2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www . vdm . io |------/
____ ____ __ __ __
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2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
@ version 5.0 . x
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
@ created 22 nd October , 2015
@ package Sermon Distributor
@ subpackage default . php
@ author Llewellyn van der Merwe < https :// www . vdm . io />
@ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@ license GNU / GPL Version 2 or later - http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . html
A sermon distributor that links to Dropbox .
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
use Joomla\CMS\Factory ;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text ;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html ;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper ;
use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route ;
use TrueChristianChurch\Component\Sermondistributor\Administrator\Helper\SermondistributorHelper ;
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
use TrueChristianChurch\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper ;
use TrueChristianChurch\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper ;
use Joomla\CMS\Session\Session ;
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
/** @var Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager $wa */
$wa = $this -> getDocument () -> getWebAssetManager ();
$wa -> useScript ( 'keepalive' ) -> useScript ( 'form.validate' );
Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.tooltip' );
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
// No direct access to this file
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ;
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
// get the needed module for translation
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
$model = SermondistributorHelper :: getModel ( 'external_sources' );
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php if ( $this -> canDo -> get ( 'manual_updater.access' )) : ?>
< script type = " text/javascript " >
Joomla . submitbutton = function ( task ) {
2017-02-17 22:21:37 +02:00
if ( task === 'manual_updater.back' ) {
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
parent . history . back ();
return false ;
} else {
var form = document . getElementById ( 'adminForm' );
form . task . value = task ;
form . submit ();
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
</ script >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< form action = " <?php echo Route::_('index.php?option=com_sermondistributor&view=manual_updater'); ?> " method = " post " name = " adminForm " id = " adminForm " class = " form-validate " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
2020-05-30 23:39:43 +02:00
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $this -> items ) && ArrayHelper :: check ( $this -> items )) : ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
// Add spindle-wheel for update:
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
// waiting spinner
var outerDiv = jQuery ( 'body' );
jQuery ( '<div id="loading"></div>' )
. css ( " background " , " rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) url('components/com_sermondistributor/assets/images/import.gif') 50% 15% no-repeat " )
. css ( " top " , outerDiv . position () . top - jQuery ( window ) . scrollTop ())
. css ( " left " , outerDiv . position () . left - jQuery ( window ) . scrollLeft ())
. css ( " width " , outerDiv . width ())
. css ( " height " , outerDiv . height ())
. css ( " position " , " fixed " )
. css ( " opacity " , " 0.80 " )
. css ( " -ms-filter " , " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity = 80) " )
. css ( " filter " , " alpha(opacity = 80) " )
. css ( " display " , " none " )
. appendTo ( outerDiv );
jQuery ( '#loading' ) . show ();
// when page is ready remove and show
jQuery ( window ) . load ( function () {
jQuery ( '#sermondistributor_loader' ) . fadeIn ( 'fast' );
jQuery ( '#loading' ) . hide ();
</ script >
< div id = " sermondistributor_loader " >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.startAccordion' , 'dashboard' ); ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php foreach ( $this -> items as $item ) : ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php $key = StringHelper :: safe ( $item -> description ) . $item -> id ; ?>
< ? php $name = '<div id="heading_' . $key . '">' . $item -> description . ' <small>(' . Text :: _ ( $model -> selectionTranslation ( $item -> build , 'build' )) . ')</small></div>' ; ?>
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.addSlide' , 'dashboard' , $name , $key ); ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< div class = " uk-form-row " >
< label class = " uk-form-label " >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ label >
< input
class = " span12 "
type = " text "
id = " sleutel-<?php echo $item->id ; ?> "
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
placeholder = " <?php echo Text::_('COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_ADD_TOKEN_HERE'); ?> "
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ div >
< div class = " alert alert-info " >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ div >
