With the same docker images we created for :ref:`single server deployment <local>` and :ref:`local development <development>`, we can launch an Open edX platform on Kubernetes. Always in 1 click, of course :)
Kubernetes deployment is currently an alpha feature, and we are hard at work to make it 100% reliable 🛠️ If you are interested in deploying Open edX to Kubernetes, please get in touch! Your input will be much appreciated.
In the following, we assume you have a working Kubernetes platform. For a start, you can run Kubernetes locally inside a VM with Minikube. Just follow the `official documentation <https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/minikube/>`_.
When minikube starts, it spawns a virtual machine (VM) which you can configure in your VM manager: on most platforms, this is Virtualbox. You should configure your VM to have at least 4Gb RAM; otherwise, database migrations will crash halfway, and that's a nasty issue...
With Kubernetes, your Open edX platform will not be available at localhost or studio.localhost. Instead, you will have to access your platform with the domain names you specified for the LMS and the CMS. To do so on a local computer, you will need to add the following line to /etc/hosts::
All Kubernetes resources are associated to the "openedx" namespace. If you don't see anything in the Kubernetes dashboard, you are probably looking at the wrong namespace... 😉
..image:: img/k8s-dashboard.png
:alt:Kubernetes dashboard ("openedx" namespace)
After pulling updates from the Tutor repository, you can apply changes with::
Use the token to log in the dashboard at the following url: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Missing features
For now, the following features from the local deployment are not supported: