mirror of https://github.com/ChristianLight/tutor.git synced 2024-06-02 06:10:47 +00:00

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import pkg_resources
from . import exceptions
Tutor plugins are regular python packages that have a 'tutor.plugin.v1' entrypoint. This
entrypoint must point to a module or a class that implements I don't know what (yet).
# TODO switch to v1
ENTRYPOINT = "tutor.plugin.v0"
class Patches:
Provide a patch cache on which we can conveniently iterate without having to parse again all plugin patches for every environment file.
The CACHE static attribute is a dict of the form:
"patchname": {
"pluginname": "patch content",
CACHE = {}
def __init__(self, config, name):
self.name = name
if not self.CACHE:
def __iter__(self):
plugin name (str)
patch content (str)
plugin_patches = self.CACHE.get(self.name, {})
plugins = sorted(plugin_patches.keys())
for plugin in plugins:
yield plugin, plugin_patches[plugin]
def fill_cache(cls, config):
for plugin_name, plugin in iter_enabled(config):
patches = get_callable_attr(plugin, "patches")
for patch_name, content in patches.items():
if patch_name not in cls.CACHE:
cls.CACHE[patch_name] = {}
cls.CACHE[patch_name][plugin_name] = content
def get_callable_attr(plugin, attr_name):
attr = getattr(plugin, attr_name, {})
if callable(attr):
# TODO pass config here for initialization
attr = attr()
return attr
def is_installed(name):
plugin_names = [name for name, _ in iter_installed()]
return name in plugin_names
def iter_installed():
for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ENTRYPOINT):
yield entrypoint.name, entrypoint.load()
def enable(config, name):
if not is_installed(name):
raise exceptions.TutorError("plugin '{}' is not installed.".format(name))
if is_enabled(config, name):
if CONFIG_KEY not in config:
config[CONFIG_KEY] = []
def iter_enabled(config):
for name, plugin in iter_installed():
if is_enabled(config, name):
yield name, plugin
def is_enabled(config, name):
return name in config.get(CONFIG_KEY, [])
def iter_patches(config, name):
for plugin, patch in Patches(config, name):
yield plugin, patch
def load_config(config):
TODO Return:
add_config (dict): config key/values to add, if they are not already present
set_config (dict): config key/values to set and override existing values
add_config = {}
set_config = {}
defaults_config = {}
for plugin_name, plugin in iter_enabled(config):
plugin_prefix = plugin_name.upper() + "_"
plugin_config = get_callable_attr(plugin, "config")
# Add new config key/values
for key, value in plugin_config.get("add", {}).items():
add_config[plugin_prefix + key] = value
# Set existing config key/values
for key, value in plugin_config.get("set", {}).items():
# TODO crash in case of conflicting keys between plugins
# If key already exists
set_config[key] = value
# Create new defaults
for key, value in plugin_config.get("defaults", {}).items():
defaults_config[plugin_prefix + key] = value
return add_config, set_config, defaults_config
def iter_scripts(config, script_name):
Scripts are of the form:
scripts = {
"script-name": [
"service": "service-name",
"command": "...",
for plugin_name, plugin in iter_enabled(config):
scripts = get_callable_attr(plugin, "scripts")
for script in scripts.get(script_name, []):
yield plugin_name, script["service"], script["command"]
except KeyError as e:
raise exceptions.TutorError(
"plugin script configuration requires key '{}'".format(e.args[0])