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Common jobs that must be added both to local, dev and k8s commands.
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import shlex
import typing as t
import click
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import env, fmt, hooks
feat: full edx-platform setup with `tutor dev launch -m ...` Before this commit, setting up an edx-platform development environment took multiple steps: tutor dev launch tutor dev run --mount=/path/to/edx-platform lms bash >> pip install -e . >> npm clean-install >> openedx-assets build --env=dev This commit moves the steps under ``run`` into an init task, which is automatically run by ``launch``. Thus, setup is now one command: tutor dev launch --mount=edx-platform These extra init steps are only applicable when bind-mounting edx-platform (because bind-mounting the repository overrides some important artifacts that exist on the image, which must be re-generated). Thus, the new init tasks exists early if it detects that it is *not* operating on a bind-mounted repository. Finally, we try to simplify the Open edX development docs so that it is clearer how bind-mounting fits into the development process. These bind-mounts: * ../build/openedx/themes:/openedx/themes * ../build/openedx/requirements:/openedx/requirements existed in the dev lms and cms containers, but they did not exist in the lms-job and cms-job containers. This means that themes and requirements that were *built into the image* would exist in the job containers, but live updates to the themes and requirements would not apply. To resolve this, we set ``volumes:`` on the lms-job and cms-job services so that they match the volumes for the normal lms and cms services. Part of: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/146 Closes: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/152 This works around (but does not close) these related issues: * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/150 * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/151
2023-03-15 12:31:49 +00:00
from tutor.hooks import priorities
class DoGroup(click.Group):
A Click group that prints subcommands under 'Jobs' instead of 'Commands' when we run
`.. do --help`. Hackish but it works.
def get_help(self, ctx: click.Context) -> str:
return super().get_help(ctx).replace("Commands:\n", "Jobs:\n")
# A convenient easy-to-use decorator for creating `do` commands.
do_group = click.group(cls=DoGroup, subcommand_metavar="JOB [ARGS]...")
def _add_core_init_tasks() -> None:
Declare core init scripts at runtime.
The context is important, because it allows us to select the init scripts based on
the --limit argument.
with hooks.Contexts.app("mysql").enter():
("mysql", env.read_core_template_file("jobs", "init", "mysql.sh"))
with hooks.Contexts.app("lms").enter():
feat: full edx-platform setup with `tutor dev launch -m ...` Before this commit, setting up an edx-platform development environment took multiple steps: tutor dev launch tutor dev run --mount=/path/to/edx-platform lms bash >> pip install -e . >> npm clean-install >> openedx-assets build --env=dev This commit moves the steps under ``run`` into an init task, which is automatically run by ``launch``. Thus, setup is now one command: tutor dev launch --mount=edx-platform These extra init steps are only applicable when bind-mounting edx-platform (because bind-mounting the repository overrides some important artifacts that exist on the image, which must be re-generated). Thus, the new init tasks exists early if it detects that it is *not* operating on a bind-mounted repository. Finally, we try to simplify the Open edX development docs so that it is clearer how bind-mounting fits into the development process. These bind-mounts: * ../build/openedx/themes:/openedx/themes * ../build/openedx/requirements:/openedx/requirements existed in the dev lms and cms containers, but they did not exist in the lms-job and cms-job containers. This means that themes and requirements that were *built into the image* would exist in the job containers, but live updates to the themes and requirements would not apply. To resolve this, we set ``volumes:`` on the lms-job and cms-job services so that they match the volumes for the normal lms and cms services. Part of: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/146 Closes: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/152 This works around (but does not close) these related issues: * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/150 * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/151
2023-03-15 12:31:49 +00:00
env.read_core_template_file("jobs", "init", "mounted-directories.sh"),
feat: full edx-platform setup with `tutor dev launch -m ...` Before this commit, setting up an edx-platform development environment took multiple steps: tutor dev launch tutor dev run --mount=/path/to/edx-platform lms bash >> pip install -e . >> npm clean-install >> openedx-assets build --env=dev This commit moves the steps under ``run`` into an init task, which is automatically run by ``launch``. Thus, setup is now one command: tutor dev launch --mount=edx-platform These extra init steps are only applicable when bind-mounting edx-platform (because bind-mounting the repository overrides some important artifacts that exist on the image, which must be re-generated). Thus, the new init tasks exists early if it detects that it is *not* operating on a bind-mounted repository. Finally, we try to simplify the Open edX development docs so that it is clearer how bind-mounting fits into the development process. These bind-mounts: * ../build/openedx/themes:/openedx/themes * ../build/openedx/requirements:/openedx/requirements existed in the dev lms and cms containers, but they did not exist in the lms-job and cms-job containers. This means that themes and requirements that were *built into the image* would exist in the job containers, but live updates to the themes and requirements would not apply. To resolve this, we set ``volumes:`` on the lms-job and cms-job services so that they match the volumes for the normal lms and cms services. Part of: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/146 Closes: https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/152 This works around (but does not close) these related issues: * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/150 * https://github.com/openedx/wg-developer-experience/issues/151
