mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-05-28 11:50:49 +00:00

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from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type
import click
from .. import config as tutor_config
from .. import env as tutor_env
from .. import exceptions, fmt, jobs, serialize, utils
from ..types import Config, get_typed
from .config import save as config_save_command
from .context import Context
class K8sClients:
_instance = None
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Loading the kubernetes module here to avoid import overhead
from kubernetes import client, config # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self._batch_api = None
self._core_api = None
self._client = client
def instance(cls: Type["K8sClients"]) -> "K8sClients":
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = cls()
return cls._instance
def batch_api(self): # type: ignore
if self._batch_api is None:
self._batch_api = self._client.BatchV1Api()
return self._batch_api
def core_api(self): # type: ignore
if self._core_api is None:
self._core_api = self._client.CoreV1Api()
return self._core_api
class K8sJobRunner(jobs.BaseJobRunner):
def load_job(self, name: str) -> Any:
all_jobs = self.render("k8s", "jobs.yml")
for job in serialize.load_all(all_jobs):
job_name = job["metadata"]["name"]
if not isinstance(job_name, str):
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"Invalid job name: '{}'. Expected str.".format(job_name)
if job_name == name:
return job
raise exceptions.TutorError("Could not find job '{}'".format(name))
def active_job_names(self) -> List[str]:
Return a list of active job names
api = K8sClients.instance().batch_api
return [
for job in api.list_namespaced_job(k8s_namespace(self.config)).items
if job.status.active
def run_job(self, service: str, command: str) -> int:
job_name = "{}-job".format(service)
job = self.load_job(job_name)
# Create a unique job name to make it deduplicate jobs and make it easier to
# find later. Logs of older jobs will remain available for some time.
job_name += "-" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# Wait until all other jobs are completed
while True:
active_jobs = self.active_job_names()
if not active_jobs:
"Waiting for active jobs to terminate: {}".format(" ".join(active_jobs))
# Configure job
job["metadata"]["name"] = job_name
job["metadata"].setdefault("labels", {})
job["metadata"]["labels"]["app.kubernetes.io/name"] = job_name
# Define k8s entrypoint/args
shell_command = ["sh", "-e", "-c"]
if job["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0].get("command") == []:
# In some cases, we need to bypass the container entrypoint.
# Unfortunately, AFAIK, there is no way to do so in K8s manifests. So we mark
# some jobs with "command: []". For these jobs, the entrypoint becomes "sh -e -c".
# We do not do this for every job, because some (most) entrypoints are actually useful.
job["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0]["command"] = shell_command
container_args = [command]
container_args = shell_command + [command]
job["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0]["args"] = container_args
job["spec"]["backoffLimit"] = 1
job["spec"]["ttlSecondsAfterFinished"] = 3600
# Save patched job to "jobs.yml" file
with open(tutor_env.pathjoin(self.root, "k8s", "jobs.yml"), "w") as job_file:
serialize.dump(job, job_file)
# We cannot use the k8s API to create the job: configMap and volume names need
# to be found with the right suffixes.
message = (
"Job {job_name} is running. To view the logs from this job, run:\n\n"
""" kubectl logs --namespace={namespace} --follow $(kubectl get --namespace={namespace} pods """
"""--selector=job-name={job_name} -o=jsonpath="{{.items[0].metadata.name}}")\n\n"""
"Waiting for job completion..."
).format(job_name=job_name, namespace=k8s_namespace(self.config))
# Wait for completion
field_selector = "metadata.name={}".format(job_name)
while True:
namespaced_jobs = K8sClients.instance().batch_api.list_namespaced_job(
k8s_namespace(self.config), field_selector=field_selector
if not namespaced_jobs.items:
job = namespaced_jobs.items[0]
if not job.status.active:
if job.status.succeeded:
fmt.echo_info("Job {} successful.".format(job_name))
if job.status.failed:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"Job {} failed. View the job logs to debug this issue.".format(
return 0
2019-10-08 20:25:31 +00:00
@click.group(help="Run Open edX on Kubernetes")
def k8s() -> None:
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="Configure and run Open edX from scratch")
@click.option("-I", "--non-interactive", is_flag=True, help="Run non-interactively")
def quickstart(context: click.Context, non_interactive: bool) -> None:
click.echo(fmt.title("Interactive platform configuration"))
interactive=(not non_interactive),
config = tutor_config.load(context.obj.root)
if not config["ENABLE_WEB_PROXY"]:
"Potentially invalid configuration: ENABLE_WEB_PROXY=false\n"
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
"This setting might have been defined because you previously set WEB_PROXY=true. This is no longer"
" necessary in order to get Tutor to work on Kubernetes. In Tutor v11+ a Caddy-based load balancer is"
" provided out of the box to handle SSL/TLS certificate generation at runtime. If you disable this"
" service, you will have to configure an Ingress resource and a certificate manager yourself to redirect"
" traffic to the caddy service. See the Kubernetes section in the Tutor documentation for more"
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
" information."
