* Supported OS: Tutor runs on any 64-bit, UNIX-based OS. It was also reported to work on Windows (with `WSL 2 <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install>`__).
* Architecture: support for ARM64 is a work-in-progress. See `this issue <https://github.com/overhangio/tutor/issues/510>`__.
Do not attempt to simply run ``apt-get install docker docker-compose`` on older Ubuntu platforms, such as 16.04 (Xenial), as you will get older versions of these utilities.
On Mac OS, by default, containers are allocated 2 GB of RAM, which is not enough. You should follow `these instructions from the official Docker documentation <https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#advanced>`__ to allocate at least 4-5 GB to the Docker daemon. If the deployment fails because of insufficient memory during database migrations, check the :ref:`relevant section in the troubleshooting guide <migrations_killed>`.
Choose **one** of the installation methods below. If you install Tutor in different ways, you will end up with multiple ``tutor`` executables, which is going to be very confusing. At any time, you can check the path to your ``tutor`` executable by running ``which tutor``.
Check the "tutor" package on Pypi: https://pypi.org/project/tutor. You will need Python >= 3.6 with pip and the libyaml development headers. On Ubuntu, these requirements can be installed by running::
This is the simplest and recommended installation method for most people who do not have Python 3 on their machine. Note however that **you will not be able to use custom plugins** with this pre-compiled binary. The only plugins you can use with this approach are those that are already bundled with the binary: see the :ref:`existing plugins <existing_plugins>`.
When running a server in production, it is necessary to define `DNS records <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System#Resource_records>`__ which will make it possible to access your Open edX platform by name in your browser. The precise procedure to create DNS records varies from one provider to the next and is beyond the scope of these docs. You should create a record of type A with a name equal to your LMS hostname (given by ``tutor config printvalue LMS_HOST``) and a value that indicates the IP address of your server. Applications other than the LMS, such as the studio, ecommerce, etc. typically reside in subdomains of the LMS. Thus, you should also create a CNAME record to point all subdomains of the LMS to the LMS_HOST.
Tutor can be launched on Amazon Web Services very quickly with the `official Tutor AMI <https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07PV3TB8X>`__. Shell access is not required, as all configuration will happen through the Tutor web user interface. For detailed installation instructions, we recommend watching the following video:
To upgrade your Open edX site or benefit from the latest features and bug fixes, you should simply upgrade Tutor. Start by backing up your data and reading the `release notes <https://docs.openedx.org/en/latest/community/release_notes/>`_ for the current release.
Next, upgrade the "tutor" package and its dependencies::
Major Open edX releases are published twice a year, in June and December, by the Open edX `Build/Test/Release working group <https://discuss.openedx.org/c/working-groups/build-test-release/30>`__. When a new Open edX release comes out, Tutor gets a major version bump (see :ref:`versioning`). Such an upgrade typically includes multiple breaking changes. Any upgrade is final because downgrading is not supported. Thus, when upgrading your platform from one major version to the next, it is strongly recommended to do the following:
1. Read the changes listed in the `CHANGELOG.md <https://github.com/overhangio/tutor/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md>`__ file. Breaking changes are identified by a "💥".
2. Perform a backup. On a local installation, this is typically done with::
3. If you created custom plugins, make sure that they are compatible with the newer release.
4. Test the new release in a sandboxed environment.
5. If you are running edx-platform, or some other repository from a custom branch, then you should rebase (and test) your changes on top of the latest release tag (see :ref:`edx_platform_fork`).
The process for upgrading from one major release to the next works similarly to any other upgrade, with the ``launch`` command (see above). The single difference is that if the ``launch`` command detects that your tutor environment was generated with an older release, it will perform a few release-specific upgrade steps. These extra upgrade steps will be performed just once. But they will be ignored if you updated your local environment (for instance: with ``tutor config save``) before running ``launch``. This situation typically occurs if you need to re-build some Docker images (see above). In such a case, you should make use of the ``upgrade`` command. For instance, to upgrade a local installation from Olive to Palm and rebuild some Docker images, run::
Tutor is built on top of `Click <https://click.palletsprojects.com>`_, which is a great library for building command line interface (CLI) tools. As such, Tutor benefits from all Click features, including `auto-completion <https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.x/bashcomplete/>`_. After installing Tutor, auto-completion can be enabled in bash by running::