1. Read the error logs that appear in the console. When running a single server platform as daemon, you can view the logs with the ``tutor local logs`` command. (see :ref:`logging` below)
4. Search for your problem in the (now legacy) `Tutor community forums <https://discuss.overhang.io>`__.
5. Search for your problem in the `Open edX community forum <https://discuss.openedx.org/>`__.
6. If despite all your efforts, you can't solve the problem by yourself, you should discuss it in the `Open edX community forum <https://discuss.openedx.org>`__. Please give as many details about your problem as possible! As a rule of thumb, **people will not dedicate more time to solving your problem than you took to write your question**. You should tag your topic with "tutor" or the corresponding Tutor plugin name ("tutor-discovery", etc.) in order to notify the maintainers.
7. If you are *absolutely* positive that you are facing a technical issue with Tutor, and not with Open edX, not with your server, not your custom configuration, then, and only then, should you open an issue on `Github <https://github.com/overhangio/tutor/issues/>`__. You *must* follow the instructions from the issue template!!! If you do not follow this procedure, your Github issues will be mercilessly closed 🤯.
Do you need professional assistance with your tutor-managed Open edX platform? Overhang.IO offers online support as part of its `Long Term Support (LTS) offering <https://overhang.io/tutor/pricing>`__.
Logs are of paramount importance for debugging Tutor. When asking for help on the `Open edX forum <https://discuss.openedx.org>`__, **you should always include the unedited logs of your app**. You can get those with::
To view the logs from all containers use the ``tutor local logs`` command, which was modeled on the standard `docker-compose logs <https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/logs/>`_ command::
The containerized Caddy needs to listen to ports 80 and 443 on the host. If there is already a webserver, such as Apache, Caddy, or Nginx, running on the host, the caddy container will not be able to start. To solve this issue, check the section on :ref:`how to setup a web proxy <web_proxy>`.
This is not an error with Tutor, but with your Docker installation. This is frequently caused by a permission issue. Before running Tutor, you should be able to run::
If the above command does not work, you should fix your Docker installation. Some people will suggest running Docker as root, or with ``sudo``; **do not do this**. Instead, what you should probably do is add your user to the "docker" group. For more information, check out the `official Docker installation instructions <https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user>`__.
Open edX requires at least 4 GB RAM, in particular, to run the SQL migrations. If the ``tutor local quickstart`` command dies after displaying "Running migrations", you most probably need to buy more memory or add swap to your machine.
On macOS, by default, Docker allocates at most 2 GB of RAM to containers. ``quickstart`` tries to check your current allocation and outputs a warning if it can't find a value of at least 4 GB. You should follow `these instructions from the official Docker documentation <https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#advanced>`__ to allocate at least 4-5 GB to the Docker daemon.
If migrations were killed halfway, there is a good chance that the MySQL database is in a state that is hard to recover from. The easiest way to recover is simply to delete all the MySQL data and restart the quickstart process. After you have allocated more memory to the Docker daemon, run::
This might occur when you run a ``paver`` command. ``/dev/null`` eats the actual error, so you will have to run the command manually. Run ``tutor dev shell lms`` (or ``tutor dev shell cms``) to open a bash session and then::
By default, Open edX comes with a `limited set <https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/conf/locale/config.yaml>` of translation/localization files. To complement these languages, we add locales from the `openedx-i18n project <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-i18n/blob/master/edx-platform/locale/config-extra.yaml>`_. But not all supported locales are downloaded. In some cases, the chosen default language will not display properly because it was not packaged in either edx-platform or openedx-i18n. If you feel like your language should be packaged, please `open an issue on the openedx-i18n project <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-i18n/issues>`_.