2023-03-15 12:31:49 +00:00
# If edx-platform is mounted, then we may need to perform some setup
# before other initialization scripts can be run.
("lms", env.read_core_template_file("jobs", "init", "lms.sh"))
with hooks.Contexts.app("cms").enter():
("cms", env.read_core_template_file("jobs", "init", "cms.sh"))
@click.command("init", help="Initialise all applications")
@click.option("-l", "--limit", help="Limit initialisation to this service or plugin")
def initialise(limit: t.Optional[str]) -> t.Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
fmt.echo_info("Initialising all services...")
filter_context = hooks.Contexts.app(limit).name if limit else None
2022-11-15 15:59:19 +00:00
for service, task in hooks.Filters.CLI_DO_INIT_TASKS.iterate_from_context(
fmt.echo_info(f"Running init task in {service}")
yield service, task
fmt.echo_info("All services initialised.")
@click.command(help="Create an Open edX user and interactively set their password")
@click.option("--superuser", is_flag=True, help="Make superuser")
@click.option("--staff", is_flag=True, help="Make staff user")
help="Specify password from the command line. If undefined, you will be prompted to input a password",
def createuser(
superuser: str,
staff: bool,
password: str,
name: str,
email: str,
) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
Create an Open edX user
Password can be passed as an option or will be set interactively.
yield ("lms", create_user_template(superuser, staff, name, email, password))
def create_user_template(
superuser: str, staff: bool, username: str, email: str, password: str
) -> str:
opts = ""
if superuser:
opts += " --superuser"
if staff:
opts += " --staff"
return f"""
./manage.py lms manage_user {opts} {username} {email}
./manage.py lms shell -c "
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
u = get_user_model().objects.get(username='{username}')
@click.command(help="Import the demo course")
help="Git repository that contains the course to be imported",
help="Git relative subdirectory to import data from. If unspecified, will default to the directory containing course.xml",
help="Git branch, tag or sha1 identifier. If unspecified, will default to the value of the OPENEDX_COMMON_VERSION setting.",
def importdemocourse(
repo: str, repo_dir: str, version: t.Optional[str]
) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
version = version or "{{ OPENEDX_COMMON_VERSION }}"
template = f"""
# Clone the repo
git clone {repo} --branch {version} --depth 1 /tmp/course
# Determine root directory for course import. If one is provided, use that.
# Otherwise, use the directory containing course.xml, failing if there isn't exactly one.
if [ -n "{repo_dir}" ] ; then
course_xml_first="$(find /tmp/course -name course.xml | head -n 1)"
course_xml_extra="$(find /tmp/course -name course.xml | tail -n +2)"
echo "INFO: Found course.xml files(s): $course_xml_first $course_xml_extra"
if [ -z "$course_xml_first" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Could not find course.xml. Are you sure this is the right repository?"
exit 1
if [ -n "$course_xml_extra" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Found multiple course.xml files--course root is ambiguous!"
echo " Please specify a course root dir (relative to repo root) using --repo-dir."
exit 1
course_root="$(dirname "$course_xml_first")"
echo "INFO: Will import course data at: $course_root" && echo
# Import into CMS
python ./manage.py cms import ../data "$course_root"
# Re-index courses
./manage.py cms reindex_course --all --setup"""
yield ("cms", template)
@click.command(help="Import the demo content libraries")
help="Git repository that contains the library/libraries to be imported",
help="Git branch, tag or sha1 identifier. If unspecified, will default to the value of the OPENEDX_COMMON_VERSION setting.",
def importdemolibraries(
owner_username: str, repo: str, version: t.Optional[str]
) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
version = version or "{{ OPENEDX_COMMON_VERSION }}"
template = f"""
# Clone the repo
git clone {repo} --branch {version} --depth 1 /tmp/library
# Fail loudly if:
# * there no library.xml files, or
# * any library.xml is not within a directory named "library/" (upstream edx-platform expectation).
if ! find /tmp/library -name library.xml | grep -q "." ; then
echo "ERROR: No library.xml files found in repository. Are you sure this is the right repository and version?"
