
* Remove action logs extensions integrated
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeActionLogsExtensions () : void
// Remove sermondistributor from the action_logs_extensions table
$extension = [
$this -> db -> quoteName ( 'extension' ) . ' = ' . $this -> db -> quote ( 'com_sermondistributor' )
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this -> db -> getQuery ( true );
$query -> delete ( $this -> db -> quoteName ( '#__action_logs_extensions' ));
$query -> where ( $extension );
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $query );
// Execute the query to remove sermondistributor
$done = $this -> db -> execute ();
if ( $done )
// If successfully remove sermondistributor add queued success message.
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'The (com_sermondistributor) extension was removed from the <b>#__action_logs_extensions</b> table.' )
* Remove remove database fix ( if possible )
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function removeDatabaseAssetsRulesFix () : void
// Get the biggest rule column in the assets table at this point.
$length = " SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`rules`) as rule_size FROM #__assets ORDER BY rule_size DESC LIMIT 1 " ;
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $length );
if ( $this -> db -> execute ())
$rule_length = $this -> db -> loadResult ();
// Check the size of the rules column
if ( $rule_length < 5120 )
// Revert the assets table rules column back to the default
$revert_rule = " ALTER TABLE `#__assets` CHANGE `rules` `rules` varchar(5120) NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON encoded access control.'; " ;
$this -> db -> setQuery ( $revert_rule );
$this -> db -> execute ();
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'Reverted the <b>#__assets</b> table rules column back to its default size of varchar(5120).' )
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage (
Text :: _ ( 'Could not revert the <b>#__assets</b> table rules column back to its default size of varchar(5120), since there is still one or more components that still requires the column to be larger.' )
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
* Define the required limits with specific messages for success and warning scenarios
* @ var array
* @ since 3.0 . 5
protected array $requiredPHPConfigs = [
'upload_max_filesize' => [
'value' => '64M' ,
'success' => 'The upload_max_filesize is appropriately set to handle large files, which is essential for uploading substantial components and media.' ,
'warning' => 'The current upload_max_filesize may not support large file uploads effectively, potentially causing failures during component installation.'
'post_max_size' => [
'value' => '128M' ,
'success' => 'The post_max_size setting is sufficient to manage large data submissions, ensuring smooth data processing within forms and uploads.' ,
'warning' => 'An insufficient post_max_size can lead to truncated data submissions, affecting form functionality and data integrity.'
'max_execution_time' => [
'value' => 60 ,
'success' => 'Max execution time is set high enough to execute complex operations without premature termination, which is crucial for lengthy operations.' ,
'warning' => 'A low max execution time could lead to script timeouts, especially during intensive operations, which might interrupt execution and cause failures during the compiling of a large extension.'
'max_input_vars' => [
'value' => 5000 ,
'success' => 'The max_input_vars setting supports a high number of input variables, facilitating complex forms and detailed component configurations.' ,
'warning' => 'Too few max_input_vars may result in lost data during processing complex forms, which can lead to incomplete configurations and operational issues.'
'max_input_time' => [
'value' => 60 ,
'success' => 'Max input time is adequate for processing inputs efficiently during high-load operations, ensuring no premature timeouts.' ,
'warning' => 'An insufficient max input time could result in incomplete data processing during input-heavy operations, potentially leading to errors and data loss.'
'memory_limit' => [
'value' => '256M' ,
'success' => 'The memory limit is set high to accommodate extensive operations and data processing, which enhances overall performance and stability.' ,
'warning' => 'A low memory limit can lead to frequent crashes and performance issues, particularly when processing large amounts of data or complex calculations.'
