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2021-05-04 04:02:50 +00:00
2021-04-30 02:19:29 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
**Noah was a just man.**
2021-04-30 02:19:29 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
The just shall live by faith. -- Noah builded an altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a sweet savour. -- The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
2021-11-08 01:20:22 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2022-03-10 01:50:22 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference.
2022-03-17 01:44:56 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
We ... joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect ? It is God that justifieth. -- Whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified.
2021-04-30 02:19:29 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
**Gen 6:9; Gal 3:11; Gen 8:20,21; Rev 13:8; Rom 5:1; Rom 3:20-22; Rom 5:11; Rom 8:33; Rom 8:30**
2021-04-30 02:19:29 +00:00
2022-03-20 01:45:31 +00:00
[Sunday 20-March, 2022](https://t.me/daily_light)