@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html ____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ ___ _____ __ __ ____ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ (_ _)( _ )( _ )( \/ )( ) /__\ / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( _ )( \( )( ___)( \( )(_ _) .-_)( )(_)( )(_)( ) ( )(__ /(__)\ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( )___/ )(_)( ) ( )__) ) ( )( \____) (_____)(_____)(_/\/\_)(____)(__)(__) \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(__) (_____)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_) (__) /------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // build the list class $style = $this->params->get('series_list_style'); switch ($style) { case 1: // Lines $listClass = ' uk-list-line'; break; case 2: // Striped $listClass = ' uk-list-striped'; break; case 3: // Spaced $listClass = ' uk-list-space'; break; default: // Plain $listClass = ''; break; } // set Panal Size $mediumMain = '1-4'; if (($this->params->get('series_sermon_count') || $this->params->get('series_sermons_download_counter')) && ($this->params->get('series_desc') && $this->series->description)) { $mediumDesc = '2-4'; $mediumMid = '1-4'; } elseif (($this->params->get('series_sermon_count') || $this->params->get('series_sermons_download_counter')) || ($this->params->get('series_desc') && $this->series->description)) { $mediumDesc = '3-4'; $mediumMid = '3-4'; } elseif (!$this->params->get('series_icon')) { $mediumMain = '1-1'; } ?>
params->get('series_hits')): ?> series->hits > 0) ? true:false; $badge_class = ($hits_state) ? 'uk-badge-success':'uk-badge-warning'; $badge_icon = ($hits_state) ? 'check-circle':'minus-circle'; ?>
: series->hits; ?>

series->name; ?>

params->get('series_icon')): ?> series->icon = ($this->series->icon) ? $this->series->icon : $this->params->get('series_default_icon'); ?> series->icon): ?> <?php echo $this->series->name; ?>
params->get('series_sermon_count') || $this->params->get('series_sermons_download_counter')): ?>
params->get('series_desc') && $this->series->description): ?>
series->description; ?>