* Helper function to convert PHP INI memory values to bytes
* @ param string $value The value to convert
* @ return int The bytes value
* @ since 3.0 . 5
protected function convertToBytes ( string $value ) : int
$value = trim ( $value );
$lastChar = strtolower ( $value [ strlen ( $value ) - 1 ]);
$numValue = substr ( $value , 0 , - 1 );
switch ( $lastChar )
case 'g' :
return $numValue * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ;
case 'm' :
return $numValue * 1024 * 1024 ;
case 'k' :
return $numValue * 1024 ;
default :
return ( int ) $value ;
* Check that the required configurations are set for PHP
* @ param $app The application
* @ return void
* @ since 3.0 . 5
protected function phpConfigurationCheck ( $app ) : void
$showHelp = false ;
// Check each configuration and provide detailed feedback
foreach ( $this -> requiredPHPConfigs as $configName => $configDetails )
$currentValue = ini_get ( $configName );
if ( $currentValue === false )
$app -> enqueueMessage ( " Error: Unable to retrieve current setting for ' { $configName } '. " , 'error' );
continue ;
$isMemoryValue = strpbrk ( $configDetails [ 'value' ], 'KMG' ) !== false ;
$requiredValueBytes = $isMemoryValue ? $this -> convertToBytes ( $configDetails [ 'value' ]) : ( int ) $configDetails [ 'value' ];
$currentValueBytes = $isMemoryValue ? $this -> convertToBytes ( $currentValue ) : ( int ) $currentValue ;
$conditionMet = $currentValueBytes >= $requiredValueBytes ;
$messageType = $conditionMet ? 'message' : 'warning' ;
$messageText = $conditionMet ?
" Success: { $configName } is set to { $currentValue } . " . $configDetails [ 'success' ] :
" Warning: { $configName } configuration should be at least { $configDetails [ 'value' ] } but is currently { $currentValue } . " . $configDetails [ 'warning' ];
$showHelp = ( $showHelp || $messageType === 'warning' ) ? true : false ;
$app -> enqueueMessage ( $messageText , $messageType );
if ( $showHelp )
$app -> enqueueMessage ( ' To optimize your Sermon Distributor environment , specific PHP settings must be enhanced .< br > These settings are crucial for ensuring the successful installation and stable functionality of the extension .< br > We\ ' ve identified that certain configurations currently do not meet the recommended standards .< br > To adjust these settings and prevent potential issues , please consult our detailed guide available at < a href = " https://git.vdm.dev/christian/Joomla-Sermon-Distributor/wiki/PHP-Settings " target = " _blank " > Sermon Distributor PHP Settings Wiki </ a >.
', ' notice ' );
* Make sure that the sermondistributor database schema is up to date .
* @ return void
* @ since 3.0 . 5
protected function databaseSchemaCheck ( $app ) : void
// try to load the schema class
// make sure the class is loaded
$this -> ensureClassExists (
Schema :: class
// instantiate the schema class and check/update the database
$messages = ( new Schema ()) -> update ();
catch ( \Exception $e )
$app -> enqueueMessage ( $e -> getMessage (), 'warning' );
return ;
foreach ( $messages as $message )
$app -> enqueueMessage ( $message , 'message' );
* Ensures that a class in the namespace is available .
* If the class is not already loaded , it attempts to load it via the power autoloader .
* @ param mixed $nameClass The name :: class we are looking for .
* @ return void
* @ since 3.0 . 5
* @ throws \Exception If the class could not be loaded .
protected function ensureClassExists ( $nameClass ) : void
if ( ! class_exists ( $nameClass , true ))
// The power autoloader for this project admin area.
$power_autoloader = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_sermondistributor/src/Helper/PowerloaderHelper.php' ;
if ( file_exists ( $power_autoloader ))
require_once $power_autoloader ;
// Check again if the class now exists after requiring it
if ( ! class_exists ( $nameClass , true ))
throw new \Exception ( " We failed to find/load the $nameClass " );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
* Method to move folders into place .
* @ param InstallerAdapter $adapter The adapter calling this method
* @ return void
* @ since 4.4 . 2
protected function moveFolders ( InstallerAdapter $adapter ) : void
// get the installation path
$installer = $adapter -> getParent ();
$installPath = $installer -> getPath ( 'source' );
// get all the folders
$folders = Folder :: folders ( $installPath );
// check if we have folders we may want to copy
$doNotCopy = [ 'media' , 'admin' , 'site' ]; // Joomla already deals with these
if ( count (( array ) $folders ) > 1 )
foreach ( $folders as $folder )
// Only copy if not a standard folders
if ( ! in_array ( $folder , $doNotCopy ))
// set the source path
$src = $installPath . '/' . $folder ;
// set the destination path
$dest = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $folder ;
// now try to copy the folder
if ( ! Folder :: copy ( $src , $dest , '' , true ))
$this -> app -> enqueueMessage ( 'Could not copy ' . $folder . ' folder into place, please make sure destination is writable!' , 'error' );