The LMS and the CMS all run from the ``openedx`` docker image. The base image is downloaded from `Docker Hub <>`_ when we run ``make update`` (or ``make all``). But you can also customise and build the image yourself. All image-building commands must be run inside the ``build`` folder::
Comprehensive theming is enabled by default, but only the default theme is compiled. To compile your own theme, add it to the ``build/openedx/themes/`` folder::
Finally, follow the `Open edX documentation to enable your themes <>`_.
Would you like to include custom xblocks, or extra requirements to your Open edX platform? Additional requirements can be added to the ``openedx/requirements/private.txt`` file. For instance, to include the `polling xblock from Opencraft <>`_::
Then, the ``openedx`` docker image must be rebuilt::
make build-openedx
To install xblocks from a private repository that requires authentication, you must first clone the repository inside the ``openedx/requirements`` folder on the host::
You may want to run your own flavor of edx-platform instead of the `official version <>`_. To do so, you will have to re-build the openedx image with the proper environment variables pointing to your repository and version::
Note that your release must be a fork of Hawthorn in order to work. Otherwise, you may have important compatibility issues with other services. In particular, **don't try to run Tutor with older versions of Open edX**.
By default, Tutor runs the `regis/openedx <>`_ docker image from Docker Hub. If you have an account on ` <>`_ or you have a private image registry, you can build your image and push it to your registry. Then add the following content to the ``deploy/local/.env`` file::
Note that the ``make build`` and ``make push`` commands (from the ``build/`` folder) will no longer work as you expect and that you are responsible for building and pushing the image yourself.