click.echo(fmt.title("Updating the current environment"))
tutor_env.save(context.obj.root, config)
click.echo(fmt.title("Starting the platform"))
click.echo(fmt.title("Database creation and migrations"))
context.invoke(init, limit=None)
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
"""Your Open edX platform is ready and can be accessed at the following urls:
http="https" if config["ENABLE_HTTPS"] else "http",
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
short_help="Run all configured Open edX resources",
"Run all configured Open edX resources. You may limit this command to "
"some resources by passing name arguments."
@click.argument("names", metavar="name", nargs=-1)
def start(context: Context, names: List[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
# Create namespace, if necessary
# Note that this step should not be run for some users, in particular those
# who do not have permission to edit the namespace.
utils.kubectl("get", "namespaces", k8s_namespace(config))
fmt.echo_info("Namespace already exists: skipping creation.")
except exceptions.TutorError:
fmt.echo_info("Namespace does not exist: now creating it...")
names = names or ["all"]
for name in names:
if name == "all":
# Create volumes
# Create everything else except jobs
"app.kubernetes.io/component notin (job,volume,namespace)",
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
short_help="Stop a running platform",
"Stop a running platform by deleting all resources, except for volumes. "
"You may limit this command to some resources by passing name arguments."
@click.argument("names", metavar="name", nargs=-1)
def stop(context: Context, names: List[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
names = names or ["all"]
resource_types = "deployments,services,configmaps,jobs"
not_lb_selector = "app.kubernetes.io/component!=loadbalancer"
for name in names:
if name == "all":
*resource_selector(config, not_lb_selector),
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="Reboot an existing platform")
def reboot(context: click.Context) -> None:
@click.command(help="Completely delete an existing platform")
@click.option("-y", "--yes", is_flag=True, help="Do not ask for confirmation")
def delete(context: Context, yes: bool) -> None:
if not yes:
"Are you sure you want to delete the platform? All data will be removed.",
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="Initialise all applications")
@click.option("-l", "--limit", help="Limit initialisation to this service or plugin")
def init(context: Context, limit: Optional[str]) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = K8sJobRunner(context.root, config)
feat: upgrade to Maple - A shared cookie domain between lms and cms is no longer recommended: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/guides/studio_oauth.rst - refactor: clean mounted data folder in lms/cms. In Lilac, the bind-mounted lms/data and cms/data folders are a mess because new folders are created there for every new course organisation. These folders are empty. As far as we know they are useless... With this change we move these folders to a dedicated "modulestore" subdirectory; which corresponds better to the initial intent of the fs_root setting. - fix: frontend failure during login to the lms. See: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/104 - feat: move all forum-related code to a dedicated plugin. Forum is an optional feature, and as such it deserves its own plugin. Starting from Maple, users will be able to install the forum from https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-forum/ - migrate from DCS_* session cookie settings to SESSION_*. That's because edx-platform no longer depends on django-cookies-samesite. Close https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/110 - get rid of tons of deprecation warnings in the lms/cms - feat: make it possible to point to themed assets. Cherry-picking this change makes it possible to point to themed assets with a theme-agnostic url, notably from MFEs. - Install all official plugins as part of the `tutor[full]` package. - Don't print error messages about loading plugins during autocompletion. - Prompt for image building when upgrading from one release to the next. - Add `tutor local start --skip-build` option to skip building Docker images. Close #450. Close #545.
2021-10-18 09:43:40 +00:00
wait_for_pod_ready(config, "caddy")
for name in ["elasticsearch", "mysql", "mongodb"]:
if tutor_config.is_service_activated(config, name):
wait_for_pod_ready(config, name)
jobs.initialise(runner, limit_to=limit)
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="Scale the number of replicas of a given deployment")
@click.argument("replicas", type=int)
def scale(context: Context, deployment: str, replicas: int) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
# Note that we don't use the full resource selector because selectors
# are not compatible with the deployment/<name> argument.
@click.command(help="Create an Open edX user and interactively set their password")
@click.option("--superuser", is_flag=True, help="Make superuser")
@click.option("--staff", is_flag=True, help="Make staff user")
help="Specify password from the command line. If undefined, you will be prompted to input a password",
def createuser(
context: Context, superuser: str, staff: bool, password: str, name: str, email: str
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
command = jobs.create_user_command(superuser, staff, name, email, password=password)
# This needs to be interactive in case the user needs to type a password
kubectl_exec(config, "lms", command, attach=True)
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="Import the demo course")
def importdemocourse(context: Context) -> None:
2019-05-11 22:10:14 +00:00
fmt.echo_info("Importing demo course")
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = K8sJobRunner(context.root, config)
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
help="Assign a theme to the LMS and the CMS. To reset to the default theme , use 'default' as the theme name."
