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from tutor import config as tutor_config
from tutor import fmt
from tutor.commands import k8s
from tutor.commands.context import Context
from tutor.types import Config
feat: migrate to plugins.v1 with filters & actions This is a very large refactoring which aims at making Tutor both more extendable and more generic. Historically, the Tutor plugin system was designed as an ad-hoc solution to allow developers to modify their own Open edX platforms without having to fork Tutor. The plugin API was simple, but limited, because of its ad-hoc nature. As a consequence, there were many things that plugin developers could not do, such as extending different parts of the CLI or adding custom template filters. Here, we refactor the whole codebase to make use of a generic plugin system. This system was inspired by the Wordpress plugin API and the Open edX "hooks and filters" API. The various components are added to a small core thanks to a set of actions and filters. Actions are callback functions that can be triggered at different points of the application lifecycle. Filters are functions that modify some data. Both actions and filters are collectively named as "hooks". Hooks can optionally be created within a certain context, which makes it easier to keep track of which application created which callback. This new hooks system allows us to provide a Python API that developers can use to extend their applications. The API reference is added to the documentation, along with a new plugin development tutorial. The plugin v0 API remains supported for backward compatibility of existing plugins. Done: - Do not load commands from plugins which are not enabled. - Load enabled plugins once on start. - Implement contexts for actions and filters, which allow us to keep track of the source of every hook. - Migrate patches - Migrate commands - Migrate plugin detection - Migrate templates_root - Migrate config - Migrate template environment globals and filters - Migrate hooks to tasks - Generate hook documentation - Generate patch reference documentation - Add the concept of action priority Close #499.
2022-02-07 17:11:43 +00:00
from . import common as common_upgrade
def upgrade_from(context: Context, from_release: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
running_release = from_release
if running_release == "ironwood":
running_release = "juniper"
if running_release == "juniper":
running_release = "koa"
if running_release == "koa":
running_release = "lilac"
if running_release == "lilac":
running_release = "maple"
def upgrade_from_ironwood(config: Config) -> None:
if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]:
"You are not running MongoDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to v3.6. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade from Ironwood."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Ironwood, you should upgrade
your MongoDb cluster from v3.2 to v3.6. You should run something similar to:
# Upgrade from v3.2 to v3.4
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:3.4.24
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" })'
# Upgrade from v3.4 to v3.6
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:3.6.18
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" })'
tutor config save --unset DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB"""
def upgrade_from_juniper(config: Config) -> None:
if not config["RUN_MYSQL"]:
"You are not running MySQL (RUN_MYSQL=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MySQL instance to v5.7. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade from Juniper."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Juniper, you should upgrade
your MySQL database from v5.6 to v5.7. You should run something similar to:
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mysql bash -e -c "mysql_upgrade \
-u $(tutor config printvalue MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME) \
--password='$(tutor config printvalue MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD)'
def upgrade_from_koa(config: Config) -> None:
if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]:
"You are not running MongoDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to v4.0. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade to Lilac from Koa."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Koa to Lilac, you should upgrade
your MongoDb cluster from v3.6 to v4.0. You should run something similar to:
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:4.0.25
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.0" })'
tutor config save --unset DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB
def upgrade_from_lilac(config: Config) -> None:
"All Kubernetes services and deployments need to be deleted during "
"upgrade from Lilac to Maple"
k8s.delete_resources(config, resources=["deployments", "services"])