Tutor can be used on ARM64 systems, although no official ARM64 docker images are available. If you want to get started quickly, there is `an unofficial community-maintained ARM64 plugin <https://github.com/open-craft/tutor-contrib-arm64>`_ which will set the required settings for you and which includes unofficial docker images. If you prefer not to use an unofficial plugin, you can follow this tutorial.
..note:: There are generally two ways to run Tutor on an ARM system - using emulation (via qemu or Rosetta 2) to run x86_64 images or running native ARM images. Since emulation can be noticeably slower (typically 20-100% slower depending on the emulation method), this tutorial aims to use native images where possible.
..note:: For Open edX developers, if you want to use the :ref:`nightly <nightly>` version of Tutor to "run master", install Tutor using git and check out the ``nightly`` branch of Tutor at this point. See the :ref:`nightly documentation <nightly>` for details.
Next, configure Tutor::
tutor config save --interactive
Go through the configuration process, answering each question.