"Limit the theme to these domain names. By default, the theme is "
"applied to the LMS and the CMS, both in development and production mode"
def settheme(context: Context, domains: List[str], theme_name: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
runner = K8sJobRunner(context.root, config)
domains = domains or jobs.get_all_openedx_domains(config)
jobs.set_theme(theme_name, domains, runner)
@click.command(name="exec", help="Execute a command in a pod of the given application")
def exec_command(context: Context, service: str, command: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
kubectl_exec(config, service, command, attach=True)
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
@click.command(help="View output from containers")
@click.option("-c", "--container", help="Print the logs of this specific container")
@click.option("-f", "--follow", is_flag=True, help="Follow log output")
@click.option("--tail", type=int, help="Number of lines to show from each container")
def logs(
context: Context, container: str, follow: bool, tail: bool, service: str
) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
command = ["logs"]
selectors = ["app.kubernetes.io/name=" + service] if service else []
command += resource_selector(config, *selectors)
if container:
command += ["-c", container]
if follow:
command += ["--follow"]
if tail is not None:
command += ["--tail", str(tail)]
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
@click.command(help="Wait for a pod to become ready")
def wait(context: Context, name: str) -> None:
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
wait_for_pod_ready(config, name)
@click.command(help="Upgrade from a previous Open edX named release")
feat: upgrade to Maple - A shared cookie domain between lms and cms is no longer recommended: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/guides/studio_oauth.rst - refactor: clean mounted data folder in lms/cms. In Lilac, the bind-mounted lms/data and cms/data folders are a mess because new folders are created there for every new course organisation. These folders are empty. As far as we know they are useless... With this change we move these folders to a dedicated "modulestore" subdirectory; which corresponds better to the initial intent of the fs_root setting. - fix: frontend failure during login to the lms. See: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/104 - feat: move all forum-related code to a dedicated plugin. Forum is an optional feature, and as such it deserves its own plugin. Starting from Maple, users will be able to install the forum from https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-forum/ - migrate from DCS_* session cookie settings to SESSION_*. That's because edx-platform no longer depends on django-cookies-samesite. Close https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/110 - get rid of tons of deprecation warnings in the lms/cms - feat: make it possible to point to themed assets. Cherry-picking this change makes it possible to point to themed assets with a theme-agnostic url, notably from MFEs. - Install all official plugins as part of the `tutor[full]` package. - Don't print error messages about loading plugins during autocompletion. - Prompt for image building when upgrading from one release to the next. - Add `tutor local start --skip-build` option to skip building Docker images. Close #450. Close #545.
2021-10-18 09:43:40 +00:00
type=click.Choice(["ironwood", "juniper", "koa", "lilac"]),
def upgrade(context: Context, from_version: str) -> None:
config = tutor_config.load(context.root)
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
running_version = from_version
if running_version == "ironwood":
running_version = "juniper"
if running_version == "juniper":
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
running_version = "koa"
if running_version == "koa":
running_version = "lilac"
feat: upgrade to Maple - A shared cookie domain between lms and cms is no longer recommended: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/guides/studio_oauth.rst - refactor: clean mounted data folder in lms/cms. In Lilac, the bind-mounted lms/data and cms/data folders are a mess because new folders are created there for every new course organisation. These folders are empty. As far as we know they are useless... With this change we move these folders to a dedicated "modulestore" subdirectory; which corresponds better to the initial intent of the fs_root setting. - fix: frontend failure during login to the lms. See: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/104 - feat: move all forum-related code to a dedicated plugin. Forum is an optional feature, and as such it deserves its own plugin. Starting from Maple, users will be able to install the forum from https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-forum/ - migrate from DCS_* session cookie settings to SESSION_*. That's because edx-platform no longer depends on django-cookies-samesite. Close https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/110 - get rid of tons of deprecation warnings in the lms/cms - feat: make it possible to point to themed assets. Cherry-picking this change makes it possible to point to themed assets with a theme-agnostic url, notably from MFEs. - Install all official plugins as part of the `tutor[full]` package. - Don't print error messages about loading plugins during autocompletion. - Prompt for image building when upgrading from one release to the next. - Add `tutor local start --skip-build` option to skip building Docker images. Close #450. Close #545.