exit 1
# For every library.xml file, create a tar of its parent directory, and import into CMS.
for lib_root in $(find /tmp/library -name library.xml | xargs dirname) ; do
echo "INFO: Will import library at $lib_root"
if [ "$(basename "$lib_root")" != "library" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: can only import library.xml files that are within a directory named 'library'"
exit 1
rm -rf /tmp/library.tar.gz
( cd "$(dirname "$lib_root")" && tar czvf /tmp/library.tar.gz library )
yes | ./manage.py cms import_content_library /tmp/library.tar.gz {owner_username}
yield ("cms", template)
help="Print the value of an edx-platform Django setting.",
type=click.Choice(["lms", "cms"]),
help="Service to fetch the setting from",
def print_edx_platform_setting(
setting: str, service: str
) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
command = f"./manage.py {service} shell -c 'from django.conf import settings; print(settings.{setting})'"
yield (service, command)
"Limit the theme to these domain names. By default, the theme is "
"applied to the LMS and the CMS, both in development and production mode"
def settheme(domains: list[str], theme_name: str) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
Assign a theme to the LMS and the CMS.
To reset to the default theme , use 'default' as the theme name.
yield ("lms", set_theme_template(theme_name, domains))
def set_theme_template(theme_name: str, domain_names: list[str]) -> str:
For each domain, get or create a Site object and assign the selected theme.
# Note that there are no double quotes " in this piece of code
python_command = """
import sys
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
def assign_theme(name, domain):
print('Assigning theme', name, 'to', domain)
if len(domain) > 50:
'Assigning a theme to a site with a long (> 50 characters) domain name.'
' The displayed site name will be truncated to 50 characters.\\n'
site, _ = Site.objects.get_or_create(domain=domain)
if not site.name:
name_max_length = Site._meta.get_field('name').max_length
site.name = domain[:name_max_length]
if name != 'default':
domain_names = domain_names or [
"{{ LMS_HOST }}",
"{{ LMS_HOST }}:8000",
"{{ CMS_HOST }}",
"{{ CMS_HOST }}:8001",
"{{ PREVIEW_LMS_HOST }}:8000",
for domain_name in domain_names:
python_command += f"assign_theme('{theme_name}', '{domain_name}')\n"
return f'./manage.py lms shell -c "{python_command}"'
@click.command(context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True})
@click.argument("args", nargs=-1)
def sqlshell(args: list[str]) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
Open an SQL shell as root
Extra arguments will be passed to the `mysql` command verbatim. For instance, to
show tables from the "openedx" database, run `do sqlshell openedx -e 'show tables'`.
command = "mysql --user={{ MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME }} --password={{ MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD }} --host={{ MYSQL_HOST }} --port={{ MYSQL_PORT }} --default-character-set=utf8mb3"
if args:
command += " " + shlex.join(args) # pylint: disable=protected-access
yield ("lms", command)
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
def add_job_commands(do_command_group: click.Group) -> None:
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
This is meant to be called with the `local/dev/k8s do` group commands, to add the
different `do` subcommands.
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
for subcommand in hooks.Filters.CLI_DO_COMMANDS.iterate():
assert isinstance(subcommand, click.Command)
def _patch_do_commands_callbacks() -> None:
After plugins have been loaded, patch `do` subcommands such that their output is
forwarded to `do_callback`.
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
This function is not called as part of add_job_commands because subcommands must be
patched just once.
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
for subcommand in hooks.Filters.CLI_DO_COMMANDS.iterate():
if not isinstance(subcommand, click.Command):
raise ValueError(
f"Command {subcommand} which was added to the CLI_DO_COMMANDS filter must be an instance of click.Command"
# Modify the subcommand callback such that job results are processed by do_callback
if subcommand.callback is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot patch None callback")
if subcommand.name is None:
raise ValueError("Defined job with None name")
subcommand.callback = _patch_callback(subcommand.name, subcommand.callback)
P = ParamSpec("P")
def _patch_callback(
job_name: str, func: t.Callable[P, t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]]
) -> t.Callable[P, None]:
Modify a subcommand callback function such that its results are processed by `do_callback`.
def new_callback(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> None:
2022-11-15 15:59:19 +00:00
hooks.Actions.DO_JOB.do(job_name, *args, **kwargs)
do_callback(func(*args, **kwargs))
# Make the new callback behave like the old one
functools.update_wrapper(new_callback, func)
return new_callback
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
def do_callback(service_commands: t.Iterable[tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
This function must be added as a callback to all `do` subcommands.
`do` subcommands don't actually run any task. They just yield tuples of (service
name, unrendered script string). This function is responsible for actually running
the scripts. It does the following:
- Prefix the script with a base command
- Render the script string
- Run a job in the right container
This callback is added to the "do" subcommands by the `add_job_commands` function.
context = click.get_current_context().obj
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = context.job_runner(config)
for service, command in service_commands:
runner.run_task_from_str(service, command)
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00
2022-11-24 17:20:23 +00:00