< ? php $targets = SermondistributorHelper :: getExternalListingUpdateKeys ( $item -> id , 1 , 2 ); ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php if ( ArrayHelper :: check ( $targets )) : ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php foreach ( $targets as $target ) : ?>
2016-12-05 09:40:19 +02:00
< ? php $error = SermondistributorHelper :: getUpdateError ( 0 , $item -> id . $target . $item -> build ); ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php if ( StringHelper :: check ( $error )) : ?>
< ? php $errorKey = StringHelper :: safe ( $item -> id . $target . $item -> build ); ?>
< a class = " btn btn-danger " href = " #<?php echo 'error'. $errorKey ; ?> " data - toggle = " modal " >< ? php echo Text :: _ ( 'COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_VIEW_ERROR' ); ?> </a>
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.renderModal' , 'error' . $errorKey , array ( 'title' => Text :: _ ( 'COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_THERE_WAS_AN_ERROR_DURING_THE_LAST_UPDATE_ATTEMPT' )), $error ); ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php endif ; ?>
< button onclick = " updateLocalLinks('sleutel-<?php echo $item->id ; ?>', <?php echo $target ; ?>, <?php echo $item->id ; ?>, <?php echo $item->build ; ?>) " class = " btn btn-big " >
< span class = " icon-cog " ></ span >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ button >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
< ? php else : ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php endif ; ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.endSlide' ); ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'bootstrap.endAccordion' ); ?>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ div >
< div id = " uploader " style = " display:none; " >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< center >< h1 >< ? php echo Text :: _ ( 'COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_THE_UPDATE_IS_RUNNING' ); ?> <span class="loading-dots">.</span></h1><p><b>You can close the browser window!</b><br />This update will continue to run in the background on the server (and can take hours).<br />Check again latter since time of completion, or any errors will be logged and displayed here.</p></center>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ div >
< script >
// token
2024-05-03 07:46:28 +02:00
var token = '<?php echo Session::getFormToken(); ?>' ;
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
// nice little dot trick :)
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
var x = 0 ;
setInterval ( function () {
var dots = " " ;
x ++ ;
for ( var y = 0 ; y < x % 8 ; y ++ ) {
dots += " . " ;
$ ( " .loading-dots " ) . text ( dots );
} , 500 );
function updateLocalLinks ( fieldId , target , id , type )
var sleutel = jQuery ( '#' + fieldId ) . val ();
jQuery ( '#error-key' ) . remove ();
if ( sleutel === '' ) {
jQuery ( '#' + fieldId ) . closest ( 'div' ) . prepend ( '<span id="error-key" style="color:red;"><b>No token was added, please add the token and try again.</b></span>' );
} else {
jQuery ( '#sermondistributor_loader' ) . hide ();
jQuery ( '#loading' ) . css ( 'display' , 'block' );
jQuery ( '#uploader' ) . show ();
server_updateLocalLinks ( target , type , id , sleutel ) . done ( function ( result ) {
jQuery ( '#sermondistributor_loader' ) . show ();
jQuery ( '#loading' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' );
jQuery ( '#uploader' ) . hide ();
if ( result . success ) {
var message = [ '<h3>The update was successfully completed.</h3>' ];
Joomla . renderMessages ({ 'success' : message });
} else {
var message = [];
if ( result . error ) {
message . push ( result . error );
message . push ( '<h3>The update is unable to run, this could be because of the following reasons:</h3>' );
} else {
message . push ( '<h3>An unknown error has occurred.</h3>' );
Joomla . renderMessages ({ 'error' : message });
2017-08-18 12:20:01 +01:00
return false ;
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
function server_updateLocalLinks ( target , type , id , sleutel )
var getUrl = 'index.php?option=com_sermondistributor&task=ajax.updateLocalListingExternal&format=json' ;
if ( id > 0 && token . length == 32 && type > 0 && target > 0 ){
var request = 'token=' + token + '&target=' + target + '&type=' + type + '&id=' + id + '&sleutel=' + sleutel ;
return jQuery . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
url : getUrl ,
dataType : 'jsonp' ,
data : request ,
jsonp : 'callback'
</ script >
< ? php else : ?>
< div class = " uk-alert uk-alert-success " data - uk - alert >
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< p >< ? php echo Text :: _ ( 'COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_NO_MANUAL_UPDATES_AVAILABLE' ); ?> </p>
2016-11-27 06:20:48 +02:00
</ div >
2020-05-30 23:39:43 +02:00
< ? php endif ; ?>
< input type = " hidden " name = " task " value = " " />
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< ? php echo Html :: _ ( 'form.token' ); ?>
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
</ form >
< ? php else : ?>
2024-03-02 18:16:31 +02:00
< h1 >< ? php echo Text :: _ ( 'COM_SERMONDISTRIBUTOR_NO_ACCESS_GRANTED' ); ?> </h1>
2021-08-16 19:11:22 +02:00
< ? php endif ; ?>