2021-10-18 09:43:40 +00:00
if running_version == "lilac":
# Nothing to do here
running_version = "maple"
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
def upgrade_from_ironwood(config: Config) -> None:
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]:
"You are not running MongDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to v3.6. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade from Ironwood."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Ironwood, you should upgrade
your MongoDb cluster from v3.2 to v3.6. You should run something similar to:
# Upgrade from v3.2 to v3.4
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:3.4.24
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" })'
# Upgrade from v3.4 to v3.6
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:3.6.18
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" })'
tutor config save --unset DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB"""
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
def upgrade_from_juniper(config: Config) -> None:
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00
if not config["RUN_MYSQL"]:
"You are not running MySQL (RUN_MYSQL=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MySQL instance to v5.7. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade from Juniper."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Juniper, you should upgrade
your MySQL database from v5.6 to v5.7. You should run something similar to:
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mysql bash -e -c "mysql_upgrade \
-u $(tutor config printvalue MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME) \
--password='$(tutor config printvalue MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD)'
def upgrade_from_koa(config: Config) -> None:
if not config["RUN_MONGODB"]:
"You are not running MongDB (RUN_MONGODB=false). It is your "
"responsibility to upgrade your MongoDb instance to v4.0. There is "
"nothing left to do to upgrade to Lilac from Koa."
message = """Automatic release upgrade is unsupported in Kubernetes. To upgrade from Koa to Lilac, you should upgrade
your MongoDb cluster from v3.6 to v4.0. You should run something similar to:
tutor k8s stop
tutor config save --set DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB=mongo:4.0.25
tutor k8s start
tutor k8s exec mongodb mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.0" })'
tutor config save --unset DOCKER_IMAGE_MONGODB
def kubectl_exec(
config: Config, service: str, command: str, attach: bool = False
) -> int:
selector = "app.kubernetes.io/name={}".format(service)
pods = K8sClients.instance().core_api.list_namespaced_pod(
namespace=k8s_namespace(config), label_selector=selector
if not pods.items:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"Could not find an active pod for the {} service".format(service)
pod_name = pods.items[0].metadata.name
# Run command
attach_opts = ["-i", "-t"] if attach else []
return utils.kubectl(
def wait_for_pod_ready(config: Config, service: str) -> None:
fmt.echo_info("Waiting for a {} pod to be ready...".format(service))
*resource_selector(config, "app.kubernetes.io/name={}".format(service)),
2019-04-23 07:57:55 +00:00
def resource_selector(config: Config, *selectors: str) -> List[str]:
Convenient utility to filter the resources that belong to this project.
selector = ",".join(
["app.kubernetes.io/instance=openedx-" + get_typed(config, "ID", str)]
+ list(selectors)
return resource_namespace_selector(config) + ["--selector=" + selector]
def resource_namespace_selector(config: Config) -> List[str]:
Convenient utility to filter the resources that belong to this project namespace.
return ["--namespace", k8s_namespace(config)]
def k8s_namespace(config: Config) -> str:
return get_typed(config, "K8S_NAMESPACE", str)
v11.0.0 (2020-12-09) - 💥[Improvement] Upgrade Open edX to Koa - 💥 Setting changes: - The ``ACTIVATE_HTTPS`` setting was renamed to ``ENABLE_HTTPS``. - Other ``ACTIVATE_*`` variables were all renamed to ``RUN_*``. - The ``WEB_PROXY`` setting was removed and ``RUN_CADDY`` was added. - The ``NGINX_HTTPS_PORT`` setting is deprecated. - Architectural changes: - Use Caddy as a web proxy for automated SSL/TLS certificate generation: - Nginx no longer listens to port 443 for https traffic - The Caddy configuration file comes with a new ``caddyfile`` patch for much simpler SSL/TLS management. - Configuration files for web proxies are no longer provided. - Kubernetes deployment no longer requires setting up a custom Ingress resource or custom manager. - Gunicorn and Whitenoise are replaced by uwsgi: this increases boostrap performance and makes it no longer necessary to mount media folders in the Nginx container. - Replace memcached and rabbitmq by redis. - Additional features: - Make it possible to disable all plugins at once with ``plugins disable all``. - Add ``tutor k8s wait`` command to wait for a pod to become ready - Faster, more reliable static assets with local memory caching - Deprecation: proxy files for Apache and Nginx are no longer provided out of the box. - Removed plugin `{{ patch (...) }}` statements: - "https-create", "k8s-ingress-rules", "k8s-ingress-tls-hosts": these are no longer necessary. Instead, declare your app in the "caddyfile" patch. - "local-docker-compose-nginx-volumes": this patch was primarily used to serve media assets. The recommended is now to serve assets with uwsgi.
2020-09-17 10:53:14 +00:00